
System Pics 2016 part II

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Thank you alan967tiger. I've only ever had the Stax Klimik 007t as a comparison (which I still own), however while I am generally a "valve man" the Carbon is indeed way better!
Not sure if I'll be here for long but here goes :)

Think the last time I was here I had a Dynavector / Shahinian Obelisk setup but due to me selling all my kit for a job offer in Oz that fell through I've had to start again from scratch.

Thought I'd give valves a try and here is where I am now.

SJS Arcadia Model 1.5 Line Level Pre
SJS Arcadia Model 5 SE 300B Power Amplifier
Audio Note 1.1x Mk2 Signature DAC
Gustard U12 USB>Spdif converter
Mac Mini - running Roon core
Origin Live Resolution Mk3
Audio Note Arm One mk2
Audio Note IQ3
Whest PS.20 phono stage
Audio Note AN-j Hemp speakers

IMG_0573 by The Biglebowski, on Flickr

IMG_0574 by The Biglebowski, on Flickr

IMG_0575 by The Biglebowski, on Flickr

IMG_0576 by The Biglebowski, on Flickr

IMG_0577 by The Biglebowski, on Flickr

IMG_0578 by The Biglebowski, on Flickr
Chris! Hope you can hang around. :)

Nice kit. Where's the Xerxes?!!!

P.S. I'm Ian/Vital, with a changed forum name since you were posting here last...
Hi gazjam
Lovely set-up there. A recent Firebottle Plus convert myself and liking the sound. Have you fitted something over the LED on the right?

Hi Mark,
Yeah the Firebottles a great bit of kit.
Interested in Alan's new one actually.
Mines didn't have the LED like yours, but a silver "Firebottle" stamped metal disk.
Looked a bit blingy on my all black rack, so put a rubber computer case foot in its place (as you do!)

Don't do bling, well...not since I sold on the Gyrodec spinny weight platter and got the Orbe one.
Yes, Birgir at Mjolnir Audio makes some serious amps for driving Stax "Ear Speakers". Here is my set up including the KGSSHV Carbon.


That looks a very purposeful system - you don't see many 501s around. Which amp and speakers?
here goes:

- Custom UK build 300B SET with Elrog 300B power valves/TungSol drivers.
-Densen DM20 Preamp (recapped and re-transformered)

- Michell "Gorbe" turntable / SME V / Dynavector XX2 Mk2
- HR PSU upgrade for deck.
- Firebottle valve output phonostage

- Logitech Transporter
- M2TEch Young Dac+linear PSU
- Oppo 103D Bluray
- Selfbuilt PC based music server

- Custom UK built "Edingdale" speakers
- Series-parallel wired 2-way config/ribbon tweeter/94 Db efficient

The speakers were developed specifically with the amp builders 300B SETs in mind, so synergy is fantastic.
8 SET watts into 94Db impedance matched speakers.

The valves are something else, only about 30 hours on them and they have transformed the amp over the EH Gold Grids I had in before.

The valve "magic" is there, wont ever go back to solid state amps again. :)

What app do you use to control it on the ipad in the video? :)
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Previously used Jriver and LMS and this is far and away the best solution I've found.
Not free unfortunately...but worth it.

I too run Jriver controlled via the gizmo app on my phone, what is the big deal with roon then? I see it mentioned a lot, I must admit that I'm quite happy with my current setup.
Hi Mark,
Yeah the Firebottles a great bit of kit.
Interested in Alan's new one actually.
Mines didn't have the LED like yours, but a silver "Firebottle" stamped metal disk.
Looked a bit blingy on my all black rack, so put a rubber computer case foot in its place (as you do!)

Don't do bling, well...not since I sold on the Gyrodec spinny weight platter and got the Orbe one.

Thanks - I see now, fits well! I actually got Alan to fit a Green LED in my black cased Firebottle Plus, which sits nicely alongside my CB Naim kit.
I do enjoy reading this thread and looking at the wide variety of kit people use to get their music fix.

Here's my simple two boxer. A Melco N1A server into a Devialet 120 amp. Speakers are Larsen Model 6.2 on loan from MCRU.




Chris! Hope you can hang around. :)

Nice kit. Where's the Xerxes?!!!

P.S. I'm Ian/Vital, with a changed forum name since you were posting here last...

Hello mate, will organise a bakeoff soon if you fancy a trip south?

The Xerxes went ages ago and was replaced with a Well Tempered Simplex and then a Systemdek iix 900, then an Audio Note TT1 before settling on the Origin Live :)

I did offer it back to you but think you were selling the Garrard or Radius at the time.
Hello mate, will organise a bakeoff soon if you fancy a trip south?

The Xerxes went ages ago and was replaced with a Well Tempered Simplex and then a Systemdek iix 900, then an Audio Note TT1 before settling on the Origin Live :)

I did offer it back to you but think you were selling the Garrard or Radius at the time.

It's all a blur!

Yup, love to get together again, give me some notice and I'll make sure I get down there.
Thanks - I see now, fits well! I actually got Alan to fit a Green LED in my black cased Firebottle Plus, which sits nicely alongside my CB Naim kit.

And I asked Alan to fit a red one to match the dot matrix display on my Young Dac! :D

Naim kit at night...nice.
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