
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

A mob of Muslims have stormed an airport in Dagestan (near Chechnya) to search for Jews landing from Israel. Presumably want a modern pogrom.

Lots of video footage on Tw*tter. And clearly lots of violent idiots in the world waiting to kick off.

It's really up to the US to stop things getting out of hand. Israel won't listen to anyone else.

This is a truly horrific development for obvious historical reasons. Yet this is what happens when organisations engage in terrorist acts; and governments engage in terrorist acts under the cover of ‘fighting terrorism.’ There were several reports of anyone vaguely Asian or Arabic looking being beaten up after the Oklahoma bombing in 1995 (which turned out to have been carried out by white supremacist Timothy McVeigh) and attacks on American Asians following the 9/11 atrocity.

You simply cannot hope to contain the effects of the horrific terrorist bombing of Gaza in that region only. The Israeli, U.K. and U.S. governments are all aware of this but are perfectly willing to run the risk of collateral damage. They bear the same culpability as those who are engaging in these appalling acts of anti-semitism.
A mob of Muslims have stormed an airport in Dagestan (near Chechnya) to search for Jews landing from Israel. Presumably want a modern pogrom.

Lots of video footage on Tw*tter. And clearly lots of violent idiots in the world waiting to kick off.

It's really up to the US to stop things getting out of hand. Israel won't listen to anyone else.

Which reinforces my feeling that this is not so much, or no longer, about Israel and Palestine, but about Islam against the rest of the world.
Rowley appears to be under pressure from the High Brave Extremist to be making arrests. What for, he doesn't know...

Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has called for clarity from the government on extremism as he faces criticism over the handling of pro-Palestinian protests in London.

Five people have been charged after being arrested at the demonstrations in central London on Saturday.
Sir Mark said about 100 people had been arrested at protests since the Hamas attack on Israel three weeks ago.
He added that "many more" arrests are expected in the near future.

Which reinforces my feeling that this is not so much, or no longer, about Israel and Palestine, but about Islam against the rest of the world.
Not if the votes at the UN and the millions all over the world marching in protest at the wholesale butchering and slaughter of innocent Palestinians is anything to go by. That's a twisted and quite obscenely Islamophobic feeling you're having there. Hamas isn't Islam nor is a bunch of Chetchyen thugs. Just like the IDF isn't 'the Jews' .
Not if the votes at the UN and the millions all over the world marching in protest at the wholesale butchering and slaughter of innocent Palestinians is anything to go by. That's a twisted and quite obscenely racist feeling you're having there.
Straight out of the Blair speech book!
Not if the votes at the UN and the millions all over the world marching in protest at the wholesale butchering and slaughter of innocent Palestinians is anything to go by. That's a twisted and quite obscenely racist feeling you're having there. Hamas isn't Islam nor is a bunch of Chetchyen thugs. Just like the IDF isn't 'the Jews' .
Not at all. Nothing "obscenely racist" at all. Islam is not a "race." It is a global, expansionist religion. Just like Christianity was an expansionist religion that provided the political impetus for the Crusades.
Rowley appears to be under pressure from the High Brave Extremist to be making arrests. What for, he doesn't know...

Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has called for clarity from the government on extremism as he faces criticism over the handling of pro-Palestinian protests in London.

Five people have been charged after being arrested at the demonstrations in central London on Saturday.
Sir Mark said about 100 people had been arrested at protests since the Hamas attack on Israel three weeks ago.
He added that "many more" arrests are expected in the near future.


Palestinian firefighters survey damaged stores following an Israeli military raid on the Jenin Palestinian refugee camp in Jenin in the Israeli-occupied northern West Bank. Photograph: Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP/Getty Images


Smoke rises over Gaza on Monday as Israeli forces continue their assault on the enclave. Photograph: Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters

May the perpetrators of this crime against humanity, and anyone who seeks to defend or excuse it, rot in Hell.
That's a shocking statistic. It brings home how disproportionate Israel's response is.

It reminds me of the graphic showing that Gaza - an area a fraction the size of London - had been hit with the same number of bombs as the US used in the whole of Afghanistan in a year.
The idea that Islamophobia can be excused by the “Islam is not a race” argument is exceptionally pernicious. It is a prejudice based on cultural, religious and social characteristics of a specific group that are “othered“ by the west, i.e. racism.

“I took great pains in the book to show that current discussions of the Orient or of the Arabs and Islam are fundamentally premised upon a fiction, my book was often interpreted as a defense of the “real” Islam. Whereas what I was trying to show was that any talk about Islam was radically flawed, not only because an unwarranted assumption was being made that a large ideologically freighted generalization could cover all the rich and diverse particularity of Islamic life (a very different thing) but also because it would simply be repeating the errors of Orientalism to claim that the correct view of Islam was X or Y or Z.”

Edward Said

Not at all. Nothing "obscenely racist" at all. Islam is not a "race." It is a global, expansionist religion. Just like Christianity was an expansionist religion that provided the political impetus for the Crusades.
This is like antisemites claiming not to be racist because there are no reliable DNA markers for being a Jew. Islamophobia - which you’re undeniably indulging in - is a form of racism just as antisemitism is. Islam and Judaism have been racialised - by racists - in a way that Christianity has not, so there’s no alibi there.
Our correspondents on the ground are reporting that Israeli tanks are now approaching Gaza City.
Witnesses also told AFP news agency that the tanks are on the edge of Gaza City and cut a key road from the north to the south of the war-torn Palestinian territory.
Palestinian sources told Al Jazeera that Israeli tanks are dividing the Gaza Strip into two parts after their incursion towards Salah al-Din Street, which vertically passes through the enclave.

‘Tanks are firing at vehicles in Gaza’s Salah al-Din Street’

New lines are coming in on the major Israeli tank movement reported by witnesses.
Witnesses told AFP that tanks were seen in the Zaytun district.
They have cut the Salah al-Din Street and are firing [indiscriminately] at any vehicle that tries to go along it, one resident was quoted as saying.

Story in the Graun this morning about how sales of handguns are going through the roof in Israel at the moment. This can't be a good thing but tbh I completely understand Israelis looking at the events of the 7th and deciding they need to arm themselves in case something like that happens again.
Story in the Graun this morning about how sales of handguns are going through the roof in Israel at the moment. This can't be a good thing but tbh I completely understand Israelis looking at the events of the 7th and deciding they need to arm themselves in case something like that happens again.
Seems that ordinary citizens have to buy guns but illegal settlers are given AR15s.
Not at all. Nothing "obscenely racist" at all. Islam is not a "race." It is a global, expansionist religion. Just like Christianity was an expansionist religion that provided the political impetus for the Crusades.

You're splitting hairs. Your post was racist.

Attributing the attitudes of a small bunch of violent thugs on the larger group (OK, OK, Islam isn't a race, blah blah, we get it) of which they are a part is the essence of racism.
Islamophobic then.
I just wrote what I think. You can attach a label to it, if you like. But it does not change what I think. If by "Islamophobic" you mean that I am afraid of Islam as a global force for change, then yes, I am afraid of how Islam could try and change the world we live in.
Which reinforces my feeling that this is not so much, or no longer, about Israel and Palestine, but about Islam against the rest of the world.

You will find the genocide being delivered by Israel to Palestine is killing a lot of innocent people of all faiths, as indiscriminate bombing of high density civilians areas always does. We are watching some of the worst war crimes the world has ever seen unfold. There is no justification for Israel’s behaviour. It is what it is.

