
Should Scotland be an independent country?

Should Scotland be an independent country?

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the error is not so much in the asking, but in the colonialist refusal. what does it matter what she can or can't do? she had indicated that any ref should be legal and constitutional. maybe you can tell us? if nothing, then it's nothing
Other than the suggestion from I.D.C, I don't believe there is anything she can do but I make no claims to 100% knowledge of the legalities around it. I'm asking because I would have thought the SNP supporters would have informed themselves.

What are you going to do if it turns out the SNP must have agreement from what is an authoritarian tory govt and Johnson simply digs his heels in and tells Sturgeon to run along? I can only imagine Johnson being as patronising as it's possible to be in any discussion with Sturgeon.

Look, I'm at the point where I hope you get your referendum. I don't think you will get what you want so the issue then will become whether people like yourself accept it or demand another run at it in 2021...2022 etc etc.
the error is not so much in the asking, but in the colonialist overlord refusal. what does it matter what she can or can't do? she has indicated that any ref should be legal and constitutional. maybe you can tell us? if nothing, then it's nothing
Sounds like I missed out on the invasion of the seething tomatoes last night. What is it about a massive electoral mandate that some folk can’t get their head around? It would be like the Tory Party getting a majority of 390, not the 80 Johnson achieved. People in Scotland voted overwhelmingly for a progressive, pro-European centre left party. Their wishes should be respected.
You should have asked them what Sturgeon can do when the Tories refuse to permit a referendum.
People in Scotland voted overwhelmingly for a progressive, pro-European centre left party. Their wishes should be respected.

yes. that would be the right, decent and proper thing to do. but when do westminster in general and tories in particular ever do right, decent and proper? it is power, control, greed and self-interest first, middle and last with that shower.
i had no idea you had such a massive chip on your shoulder from such a small, insignificant, bog-ridden race like oursleves.

but...did i not read somewhere above that your quoted exemplar in fact comes from dahhhn saff. london?

Strewth! You got me bang to rights, guv. :)

Not 'dahn sarf' as such because I was north of the river, though.

However anyone who doubts my crack about land ownership in Scotland by non doms and tax dodging might give away that they really should read PE reguarly if they want to know what actually goes on. Land ownership is something they often dig into. (pun alert!)
Sounds like I missed out on the invasion of the seething tomatoes last night. What is it about a massive electoral mandate that some folk can’t get their head around? It would be like the Tory Party getting a majority of 390, not the 80 Johnson achieved. People in Scotland voted overwhelmingly for a progressive, pro-European centre left party. Their wishes should be respected.
You're embarrassing.

Sturgeon isn't going to just set up a referendum whatever the size of majority she has.

Here is an example of what she said just before the GE...
If Mr Johnson remains as PM and continues to refuse to grant permission for a fresh vote on independence, she pledged she would "set out how I intend to cross that bridge then".

She said: "I've made my view quite clear on an unofficial referendum, I think a referendum has to be legal and accepted because I'm not in the business of just having a referendum, I want Scotland to become independent so you have to have a process of doing that that is going to be recognised as legitimate.

I suggest you do some research of the process for enabling another referendum before firing another fart into the thread.
Sounds like I missed out on the invasion of the seething tomatoes last night. What is it about a massive electoral mandate that some folk can’t get their head around? It would be like the Tory Party getting a majority of 390, not the 80 Johnson achieved. People in Scotland voted overwhelmingly for a progressive, pro-European centre left party. Their wishes should be respected.

Indeed, the 'will of the intelligent' as opposed to the 'will of the ****ing stupid' down here!
Well, the thread does have the added value of offering a therapy zone. People are prepared to travel considerable distances to drop off their stool specimens. You could be forgiven for thinking they didn’t have any local provision,
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Sounds like I missed out on the invasion of the seething tomatoes last night. What is it about a massive electoral mandate that some folk can’t get their head around? It would be like the Tory Party getting a majority of 390, not the 80 Johnson achieved. People in Scotland voted overwhelmingly for a progressive, pro-European centre left party. Their wishes should be respected.
Let's gerrit done.
pe should be required reading for anybody who wants to claim the right to put a cross on a piece of paper and thereby condemn the rest of us to years of misery due to ineluctable stupidity
Fascism is not a good look, Hairy.

Politics is a bloated disgusting mess that no-one truly can work out. Except clever clogs like you, and other SNP voters, huh?
Forget about me rich, forget about the snp. The people of scootland voted clearly to remain in a huge, progressive, egalitarian, fair and just union of its neighbours. In peace and economic equilibrium. With a view to facing the future together, united. You seem to be attacking me for supporting that? It may be that there are aspects of the EU that don't subscribe to your world view, that don't enhance the prospects of the rich empire. That's too bad, but sniping from the sidelines and trying to undermine the one thing that gives you the ability to do what you do is not, to use your phrase, not a good look. And fascist? Wtf did that come from?? You disappoint me. I thought you were better than that. And here endeth this exchange afaiac.
Forget about me rich, forget about the snp. The people of scootland voted clearly to remain in a huge, progressive, egalitarian, fair and just union of its neighbours. In peace and economic equilibrium. With a view to facing the future together, united. You seem to be attacking me for supporting that? It may be that there are aspects of the EU that don't subscribe to your world view, that don't enhance the prospects of the rich empire. That's too bad, but sniping from the sidelines and trying to undermine the one thing that gives you the ability to do what you do is not, to use your phrase, not a good look. And fascist? Wtf did that come from?? You disappoint me. I thought you were better than that. And here endeth this exchange afaiac.
SNP did not get where it is by getting votes from only those that are educated in politics.

Forget about me rich, forget about the snp. The people of scootland voted clearly to remain in a huge, progressive, egalitarian, fair and just union of its neighbours. In peace and economic equilibrium. With a view to facing the future together, united. You seem to be attacking me for supporting that? It may be that there are aspects of the EU that don't subscribe to your world view, that don't enhance the prospects of the rich empire. That's too bad, but sniping from the sidelines and trying to undermine the one thing that gives you the ability to do what you do is not, to use your phrase, not a good look. And fascist? Wtf did that come from?? You disappoint me. I thought you were better than that. And here endeth this exchange afaiac.
There are lost souls out there. We should be thinking about them at this special time of year. Particularly the ones that voted “to take back control of their money, their borders and their laws”. The thread topic must be very confusing for them.
Fascism is not a good look, Hairy.

Politics is a bloated disgusting mess that no-one truly can work out. Except clever clogs like you, and other SNP voters, huh?

You regard PE as Fascist? Shome Mishtake, shirly! :)

BTW Can't comment on HH's record, but I've never voted SNP. However I have read PE for many years. Given this I can testify that you don't need to be 'clever' to read it. :)
A bit like anti-semitism in the Labour Party and Islamophobia in the Tory Party. Nothing to get excited about.......
If you have an example of Anglophobia or anti-English sentiment of the racist type at the equivalent level why not whip it out?

