
System Pics 2016 part II

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I've pruned a little noise out, please lets keep this thread on topic.

PS Can I also request that folk list what the pictured kit is as many viewing won't necessarily know.
Waxxy fantastic!

Thanks Joe!

Waxxy, what a fantastic looking system and room. Occasionally there are systems shown on here that I would love to hear and yours certainly falls into that category. Anybody with an answer to the mysterious layer cake tt?

Thanks muchly! I've been trying a fair bit of gear over the past few years...the vast majority purchased second hand. Whenever I see something really interesting pop up on the used market, I'm inclined to buy it with the knowledge that I can sell it later with little or no financial loss.

The Elac speakers are my latest...and I think they sound brilliant! So does my wife for that matter and she rarely comments on sound quality.
Yes, I think you are right.

One of the greats.


I'm not sure where to post this but I just wanted to recommend the Tascam DA3000 that you see in the picture as a fantastic source.

Not only does it allow those of you with large vinyl collections to archive your precious records in DSD 128 but playback from both the analogue and digital outputs is enthralling when played back on a capable system.

Given it's price of just £800 it represents tremendous value IMHO.

I'm emigrating soon and was thinking of selling up as I have no need of audio where I am going. I just cannot bring myself to let the speakers go though :D I've owned an awful lot of high end audio in the last twenty five years or so and they are THE stand out item that I have ever purchased. I keep thinking that I'll need them one day and will not be able to replace them.

Fair point Bas :)

I should say "High End Audio" - a good set of headphones and an iPhone will suffice.

I might need to find a temporary home for the K2's though whilst I'm enjoying my mid life crisis - they are too "right" for me to lose for ever.
I think those are the original Sonus Faber stands. Had them once with Electa Amator II's, pieces of art!

They are actually 'rip-offs' of the original Sonus Faber stands made by a company in California called Core Audio Designs. They are solid walnut with an Italian marble base. The stands currently produced by Core are ply and the priced has jumped considerably! I'm glad I got mine when I did. They are manufactured to a very high quality and suit the Elacs perfectly. They also blend nicely with the rest of our teak furniture....WAF and all that.

Please post a description along with the pics folks, not everyone can recognise everything, e.g. I think the neat looking speakers are above are Teddy Prado's, but I'm not sure, I can't tell what arm is on the 401, nor what the lower TT is at all! All looks very nice though.
My current set up, been a few changes since my last post, bloody box swapping :rolleyes:

Bet that sounds lovely, my mum runs the little Ruark Icons off a fairly gutless Arcam Alpha 7 which have sound an enjoyable sound but a little lacking in scale and dynamics. I imagine your larger Ruarks have all their positives but with that extra depth and of course with a lot more up them well controlled too.
Bet that sounds lovely, my mum runs the little Ruark Icons off a fairly gutless Arcam Alpha 7 which have sound an enjoyable sound but a little lacking in scale and dynamics. I imagine your larger Ruarks have all their positives but with that extra depth and of course with a lot more up them well controlled too.

Thanks Bluedroog, yes the system sounds pretty damn good to my ears. Had the Talismans about 8 months now and can't see past them for anything else. Had read up quite a bit before I bagged my pair, was slightly concerned about the bass light comments but in my room, right now, with the Abrahamsen and the 651C, they sound astonishing.
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