
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

What a useless **** he is. He hasn't even got sunak's excuse that his wife and her family is benefiting handsomely from it.
Mrs Starmer is Jewish or comes from a Jewish maybe that's his excuse yer know for not advocating a cease fire yet? Dunno, only guessing, and what does Biden, Scholtz, Macaron and the EU say about it?
If the Hamas leadership is not in Gaza (which is a fact that Israel knows all too well) and the attacks were planned elsewhere then what's this really all about?
I feel like I've woken up in different country, I knew there was a tangible shift to the right both politically and socially but I don't recognise the UK anymore. The place has transformed over a very short period into a morally bankrupt rabid right wing shit-hole.
Thankfully I obtained an Irish passport recently, I'm ashamed of my UK one.
Alongside the awful atrocities perpetrated by the Israeli state, this is one of the most painful aspects. I simply cannot support the Labour party under such a spineless, untrustworthy and morally bankrupt leader.

Agreed, and in no way should this be viewed as a ‘left vs. right’ thing. It is basic humanitarianism to want to stop a mass slaughter/genocide. Anyone who sees a state that has murdered well over 3,200 children in just three weeks and then argues that it should continue on that path is either a sociopath or has been so successfully brainwashed by racism and scapegoating that they no longer see the piles of civilian corpses as human. This is exactly what happened in Germany in the 1930s and ‘40s. Recognise it. Those who are not actively arguing for a ceasefire need to grasp they have been radicalised and start to fight against that programming.
Agreed, and in no way should this be viewed as a ‘left vs. right’ thing. It is basic humanitarianism to want to stop a mass slaughter/genocide. Anyone who sees a state that has murdered well over 3,200 children in just three weeks and then argues that it should continue on that path is either a sociopath or has been so successfully brainwashed by racism and scapegoating that they no longer see the piles of civilian corpses as human. This is exactly what happened in Germany in the 1930s and ‘40s. Recognise it. Those who are not actively arguing for a ceasefire need to grasp they have been radicalised and start to fight against that programming.
Great post.
The Bible says there is a time for peace, and a time for war. This is a time for war

Radicalised far-right religious extremist Benjamin Netanyahu justifying his slaughter of civilians (mostly children).

(Quote taken from footage on Sky TV News right now, so no link)

And a time for fvckwits.
As ever if there is a choice to be made he will do the wrong thing. The decision here was between endorsing the continuing state slaughter of civilians (mostly children), or arguing for a humanitarian pause.
If I understand Labour's position correctly they are arguing for a 'humanitarian pause' rather than a ceasefire.

The difference isn't really explained but perhaps it's that a ceasefire isn't time limited whereas with a 'pause' you can let in some aid trucks, pat yourself on the back, then give the green light to business as usual bombing children.
"But among those Labour people who inflicted the shame of antisemitism on the party, watch out for disingenuous “ceasefire” calls failing to damn Hamas. "

There you have it. Calls for a ceasefire are antisemitic. FFS.

Christ, I missed that bit. Warmongering and weaponising anti-Semitism in the same article. And all in the UK's flagship "liberal" newspaper.
Starmer's favorite song ;)

Christ, I missed that bit. Warmongering and weaponising anti-Semitism in the same article. And all in the UK's flagship "liberal" newspaper.
It's awful. Even the very first sentence questions how many Palestinians have really been killed because the figures are supplied by 'Hamas' - never mind that the UN and WHO have stated that figures from the Gaza Health Authority are accurate and very likely don't include large numbers of casualties whose bodies cannot currently be retrieved from the rubble. And if it was 2000 children dead instead of 3000 that would be OK presumably.

Thankfully the comments seem to mostly be telling her to do one. But you do have to wonder who it was written for and why the Graun decided to publish it.
I feel like I've woken up in different country, I knew there was a tangible shift to the right both politically and socially but I don't recognise the UK anymore. The place has transformed over a very short period into a morally bankrupt rabid right wing shit-hole.
Thankfully I obtained an Irish passport recently, I'm ashamed of my UK one.
I sort of understand but people like you need to keep saying what you say, not here particularly, but everywhere you go with the people you meet.
In my experience most of the people of this country are decent thoughtful people, one or two are bitter shits and the political world is bankrupt and full of what Rory Stuart calls political entrepreneurs. All a bit twee but there you go.
If the Hamas leadership is not in Gaza (which is a fact that Israel knows all too well) and the attacks were planned elsewhere then what's this really all about?
It’s about genocide and keeping Netanyahu in power forever. Israel’s open door policy to any Jew in the world to come to Israel has meant that Netanyahu has the backing of the armed settlers who have a worse record for killing young Palestinians than the IDF. Most of these settlers are grateful to Netanyahu’s government for getting them out of ( mostly) the former Soviet republics and giving them a home and land taken from Palestinians.
There’s a good German word for it…Lebensraum…Netanyahu rewards the settlers by giving them land for votes.
The Zionist govt. will continue the genocide ( if they can) ‘til there are no Palestinians in Palestine. Look at a map of Palestine in 1948 then in 2000. 😪
It’s about genocide and keeping Netanyahu in power forever. Israel’s open door policy to any Jew in the world to come to Israel has meant that Netanyahu has the backing of the armed settlers who have a worse record for killing young Palestinians than the IDF. Most of these settlers are grateful to Netanyahu’s government for getting them out of ( mostly) the former Soviet republics and giving them a home and land taken from Palestinians.
There’s a good German word for it…Lebensraum…Netanyahu rewards the settlers by giving them land for votes.
The Zionist govt. will continue the genocide ( if they can) ‘til there are no Palestinians in Palestine. Look at a map of Palestine in 1948 then in 2000. 😪
Indeed - it was a rhetorical question ;)

