
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

So a brief pause to get in medicines to treat children who have been bombed to pieces, before giving the green light to bomb children to pieces again once the pause is over.
So far as I can tell that's about the size of it.

"We need to destroy the Hamas infrastructure even if that means killing countless children who happen to be in the proximity"
So far as I can tell that's about the size of it.

"We need to destroy the Hamas infrastructure even if that means killing countless children who happen to be in the proximity"
Yes, but given that a couple of million people live in somewhere smaller than the Isle of Wight, it is quite difficult not to live in close proximity to anyone or anything.
Horrific videos of the Jabalia attack. Reports up to 400 dead. Buildings turned to dust. Countless buried in the rubble.

One thing I will add is that having a senile, self-confessed Zionist as The Most Powerful Man in the World is not really what the world needs right now...
Googling ‘Labour Party Israel funding’ led to the name Gary Lubner, who at £5m is the party’s largest donor. He appears worthy of further investigation, to put it mildly. As ever, follow the money...

“Hostages deal was close - than Israeli troops went into Gaza“

Had heard talk about this previously: hostages’ families were calling for a deal, Hamas were amenable, and this is what prompted the ground invasion.

Israel does not GAF about the hostages and it doesn’t want, has never wanted, a settlement. It wants to eliminate the Palestinians. It’s become a genocidal state.

“A senior United Nations human rights official has resigned in protest of the organisation’s handling over the situation in Gaza, were he said “a genocide [is] unfolding before our eyes”.

“The current wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people, rooted in an ethno-nationalist settler colonial ideology, in continuation of decades of their systematic persecution and purging, based entirely upon their status as Arabs … leaves no room for doubt or debate… Across the land, Apartheid rules”.
Un-effing-believable. Charles goes to Kenya to apologise for Britain’s horrific crimes against Kenyans during their independence struggle, while his government cheers on imperialist slaughter in Palestine.

Oh well, I suppose George can go to free Palestine in 2093 and apologise for Britain’s role in the slaughter of their grandparents.

The Houthis have effectively joined the war, albeit in a limited, lobbing missiles way.

No doubt with Iran's full agreement.

You do also have to wonder whether Israel might look at any expansion of the war as the chance to draw the West to strike Iran.

In the video chat between John Hagee and Netanyahu, Hagee recounted how he visited his friend Netanyahu's home and Bibi told him (aka prophesised) that he would one day again become Israel's Prime Minister. I wonder how many times they have discussed prophesies about an attack on Iran (which Hagee is very much looking forward to)?

A senile Zionist in the White House and a large fleet of NATO warships in the region may be the ideal backdrop for a strike.

Yemen's Houthi rebels claim attacks on Israel, drawing their main sponsor Iran closer to Hamas war

Un-effing-believable. Charles goes to Kenya to apologise for Britain’s horrific crimes against Kenyans during their independence struggle, while his government cheers on imperialist slaughter in Palestine.

You’d think that Charles would be more in touch, especially after meeting Sheikh Hammad bin Jassim bin Jabeer al-Thani (ex president of Quatar) and being handed a bag of cash - £2.6 million for his charities ;)
Democrat Senator Chris Coons: "Iran is who is behind all of this. Iran funded, supplied, and trained the fighters of Hamas and is behind these other proxies that are in the north of Israel, in the south of Lebanon, in Yemen, on the Arabian Peninsula, in Iraq. So, we need to be striking back and we need to be prepared for the very real prospect that this will get harder before it gets easier."


