
System Pics 2016 part II

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Some lovely systems. I am struck by how many seem show speakers very close together...and close to the rear wall. Do so many really run like this....or does WAF rule the roost.

Maybe not everyone has a massive house and/or enough space? :confused:

Sweet. Now get yourself a Rega Wall mount for that P9 and you'll be in for a big surprise!

Maybe in the next house, planning on moving next year...
Some lovely systems. I am struck by how many seem show speakers very close together...and close to the rear wall. Do so many really run like this....or does WAF rule the roost.

In modern UK housing I'd say they are about the right distance apart.
Lovely looking system,

Is it me or is that top shelf bowing? worth putting something in to brace it maybe.

Thanks, the top shelf is not bowed, but the middle adjustable shelf is a little, the Apollo is a lot lighter than the Bryston B60 and other bits that was on it before.
Few shots of my lash up, latest addition the upgraded 300B's for the power amp.






here goes:

- Custom UK build 300B SET with Elrog 300B power valves/TungSol drivers.
-Densen DM20 Preamp (recapped and re-transformered)

- Michell "Gorbe" turntable / SME V / Dynavector XX2 Mk2
- HR PSU upgrade for deck.
- Firebottle valve output phonostage

- Logitech Transporter
- M2TEch Young Dac+linear PSU
- Oppo 103D Bluray
- Selfbuilt PC based music server

- Custom UK built "Edingdale" speakers
- Series-parallel wired 2-way config/ribbon tweeter/94 Db efficient

The speakers were developed specifically with the amp builders 300B SETs in mind, so synergy is fantastic.
8 SET watts into 94Db impedance matched speakers.

The valves are something else, only about 30 hours on them and they have transformed the amp over the EH Gold Grids I had in before.

The valve "magic" is there, wont ever go back to solid state amps again. :)

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How are you finding the Elrogs, have you compared them to others? (specifically WE's)

I'm currently using KR Audio 300b's and was trying to make my mind up between Elrogs and Western electrics.
I've replaced my Stax energisers with a KGSSHV Mini; it arrived yesterday and the crazy grin hasn't left my face. It's so much better - in every way - than the SRM006T imo:)
How are you finding the Elrogs, have you compared them to others? (specifically WE's)

I'm currently using KR Audio 300b's and was trying to make my mind up between Elrogs and Western electrics.

Not heard either of those Sorry!
From what I read thought the Elrogs are noticably more dynamic sounding than the WE's, but still having that magic mid.

Few opinions I trust say KR's are the best of the rest, nice valves.
Was going to get them but fortunate enough to stretch to the Elrogs.
Hi gazjam
Lovely set-up there. A recent Firebottle Plus convert myself and liking the sound. Have you fitted something over the LED on the right?
I've replaced my Stax energisers with a KGSSHV Mini; it arrived yesterday and the crazy grin hasn't left my face. It's so much better - in every way - than the SRM006T imo:)

Yes, Birgir at Mjolnir Audio makes some serious amps for driving Stax "Ear Speakers". Here is my set up including the KGSSHV Carbon.

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