
System Pics 2016 part II

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Please post a description along with the pics folks, not everyone can recognise everything, e.g. I think the neat looking speakers are above are Teddy Prado's, but I'm not sure, I can't tell what arm is on the 401, nor what the lower TT is at all! All looks very nice though.


My apologies..

Analog : 401/Audiomods Series 5 arm/Art9, the tt in the 2nd row is a lenco L75 ptp5/Jelco 750D/Lyra Kleos.

400ohms loaded on both carts using external resistors, dont know why just sounds most balanced with this loading after trying a few..

I use a Nigel Speed Controller to run both TTs (DIY more details on lenco heaven)

Digital : Teddy Dac / Macbook Pro - Tidal

Amps and speakers : Teddy Pardo phonostage, pre & dual mono power

Budgie SUT from Parks Audio using the 1:9 ratio

Additionally I Split the Teddy Pre Out signals into

1.) Antimode 8033s2 into 2 Dual BK Electronics XLS 200 FF subwoofers crossed at 70hz
- the antimode is powered by a teddy pardo PSU

2.) Passive low cut crossover 50Hz into the dual monos( this acts as a subsonic filter and imo especially for vinyl replay helps a lot)

I might get a umik & REW to measure and maybe properly setup the xover pts at the moment just basing it on what sounds best to me...

Cheers guys
It's a fully operational Philips CD100 bought for a tenner in a garage sale 15 years ago. It came with original box, bound manual and lens cleaner.
Some very nice systems have been shown in this thread.

Would forum members mind identifying their kit when posting?

Sorry Al2002.

Philips CD100.
Luxman L550A-ll.
Benchmark DAC1 HDR.
Apple Mac Mini 2012
Tannoy Cheviots, not in view.
Linn LP12, Akito 11, Goldring 1042, just in top left of photo.
Had a bit of a shift around so my speakers now fire down the length of the listening room. The listening chair is about 1.5 meters from the back wall, so this is the view:

The speakers are Art Audio Alnico 8 in walnut. The system has been shifted too, so here is the exterior:


The deck is a Clearaudio Ambient with Unify tonearm and Lyra Helikon MC, feeding an Allnic H1201 MC/MM phonostage. The cans are Stax SR307. Another view:

And inside the unit we have:


The Preamp is an Audio Research LS26. Next to it is a largely unused Nakamichi Cassette Deck 2. On the second shelf is a Stax SRM 323 S headphone energiser, a Simaudio Dac10 and MiND180 renderer for streaming duties. On the bottom shelf are a pair of Rank Concept 6c33c monoblocks providing 18w of pure single ended class A goodness. The gaudy item in between the power amps is a Xindac 1000S AC power filter.
Apologies KeithL. My comments were not directed at you, but to thread participants in general. There are so many unfamiliar - to me, at least -components shown in members' systems that I thought others viewing this thread would also be interested to know makes/model numbers.

Sorry Al2002.

Philips CD100.
Luxman L550A-ll.
Benchmark DAC1 HDR.
Apple Mac Mini 2012
Tannoy Cheviots, not in view.
Linn LP12, Akito 11, Goldring 1042, just in top left of photo.
NOS - no, genuine fully abused speakers from 1974. They were reconed by Lockwood 6 years ago and cabinets were refurbished by a local cabinet maker and stands by a local metalworker.
Some lovely systems. I am struck by how many seem show speakers very close together...and close to the rear wall. Do so many really run like this....or does WAF rule the roost.
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