
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

"The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) on Sunday said it has received “serious threats” from Israeli forces to “immediately evacuate” the al-Quds Hospital in Gaza as it is “going to be bombed”."

WHO have warned it is impossible to evacuate all the sick patients.

"Around 12,000 unarmed displaced civilians, with a majority being children and women, have also sought refuge in the hospital building."

"The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) on Sunday said it has received “serious threats” from Israeli forces to “immediately evacuate” the al-Quds Hospital in Gaza as it is “going to be bombed”."

WHO have warned it is impossible to evacuate all the sick patients.

"Around 12,000 unarmed displaced civilians, with a majority being children and women, have also sought refuge in the hospital building."

“We’re going to teach the WHO a lesson”.
Israel has "crossed the red lines" in Gaza, which "may force everyone to take action," Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi said Sunday.

"Zionist regime’s crimes have crossed the red lines, which may force everyone to take action. Washington asks us to not do anything, but they keep giving widespread support to Israel," Raisi said in a post on social media.

"The US sent messages to the Axis of Resistance but received a clear response on the battlefield," Raisi said.

Experts say that while Iran is wary of being dragged into the Israel-Hamas war, it may not be in full control if the militias it backs in the region independently intervene as Hamas suffers heavy blows and the death toll in Gaza continues to mount.

If the al-Quds hospital is hit, that may be enough provocation to escalate outside of Gaza, at a minimum I imagine a second front in southern Lebanon. Quite a concern as I suspect the US right would be quite pleased to find an excuse to attack Iran...
There are always lots of Jews at pro-Palestine demonstrations but really it’s no more reasonable to require Jews to denounce Israel’s actions than it is to expect Muslims to condemn Hamas.
Why not? Surely any human worthy of the name should be denouncing both?
That Gaza is a prison is to some extent true. Thanks to Egypt, as much as Israel. In fact in less troubled times, as I've already written, Gazan workers commuted to and from Israel and factories in Gaza did business with Israeli companies.

But that its inhabitants are on "minimum rations/healthcare" is absolute nonsense. Enormous amounts of aid flow into Gaza from many directions, nobody goes hungry, there are modern hospitals, and patients who needed particular treatment were taken to Israeli hospitals, even after Hamas took over in 2006 (or was it 2007?).

Israel controls everything that goes into Gaza including whether to allow aid in or not. I do not believe what you say: even in the West Bank Palestinians in need of urgent medical care are denied it at the whim of a young checkpoint soldier.
Anyway the 'modern hospitals' (paid for by other Arabs not Israelis) are destroyed at frequent intervals as we can clearly see now.
Why not? Surely any human worthy of the name should be denouncing both?
Of course.

The problem is when we demand a particular community loudly denounce something in order to assuage an implied guilt.

We don't demand that every Catholic person we meet loudly and constantly condemns the church's history of child abuse. It goes without saying.

So why we do we as a society expect British Muslims to repeatedly condemn the actions of organisations that are nothing to do with them?
A fascinating glimpse of holy war in an American evangelical style...

"Guests included Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Rep. Tom Emmer, and the Israeli Ambassador to the UN"

I'm sure Israel puts lots of effort into maintaining support from these evangelical crackpots with big pockets.

Here is the same pastor with a certain someone...

His last words in this clip ... when Jesus comes back to the mount of Olives he will estabish peace .........

He wants it NOW NOW not when he comes back ... crazy and utter stupidity from these utter idiots
Of course.

The problem is when we demand a particular community loudly denounce something in order to assuage an implied guilt.

We don't demand that every Catholic person we meet loudly and constantly condemns the church's history of child abuse. It goes without saying.

So why we do we as a society expect British Muslims to repeatedly condemn the actions of organisations that are nothing to do with them?
Agree that when the expectation/demand is specifically because they belong to the same religion, then it's clearly a case of bias (bigotry?). So in that sense I agree with you that it's not a resonable demand to make of Muslims to specifically denounce Hamas etc. (or Jews denounce Israel). But I would hope that as individuals they would want to.
Larry Norman probably the most famous Christian rock artist in the USA wrote this song years ago.... its still pertinent today

His last words in this clip ... when Jesus comes back to the mount of Olives he will estabish peace .........

He wants it NOW NOW not when he comes back ... crazy and utter stupidity from these utter idiots
But now we got weapons
Of chemical dust
If fire them we’re forced to
Then fire them we must
One push of the button
And a shot the world wide
And ya' never ask questions
When God’s on your side
Israeli plans for the ethnic cleansing of the entire Gaza Strip are reported to be official policy. Nobody should be surprised. I reckon the West Bank will be next.

"BREAKING: @mekomit expose shows that the directive to deport 2.4 million #Palestinians out of occupied #Gaza and onto #Egypt and beyond has been officially endorsed by #Israel's Ministry of Intelligence on 13 October. A war crime in the making! #Israel's Ministry of Intelligence deportation directive outlines the four stages: 1. A call on #Palestinian civilians to vacate north #Gaza and allow for land operations; 2. Sequential land operations from north to south Gaza; 3. Leaving routes open across Rafah; 4. Establishing "tent cities" in northern Sinai and the construction of cities to resettle Palestinians in #Egypt."

Netanyahu more or less showed the intention in his map at the UN earlier this year. Bear in mind we are dealing with hardcore sky fairy believers, so this may all be tied up with ruling the whole Land of Israel and a desire to rebuild the Third Temple. The likes of Ben Gvir are actively working for it.

From Special Advisor at the Norwegian Refugee Council:

ICC prosecutor raises alarm on humanitarian situation in Gaza

International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan says “the suffering of children, women and men is profound and ongoing” in Gaza.

“Most fundamentally, there should not be any impediment to humanitarian relief supplies going to children, to women and men, civilians. They are innocent and have rights under international humanitarian law,” he said in an address from the Rafah border crossing.

“We need to make sure that the law is on the front lines, and the law is seeing to ameliorate the suffering of so many at this moment living in terror and frightened and have a right to be protected by the institutions built after the Second World War.

“My office is determined to make sure we vindicate those right wherever possible and wherever we have jurisdiction,” he added.

#ICC Prosecutor @KarimKhanQC was at the Rafah Border Crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip this weekend.

A mob of Muslims have stormed an airport in Dagestan (near Chechnya) to search for Jews landing from Israel. Presumably want a modern pogrom.

Lots of video footage on Tw*tter. And clearly lots of violent idiots in the world waiting to kick off.

It's really up to the US to stop things getting out of hand. Israel won't listen to anyone else.

Of course.

The problem is when we demand a particular community loudly denounce something in order to assuage an implied guilt.

We don't demand that every Catholic person we meet loudly and constantly condemns the church's history of child abuse. It goes without saying.

So why we do we as a society expect British Muslims to repeatedly condemn the actions of organisations that are nothing to do with them?
I watched the same crass stupidity from Fiona Bruce on QT constantly interrupting John Finucane the Sinn Fein MP, repeatedly demanding he denounce Hammas as a terrorist organisation while attempting to answer a question. He had to remind her that as a nine year old he witnessed his father’s murder in front of his family within their own home.

