
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

You're splitting hairs. Your post was racist.

Attributing the attitudes of a small bunch of violent thugs on the larger group (OK, OK, Islam isn't a race, blah blah, we get it) of which they are a part is the essence of racism.
Nonsense. Nothing racist at all. You are simply trying to disqualify an opinion that is in contrast to your own by screaming "racist."
Story in the Graun this morning about how sales of handguns are going through the roof in Israel at the moment. This can't be a good thing but tbh I completely understand Israelis looking at the events of the 7th and deciding they need to arm themselves in case something like that happens again.
Well, “something like that will happen again” repeatedly, over and over again for decades. There will also be bombings of synagogues and school shootings all over the world. Of that we can be certain, it cannot be prevented now.
The people who will commit these acts are being created now by Isreal and when these things happen we will wring our hands, make sad faces and talk of atrocity.
You will find the genocide being delivered by Israel to Palestine is killing a lot of innocent people of all faiths, as indiscriminate bombing of high density civilians areas always does. We are watching some of the worst war crimes the world has ever seen unfold. There is no justification for Israel’s behaviour. It is what it is.
Yes the bombing has already gone on far too long. Any important infrastructure belonging to Hamas must have been destroyed by now - time to desist with the aerial assault.
Is the strategy of starvation, thirst, killing and disease designed to force Egypt to open its border and accept what’s left of the 2m population of Gaza as stateless refugees?
Also, the succession of British govt politicians repeating that they have asked Israel to comply with international humanitarian law appear to be talking to a deaf sadist.
I suspect the population of Gaza fully grasp if they were allowed into Egypt there is no way they’d ever be allowed back home. I’d not be at all surprised if Netanyahu‘s goal was ethnic cleansing and expansionism. We need to keep a very close eye on the borders here, I’ll be astonished if Gaza was the same shape and size after all the IDF killing has finished.
This can't be a good thing but tbh I completely understand Israelis looking at the events of the 7th and deciding they need to arm themselves in case something like that happens again
Meanwhile you're happy that the Palestinians in the West Bank continue to suffer at the hands of the IDF and illegal settlers seemingly killing Palestinians 'at will' and without seemingly, any comeback??


Which reinforces my feeling that this is not so much, or no longer, about Israel and Palestine, but about Islam against the rest of the world.

It’s not but it might end up that way. Much as you may hate hearing it the Hamas atrocities did not happen in isolation, Israel has kept Gaza simmering by applying enough pressure to cause Hamas to act every now end then and use it as an excuse to not do a deal for peace. It has managed to get away with this through weaponising the fundamentalist Christian vote in America to ensure American compliance and a mixture of pressure, as in the case of Corbin, and donations in the case of Starmer to keep everyone on board. Just to remind you that one of the motivating factors for 911 was the occupation by Israel and Bin Laden said as much so I don’t want to hear it wasn’t. So for the second time in just over twenty years the world is plunged into crisis because of a corrupt state run by a corrupt racist leader. The hypocrisy surrounding supporting Ukraine and turning a blind eye to the illegal occupation is what’s driving this, It would be very convenient for Israel if it descended into a war of Islam vs the rest but as far as I am concerned it can fvck off and take it’s propanda and money with it.
Any important infrastructure belonging to Hamas must have been destroyed by now - time to desist with the aerial assault.

Apart from the miles of tunnels. I don't think the IDF will to risk their weasels going in yet, so expect further airstrikes.
Good morning all,

The thing that concerns me most about Netanyahu and his brandishing this map at the UN is that he 'got away' with it within the very building that has declared the ongoing occupation of the West Bank as being illegal - am I missing something??



Yes the bombing has already gone on far too long. Any important infrastructure belonging to Hamas must have been destroyed by now - time to desist with the aerial assault.
The bombing must stop but the idea that this bombardment of Gaza was to destroy or weaken Hamas is ridiculous, that is the excuse being proffered, it is an act of revenge and collective punishment. Isreal will eventually feel enough blood has been spilled and in the short term the rockets will stop. Hamas will emerge stronger and more dangerous than before.
But now we got weapons
Of chemical dust
If fire them we’re forced to
Then fire them we must
One push of the button
And a shot the world wide
And ya' never ask questions
When God’s on your side

The slaughter of women and children and destruction of hospitals brings this to mind...

You’ve thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain’t worth the blood
That runs in your veins
Yes the bombing has already gone on far too long. Any important infrastructure belonging to Hamas must have been destroyed by now - time to desist with the aerial assault.
On those grounds, if the bombing was “reasonable” then it’s reasonable now, because Hamas’ infrastructure is underground and they can’t get to it without flattening everything. But as others have pointed out this wasn’t about destroying Hamas’ infrastructure it was about collective punishment.

Too late to get queasy about that now I’m afraid, you wanted it and you’re getting it. No such thing as just the right amount of war crimes.

South Africa calls for UN to deploy rapid protection force to protect civilians in Gaza

South Africa on Monday called for the UN to deploy a rapid protection force to protect civilians in the Gaza Strip from further bombardment as Israel steps up its attacks.

[Not before time - it would be 'interesting' to see the US on the wrong side of UN protection for once]

Which reinforces my feeling that this is not so much, or no longer, about Israel and Palestine, but about Islam against the rest of the world.

Though as Bibi's mate will tell you, do note that Russia and China will also be siding with the Islamic world.

Then it's a case of good news, bad news and very bad news.

The bad news is, I'm afraid, that the US and the UK are also baddies. And the very bad news is that they win...

But the good news is that God is on the way so it's a temporary victory.

All in the Bible, apparently, as Netanyahu's buddy tells us... :confused:

Which reinforces my feeling that this is not so much, or no longer, about Israel and Palestine, but about Islam against the rest of the world.

Disgraceful twisting of history. Islam was a peaceful way of life for centuries before Zionists decided to take Palestinian land by hook, by crook or by terror and establish an apartheid state.
Aided and abetted by USA launching an illegal war on Iraq.
Gaddafi was not a good guy but it was not the business of the stupid western countries to eliminate him thereby opening the gates to mass immigration into Europe.
The slaughter of women and children and destruction of hospitals brings this to mind...

You’ve thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain’t worth the blood
That runs in your veins
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, ’n’ how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, ’n’ how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind
The thing that concerns me most about Netanyahu and his brandishing this map at the UN is that he 'got away' with it within the very building that has declared the ongoing occupation of the West Bank as being illegal - am I missing something??

It is terrifying. It is increasingly obvious his goal is the racial/religious cleansing of Palestine and the expansion of Israel. This is why I liken him to Milošević etc. He’s not even content being another Botha or de Klerk.

