
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

Based on this Al Jazeera piece a ceasefire carries with it connotations of de-escalation whereas a 'humanitarian pause' is a quick pit stop before everyone carries on as they were.

It's the difference between "maybe you shouldn't be bombing children" and "maybe you could stop bombing children for a day".

So a brief pause to get in medicines to treat children who have been bombed to pieces, before giving the green light to bomb children to pieces again once the pause is over.

Such humanitarian concern from Starmer really shows his leadership and the true path of his moral compass.
You can try and make a case, if you think it valid. But, as far as I know, the Israeli economy has flourished by its own efforts and per capita income is on par with the major European nations. American support is for defence, since Israel has to spend over 20% of its GDP on this.
But if you have relevant statistics I would be happy to read them.
It’s an economy that leans heavily on cheap Palestinian Labour
It will just give Israel the excuse to destroy yet another Arab country. Either directly or using it's obedient proxy : the world superpower !
I'm trying to argue something that isn't all doom and gloom in the future. There will be no ceasefire.
If I understand Labour's position correctly they are arguing for a 'humanitarian pause' rather than a ceasefire.

The difference isn't really explained but perhaps it's that a ceasefire isn't time limited whereas with a 'pause' you can let in some aid trucks, pat yourself on the back, then give the green light to business as usual bombing children.

Blairite/Mandy 'triangulation'. Look at the range of views and select something that makes the largest number of voters think you are OK.
You can try and make a case, if you think it valid. But, as far as I know, the Israeli economy has flourished by its own efforts and per capita income is on par with the major European nations. American support is for defence, since Israel has to spend over 20% of its GDP on this.
But if you have relevant statistics I would be happy to read them.

True, Israel's economy has certainly become more robust and less dependent on US aid, but it would be hard to argue that long term aid played a significant part in the economic development, according to the NYT in 1981, American aid was equivalent to almost 10 percent of Israel’s economy. As you note the majority of that was military aid, I wonder if it had been directed instead to humanitarian projects in the region the outcome may have been different?

It is hard to be objective on this whole sorry situation, it's just appalling that both sides have had to endure horrific loss of innocent life. My concern is that the way the IDF is conducting operations erodes the sympathy for Israel that occurred after the Hamas terrorist attacks and in the long run will only lessen security in the region as well as kindle antisemitism.

From the same feed:

'Aicha Elbasri, from the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, says the green-light from the international community for Israel’s “crimes” means the carnage will only continue.
“What we are seeing today is one of the darkest hours of our times. We’re watching genocide live – the crime of crimes,” the former United Nations official told Al Jazeera.'

With tremendous injection of US money from Intel TI, Motorola....... Favoured nation status
And why not? Since Israel is one of the world's most advanced nations in the so-called "High tech" field. Besides, Intel and Motorola invest in dozens of different countries.
Could be hundreds killed in today's Jabalia attack.

In contrast to the hospital car park attack, this is what destruction looks like when countless are killed by an Israeli air strike...

It’s an economy that leans heavily on cheap Palestinian Labour

No it doesn’t. Even your own links suggest otherwise. 55,000 permits granted to Palestinians out of a total working population of 6.9 million is not ‘leaning heavily on cheap Palestinian labour’. Israel has circa 100 NASDAQ listed companies for example…

Al Jazeera reporting that they have been subject to "an unprecedented surge of cyberattacks aimed at crippling its website and broadcasting capabilities"

