
Should Scotland be an independent country?

Should Scotland be an independent country?

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That's your decision, is it?
That seems to indicate that "many folk" are perhaps a little confused. The Government of the UK isn't the same as the people of England. Although it is an understandable conflation given the way recent UK Governments have behaved, inc. manipulating those people.

To be aware of, and object to, the way 'Westminster' and the weathly backers of the Tories, etc, have been treating people in Scotland, isn't a synonym for what you describe. Indeed, I'd say that the people in *England* are also urgently in need of being rid of the behaviour of recent and current Westminster Governments and the antics of its wealthy backers.

The reality seems to be that the relevant politicians and money-men don't care about *any* of the rest of us - throughout the UK - and treat us all as a source of wealth, power, and convenient pawns they can move or destroy for their own purposes.

Personally, I've often been inclined to the idea that 'Scots Independence' could mean extending the offer to other parts of the UK. It would be interesting if that were to extend to everywhere except perhaps 'The City' and a few of the poshest bits of SE England where the rich folk gamble... erm gambol. But this seems unlikely, so maybe may end up being Scots Independence, perhaps followed by NI going to become part of Eire, and even Welsh Independence. Up to those involved to decide, in my view. Not on the basis of hate of any other populations, but on being able to duck out of what comes to be felt as unwelcome and inappropriate rule by distant people who don't seem to take you into account.

All that said, as before I've not made up my own mind on this. But I can quite understand why many will prefer independence from being Governed/treated as we have been in recent years... and which looks like it may get worse, against our preferences.

Slainte. :)

100% with you on that Jim.

I'm not BJ, but if I was, I'd not prevent Sturgeon from 'putting it to the people' asap.

There's simply been just too much division and anger in recent years.

Am on my forth pint of Banks's, so forgive any slurrrrr.
Thread’s turned into an episode of Jeremy Kyle show. pfm members support Scotland’s independence by 57% to 37%. That’s the kind of majority we need to work on building in Scotland and Bullingdon is going to help us do it.
Although I voted for an independent Scotland I would be prepared to let the English from as far south as the Lake District join. Make the border a line roughly from Kendal to Scarborough scooping in the Yorkshire Dales. Would be a good country.
Lake District’s quite nice but then again, when I opened the living room curtains this morning...

even lovelier with a dusting of snow
Thread’s turned into an episode of Jeremy Kyle show. pfm members support Scotland’s independence by 57% to 37%. That’s the kind of majority we need to work on building in Scotland and Bullingdon is going to help us do it.
Carry on. The tories first have to allow a referendum.

Lake District’s quite nice but then again, when I opened the living room curtains this morning...

even lovelier with a dusting of snow
Very nice.
I think many folk are just tired of the blanket hatred projected towards England all too often

eeeee i have no idea where you get that from? it's not anything i hear around and about. i am clear about where i direct my ire. westminster. purely and simply. we are supposed to be in a union of equals but that is just not the case. the playing field is heavily tilted in favour of england by means of the political system we have. and you can have little idea of how that feels unless you live under such a system. even the eu allows each member state a veto. a federal system here would i'm sure draw the sting from the independence argument and we could all go happily forward, as truly equal neighbours. until then, my vote is for freedom from westminster and rejoining the more democratic eu.
further up the road, this afternoon, though below the snowline...

eeeee i have no idea where you get that from? it's not anything i hear around and about. i am clear about where i direct my ire. westminster. purely and simply. we are supposed to be in a union of equals but that is just not the case. the playing field is heavily tilted in favour of england by means of the political system we have. and you can have little idea of how that feels unless you live under such a system. even the eu allows each member state a veto. a federal system here would i'm sure draw the sting from the independence argument and we could all go happily forward, as truly equal neighbours. until then, my vote is for freedom from westminster and rejoining the more democratic eu.
No. The playing field is heavily tilted in favour of the SE of England.

You are right the political system is flawed, more people did not vote for the tories than did. Not everyone in England wants to kick the Scots about.
kilpatricks, looking west into argyll. the big hills to the north were heavily snowed up but mainly in cloud today
Carry on. The tories first have to allow a referendum.

Very nice.
Wrote this further back you may have missed it.
Brian in the press SNP are hinting all thier Westminster MP's will resign creating a byelection. Then said MP's will stand on election for a referendum on independence. I have no idea of the legality of this it was in the Scottish press last week.
Wrote this further back you may have missed it.
Brian in the press SNP are hinting all thier Westminster MP's will resign creating a byelection. Then said MP's will stand on election for a referendum on independence. I have no idea of the legality of this it was in the Scottish press last week.
No, I hadn't seen that. Thanks for the info, it's an interesting idea and a bit of a risk. Given the tories already have a majority brexit is going to happen, anyone voting against the tories last time because they are against brexit might well vote for them in a by-election because they are against a referendum on independence. Who knows? Interesting times and the turbulence is set to carry on and on.

