
Should Scotland be an independent country?

Should Scotland be an independent country?

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  • Poll closed .
If Boris was smart, he would allow the reference asap and the vote would almost certainly be remain in the UK.
After a year or two of chaos and anger, the result is not so clear
First legal/constitutional step is permission to hold the referendum under the appropriate legislation. The timing of the referendum will be down to Scottish Government but I agree, allow sufficient time to pass in order for the public to see the true nature of this government. Some folk are still in the ‘everything’s going to turn out alright’ period at the moment and after all we are still in the EU. Quite soon people will want to pile their possessions in a van and move up here.
Voting snp is not voting for independence as the main issue , in the election I would probably have voted snp to keep the tories out and for no other reason which I am sure a lot of Scottish voters did .
We need a bigger crystal ball or one could simply have a quick peek at their manifesto. Key pledge numero uno-

We have a clear mandate to deliver a new referendum on becoming an independent country, and we are making it clear at this election that next year we intend to offer the people of Scotland a choice over their future”.

I mean, could you imagine someone voting for Boris Johnson’s Tory Party then needing the smelling salts when they found out they’d voted to get Brexit done?
Voting snp is not voting for independence as the main issue , in the election I would probably have voted snp to keep the tories out and for no other reason which I am sure a lot of Scottish voters did .

We need a bigger crystal ball or one could simply have a quick peek at their manifesto. Key pledge numero uno-

“We have a clear mandate to deliver a new referendum on becoming an independent country, and we are making it clear at this election that next year we intend to offer the people of Scotland a choice over their future”.

I mean, could you imagine someone voting for Boris Johnson’s Tory Party then needling the smelling salts when they found out they’d voted to get Brexit done?
That does not answer the previous post. Was it meant to?

To answer yours. The SNP can promise a referendum but the tories will have to agree to it. What can the SNP do if the tories refuse and will not budge?

You are frightened peter bj is correct and deep down you know he is, which is why you want to delay a referendum. As an aside, I would vote SNP ahead of the tories, man.
I would vote SNP ahead of the tories

well thank you, that is indeed a kind sentiment. though, by your use of the conditional, i take it you are currently not able so to vote? (just dodged a split infinitive there!)
The “Should Scotland be an independent country?” thread will be taking a break over the Christmas holiday. If you feel you’ve been affected by any of the issues raised then call 0800 666 999. Lines will be open until 23:00.
The “Should Scotland be an independent country?” thread will be taking a break over the Christmas holiday. If you feel you’ve been affected by any of the issues raised then call 0800 666 999. Lines will be open until 23:00.

Brian can keep it going on his own. He needs no-one else and likes the sound of his own voice repeating, repeating, repeating.......
If Boris was smart, he would allow the reference asap and the vote would almost certainly be remain in the UK.
After a year or two of chaos and anger, the result is not so clear

Indeed. Let them go soon and see if it’s like that awkward love hate affair. Can’t live together, can’t bear to be separated.

I am all for giving a second and final binding indie vote. Let’s see if all the Caledonians really wish to put their cocks on the block, as it were.

Go now Scotland. The door may remain open if it’s cold out there, never say never etc, but don’t count on it.

Discover your own austerity as you strive to join EU.

Better together, but go if you must.

I think many folk are just tired of the blanket hatred projected towards England all too often, as if we are all bankers living in London and partying with the ERG.

“You can go your own way.”..As the old toon goes. But careful what you wish for.
The “Should Scotland be an independent country?” thread will be taking a break over the Christmas holiday. If you feel you’ve been affected by any of the issues raised then call 0800 666 999. Lines will be open until 23:00.

That's your decision, is it?
@Hugh Yet more chaff and I’m sure you’ll provide a lot more obnoxious ammunition yet.

Brian can keep it going on his own. He needs no-one else and likes the sound of his own voice repeating, repeating, repeating.......
Oh, it’s ‘half a millenium’ man. lol.

Yes, I will continue to ask the questions you and others fail to answer. That’s because I believe Scotland will not be better off outside the UK. As a citizen of the UK I am entitled to that opinion no matter how much you and your ignorant friends want to close down the thread.
I think many folk are just tired of the blanket hatred projected towards England all too often, as if we are all bankers living in London and partying with the ERG.

That seems to indicate that "many folk" are perhaps a little confused. The Government of the UK isn't the same as the people of England. Although it is an understandable conflation given the way recent UK Governments have behaved, inc. manipulating those people.

To be aware of, and object to, the way 'Westminster' and the weathly backers of the Tories, etc, have been treating people in Scotland, isn't a synonym for what you describe. Indeed, I'd say that the people in *England* are also urgently in need of being rid of the behaviour of recent and current Westminster Governments and the antics of its wealthy backers.

The reality seems to be that the relevant politicians and money-men don't care about *any* of the rest of us - throughout the UK - and treat us all as a source of wealth, power, and convenient pawns they can move or destroy for their own purposes.

Personally, I've often been inclined to the idea that 'Scots Independence' could mean extending the offer to other parts of the UK. It would be interesting if that were to extend to everywhere except perhaps 'The City' and a few of the poshest bits of SE England where the rich folk gamble... erm gambol. But this seems unlikely, so maybe may end up being Scots Independence, perhaps followed by NI going to become part of Eire, and even Welsh Independence. Up to those involved to decide, in my view. Not on the basis of hate of any other populations, but on being able to duck out of what comes to be felt as unwelcome and inappropriate rule by distant people who don't seem to take you into account.

All that said, as before I've not made up my own mind on this. But I can quite understand why many will prefer independence from being Governed/treated as we have been in recent years... and which looks like it may get worse, against our preferences.

Slainte. :)
Some interesting thoughts from George Galloway, gist of it that "an independent Scotland would struggle bigtime".
The SNP can promise a referendum but the tories will have to agree to it. What can the SNP do if the tories refuse and will not budge?

I think that’s the crux of it. The SNP can do nothing really, other than Sturgeon getting (more) stroppy. I really can’t see Boris losing any sleep over it. In any case Boris would be the real winner if Scotland did leave, the Torys would become virtually impossible to remove from No 10.
Although I voted for an independent Scotland I would be prepared to let the English from as far south as the Lake District join. Make the border a line roughly from Kendal to Scarborough scooping in the Yorkshire Dales. Would be a good country.

