
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

I've always assumed Israel/US/UK/media will have been massaging/censoring the actual numbers, as if nine months of relentless industrial scale murder of innocent Palestinians isn't shocking enough. At some point, maybe if there is a lull in this particular conflict, figures closer to reality will be leaked.

The devastation being inflicted is almost beyond comprehension. And the fact Tory/Labour remain complicit makes an absolute mockery of anything these soul-destroying immoral scumbags say and do. They are a zero integrity zone.

I've always assumed Israel/US/UK/media will have been massaging/censoring the actual numbers, as if nine months of relentless industrial scale murder of innocent Palestinians isn't shocking enough. At some point, maybe if there is a lull in this particular conflict, figures closer to reality will be leaked.

The devastation being inflicted is almost beyond comprehension. And the fact Tory/Labour remain complicit makes an absolute mockery of anything these soul-destroying immoral scumbags say and do. They are a zero integrity zone.

Yes, I'm just thinking out loud...
Yes, I'm just thinking out loud...
And a good question to ask Gav, not least because it begs another question - what more is our government and opposition not telling us about the depth of their complicity; how much are they covering up? Just how much assistence are they providing Israel to further enable this genocide? There is always more, and it won't be pretty.

Right now they're asking for our vote, our mandate, for either Party to continue the UK's participation in this massacre.

They can feck right off.

I've always assumed Israel/US/UK/media will have been massaging/censoring the actual numbers, as if nine months of relentless industrial scale murder of innocent Palestinians isn't shocking enough. At some point, maybe if there is a lull in this particular conflict, figures closer to reality will be leaked.

As I see it there is a very deliberate refusal to engage as our state/establishment is a founding partner in the Israel project. As such when it is covered all that are stated are conformed documented deaths. A body count based purely on the recovered and identified dead. The number missing will be an entirely different figure given >55% of Gaza has been levelled to rubble. Vast areas of civilian tower blocks brought crushing down via relentless indiscriminate bombing. I have no idea how many people have been erased, nor when this systemic racist killing will end, but I suspect the final total will be truly horrifying and go down in history as one of the worst crimes against humanity.

We all own a part of this. We have allowed our establishment to help fund and supply a genocide.
I'm reading about the new Steve Van Zandt documentary and he's talking about the Sun City campaign against Apartheid that he led back in the 80s:

“They justified it from the Bible. There was a religious sort of justification for apartheid and I’m like, man, when you start to get into religious justification, it’s getting deep. Now we’re in like way too deep. There ain’t no fixing that there. Religious fanatics, you can’t fix them, you gotta just exterminate them, you know?”

I don't think even Binyaden is that stupid. Because even if they manage to get away with it, it'll just motivate Iran even more to get nukes and then proceed to wipe Israel out as a long term aim. Israel is a physically small country with a small population, it would be trivially easy to literally eradicate the country with nukes. In fact it wouldn't even be necessary, just hit Israels nuclear power stations exposing their cores and make 60% of Israel uninhabitable for 100 years. Easily done with conventional weapons.

The scariest aspect is they are behaving in a way that makes it a distinct possibility and the reported 'end-times targeting' spells Armageddon .

‘We ran for our lives’ as Israeli warplanes ‘carpet bombed’ al-Mawasi

An overnight Israeli military operation in al-Mawasi resulted in a number of casualties and displacement of at least 5,000 people.
“We were sitting peacefully in our tent and all of a sudden the area was carpet bombed by the Israeli warplanes. The air strikes closed in on our neighbourhood,” a survivor recalled to Al Jazeera.
“I heard neighbours crying. Israeli tanks were also shelling the area. We all ran for our lives, leaving everything behind. All of a sudden the Israeli tanks invaded the area, coupled with helicopter and drone attacks. I saw bodies in pieces and flesh all over the place.
“I carried my children and ran for our lives. We do not know where to go, just walking with the crowds. Many were killed and injured. This was supposed to be a safe zone, but nowhere is safe at all.”
Massive apocalyptic destruction is unfolding in the Mawasi area, north west of Rafah in Gaza, after the temporary withdrawal of israeli tanks
— Sarah Wilkinson (@swilkinsonbc) June 29, 2024

Israel expands powers over one-fifth of West Bank

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s plan to recognise five illegal settler outposts in the occupied West Bank has drawn condemnation from several governments as well as the EU, the Arab League and UN officials.
In addition to recognising the outposts, Smotrich’s plan removes civilian powers related to construction and zoning in one-fifth of the occupied West Bank, in what is known as “Area B”.
Under the Oslo Accords, which divided the occupied West Bank into areas A, B and C in 1995, Area B falls under Palestinian civil control and Israeli security control.
According to the secretary-general of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Smotrich’s plan “dismantles any semblance of Palestinian Authority, including in Area B”, and represents a “complete and final reversal of the Oslo Accords”.


