
Should Scotland be an independent country?

Should Scotland be an independent country?

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further up the road, this afternoon, though below the snowline...

More Europe.
@Hugh Yet more chaff and I’m sure you’ll provide a lot more obnoxious ammunition yet.

Oh, it’s ‘half a millenium’ man. lol.

Yes, I will continue to ask the questions you and others fail to answer. That’s because I believe Scotland will not be better off outside the UK. As a citizen of the UK I am entitled to that opinion no matter how much you and your ignorant friends want to close down the thread.

Not like you to misrepresent what someone says Brian. Oh wait, It is.
What I said was that Scottish Independence would be very difficult in the short term, but the decision was not about a 5 to 10 year timeline, but for 500 years i.e. the long term. But you knew that and decided to be an arse about it which is entirely typical.

As Ive said before, I’m genuinely puzzled why the Tories don’t allow Scottish independence. This would lock in a Tory majority government in England for generations/ forever. Maybe that’s more to do with your objection to Scottish independence.
Not like you to misrepresent what someone says Brian. Oh wait, It is.
What I said was that Scottish Independence would be very difficult in the short term, but the decision was not about a 5 to 10 year timeline, but for 500 years i.e. the long term. But you knew that and decided to be an arse about it which is entirely typical.

As Ive said before, I’m genuinely puzzled why the Tories don’t allow Scottish independence. This would lock in a Tory majority government in England for generations/ forever. Maybe that’s more to do with your objection to Scottish independence.
Cos they is Unionists! Just ask the good folk of Northern Ireland about the Conservative party's commitment to the Union.
Cos they is Unionists! Just ask the good folk of Northern Ireland about the Conservative party's commitment to the Union.
Ah, beat me to it Kendo.

Northern Ireland is getting booted out of the UK Customs zone without even being asked for their opinion so I don’t think Johnson will need much persuasion to get Independence done just as soon as it suits him. We might not even need a referendum.

You can almost hear the nervous laughter in Welsh Conservative and Unionist constituency clubs.
As Ive said before, I’m genuinely puzzled why the Tories don’t allow Scottish independence. This would lock in a Tory majority government in England for generations/ forever.

Perhaps because they and their rich 'non dom' mates own so much of the land here as they tax dodge. :)
Not like you to misrepresent what someone says Brian. Oh wait, It is.
What I said was that Scottish Independence would be very difficult in the short term, but the decision was not about a 5 to 10 year timeline, but for 500 years i.e. the long term. But you knew that and decided to be an arse about it which is entirely typical.

As Ive said before, I’m genuinely puzzled why the Tories don’t allow Scottish independence. This would lock in a Tory majority government in England for generations/ forever. Maybe that’s more to do with your objection to Scottish independence.
Hi Col,

It is not typical of me to misrepresent people. However, what’s good for the goose, etc.

This was your recent misrepresentation
Do have memory issues, or is this a case of you dishing it out then whinging when it comes back? You knew exactly what I meant but you decided to be an arse about it. I won’t mention the alternative.

Why don’t you give it a rest? Just accept I like Scots, I like Scotland and I don’t think Scotland will be better off leaving the UK. I want the UK to remain intact. I’m entitled to the pov and I’m entitled to pose questions to those who support breaking up the UK. You’re entitled not to provide any answers and you’re doing very well on that.
Perhaps because they and their rich 'non dom' mates own so much of the land here as they tax dodge. :)
Dacre has been getting over £200k pa in EU subsidies for his ecologically decimated shooting estate in Scotland. That’ll end now and soon I want to see him dealt finally with through land reform legislation,
What I said was that Scottish Independence would be very difficult in the short term, but the decision was not about a 5 to 10 year timeline, but for 500 years i.e. the long term. But you knew that and decided to be an arse about it which is entirely typical.

I'm curious, you obviously have supernormal insight into the future, so what will the state of the planet be like in 500 years? I mean will we have a barren ecological disaster on our hands or will the planet have found the technology to survive climate change? More importantly, will Rangers have won the league by then or will Celtic be celebrating 508 in a row?
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eeeee i have no idea where you get that from? it's not anything i hear around and about. .

How about this then. A few posts down. Such sentiments seem manifold here. Do a search. It's in a similar vein to the thick racists generalisations.

Perhaps because they and their rich 'non dom' mates own so much of the land here as they tax dodge. :)
Just an example of the generalisations that are bandied ....
We had dinner with old friends tonight and their two 16 year old kids took part in a mock GE at the school. 78% voted SNP, the next largest vote was for the Greens with Labour and the Tories an insignificant tail at the end.

How about this then. A few posts down. Such sentiments seem manifold here. Do a search. It's in a similar vein to the thick racists generalisations.
Just an example of the generalisations that are bandied ....[/QUOTE]

Hah! Were you around here for the 1st Indyref discussions? We (SNP voters) were...(cue thunder)...Nazis! According to some.
I can think of one definite and two other possible recent contributors on this topic who have posted specifically anti-English stuff, hardly "blanket" or "manifold" is it?
As ever, Westminster and it's failings are at the root of the situation. If there actually was an Anglophobic problem up here, don't you think the MSM would be all over it? It does exist but at a "trace" level, a tiny minority.
We had dinner with old friends tonight and their two 16 year old kids took part in a mock GE at the school. 78% voted SNP, the next largest vote was for the Greens with Labour and the Tories an insignificant tail at the end.
You should have asked them what Sturgeon can do when the Tories refuse to permit a referendum.
How about this then. A few posts down. Such sentiments seem manifold here. Do a search. It's in a similar vein to the thick racists generalisations.]

Jim Audiomisc said:
Perhaps because they and their rich 'non dom' mates own so much of the land here as they tax dodge.

Just an example of the generalisations that are bandied ....

i had no idea you had such a massive chip on your shoulder from such a small, insignificant, bog-ridden race like oursleves.

but...did i not read somewhere above that your quoted exemplar in fact comes from dahhhn saff. london?
You should have asked them what Sturgeon can do when the Tories refuse to permit a referendum.

the error is not so much in the asking, but in the colonialist overlord refusal. what does it matter what she can or can't do? she has indicated that any ref should be legal and constitutional. maybe you can tell us? if nothing, then it's nothing
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i had no idea you had such a massive chip on your shoulder from such a small, insignificant, bog-ridden race like oursleves.

but...did i not read somewhere above that your quoted exemplar in fact comes from dahhhn saff. london?

Pointing out examples does not constitute massive chip.
As all too often, balanced examples from folk who are essentiallt partisan, and I can’t be bothered to list the many, results in personal attacks not within aup.

The chips not mine sir. I really could not care what Scotland does, merely point out ‘there be dragons. ‘
Ah, not so far from Mugdock then? Looks a fine spot!

not too far, no. mugdock is my wander of choice at lunchtimes when i am working at home. great place for emptying the old brain (not that there's too much needing emptied!)

