
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

Hamas denies one of its commanders was in Jabalia

Hamas has denied an Israeli claim that one of its commanders was in Jabalia when an Israeli air attack struck the refugee camp earlier on Tuesday, killing and wounding hundreds.
In a statement on the messaging app Telegram, the group said the Israeli claim was “a baseless lie”.

A Hamas spokesman was quoted today as saying “We call on every honourable soldier and fighter in this nation to seize the opportunity and participate in this battle.”

This is something I've been thinking about for a while. Lots of us have decided to separate Evil Hamas (boo!) from Innocent Palestinian Civilians (yay!) but I wonder if that's going to become a bit of a simplistic reading.

I'm a devout pacifist. But if my home had been destroyed, many of my loved ones killed, and an army was launching an invasion of my homeland... would I remain passive? Or would I pick up a gun?

I'm not suggesting for a second that 'all Palestinians are Hamas'. Simply that I can see how some Palestinians may choose to resist. Especially if they feel they have nothing to lose.
New speaker of the US House of Representatives backs the holy war approach.

Mike Johnson is an absolute nutter. 100% Taliban-grade religious extremist. In his twisted distorted world Jesus was a fascist. I’m amazed they could find anyone worse than McCarthy, but it seems a bottomless pit.
It became evident to U.S. officials that Israeli leaders believed mass civilian casualties were an acceptable price in the military campaign. In private conversations with American counterparts, Israeli officials referred to how the United States and other allied powers resorted to devastating bombings in Germany and Japan during World War II — including the dropping of the two atomic warheads in Hiroshima and Nagasaki — to try to defeat those countries.

There can't be many administrations that view the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a template.

And it wasn't just the US Paul.

Whatever the usual vituperations of this thread I can't help but continue to wonder what Hamas' (or the wider movement's) plan was here.

Is it to bog as much of the IDF as they can down in a quagmire in the south and then pull off another "spectacular" in the north?
Whatever the usual vituperations of this thread I can't help but continue to wonder what Hamas' (or the wider movement's) plan was here.

I have a feeling they have got exactly what they wanted. They likely took a gamble on Netanyahu’s regime being so deranged and extreme they’d react in precisely the way they have, which is only an extension of what they have been doing for years. The effect is to shine a global spotlight on the situation in Gaza. It is clear Hamas want violent conflict and escalation just as much as Netanyahu’s Israel wants corrupt authoritarianism and apartheid. With each day of mass murder things move ever closer to a global religious war. There is no arguing with religious extremists be they Christian, Jewish, Islamic or anything else. They are all happy to argue to the death from a fact-free dataset, and almost always in direct conflict with the texts they claim to believe in. Anyone not actively arguing for an immediate ceasefire and deescalation is only encouraging this insanity.
New speaker of the US House of Representatives backs the holy war approach.

“As a Christian, I know and we believe the Bible teaches very clearly that we're to stand with Israel."

The foreign policy of the world's superpower is being decided by what the sky fairies want. :confused:

Whatever happened to 'Separation of church and state' - What a freaking joke our supposed 'leaders' are.
I've seen a few calls today for the Gulf states to turn off the oil to the West. Can't see it happening but Middle Eastern states issuing sanctions against the West would certainly be an upset.
Sounds like they took Bibi's lies hook line and sinker. Didn't he initially fund Hamas?

This article proves Netanyahu propped up Hamas:

Netanyahu wanted to prevent a unified Palestinian state, and a two state solution.

A quote from The Times of Israel...

According to various reports, Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Netanyahu is such a POS.
There can't be many administrations that view the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a template.
Some Americans believe that escalating to full nuclear with Russia will leave the US lightly damaged while eliminating Europe and European Russia. The result would be US domination

