
Should Scotland be an independent country?

Should Scotland be an independent country?

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and i think that it is. now then, who is better placed to have an informed opinion i wonder?

...we're open early today i see :)

Snide as Dec I see.

So you believe ( better placed as you think you are ) that ALL the people who voted for the SNP in the GE were voting for Independence ?
i really don't care joe, not one bit. it's not for me to adjudge the motives of other people. what will be will be. if and when we get the referendum, people will vote the way they vote and the outcome will be the decision of those who voted. wtf does it matter what you think? or me? if you have a say (vote) in the matter, then all well and good. but this is a public forum. a little bit of levity goes a long way
i really don't care joe, not one bit. it's not for me to adjudge the motives of other people. what will be will be. if and when we get the referendum, people will vote the way they vote and the outcome will be the decision of those who voted. wtf does it matter what you think? or me? this is a public forum. a little bit of levity goes a long way
The hills have eyes...
In a democratic referendum in 2014, people made up their mind they did not want independence but you have form on wanting to ignore democracy.

Johnson has already proven he is not in favour of a re-run of a referendum on the same question soon after running one, so it’s not as though he’d be treating Scotland any differently to the rest of the UK by refusing the request.

I asked you the other day what it is you think will benefit the tories from Scottish independence, and so encourage them to agree to The Sturgeon’s request for permission to hold another referendum and you failed to provide an answer. You may not have a clue but you better hope The Sturgeon does or you have no chance.

I'm not sure I understand the "you have form for wanting to ignore democracy" comment, nor who you are Tbh. I believe I have been staunchly in favour of carrying out the will of the EU Referendum result.

Giz a clue.

I don't know what the tories stand to gain from Scottish independence?

Why would I?

My point was simple, the SNP aren't being entirely upfront about where an independent Scotland would land on the EU situation but are using it to influence the Scottish people.
“The Tory Government have never been upfront about where the U.K. would land outside the EU but are using it to influence the British people”.
I don't know what the tories stand to gain from Scottish independence?

ask yourself what england would stand to gain from scottish independence and then, having your answer, ask yourself why they, in the guise of westminster, fiercely oppose it.
You keep putting this up but I think that it erroneously conflates two issues.

Did all the people who voted SNP in the GE do so on the explicit understanding that their vote was also a vote for independence ?

You keep implying that that is indeed the case.

I doubt that it is.

The SNP did state that if they win, they will accept it as a mandate for indyref2.

The vote on Scotland does suggest an upturn in the independence vote.
“The Tory Government have never been upfront about where the U.K. would land outside the EU but are using it to influence the British people”.
Because no one knows. There is no precedence for it.

However, there is documentation on what would happen to Scotland.
Because no one knows.

yep. it's hilarious the way the population has been conned into voting for the biggest lucky-dip in history. the only thing that is known is that any of the available goody-bags will leave us worse off than we currently are. marvellous.

However, there is documentation on what would happen to Scotland.

the scottish government has produced documentation on how it plans to proceed in the event of independence. that includes likely impacts. there is no attemp to fool anyone. the documentation is there for all to see.
I'm not sure I understand the "you have form for wanting to ignore democracy" comment, nor who you are Tbh. I believe I have been staunchly in favour of carrying out the will of the EU Referendum result.

Giz a clue.

I don't know what the tories stand to gain from Scottish independence?

Why would I?

My point was simple, the SNP aren't being entirely upfront about where an independent Scotland would land on the EU situation but are using it to influence the Scottish people.
Ok, here’s a clue. I wasn’t replying to you and I agree with most of your post.

Does that help at all?
yep. it's hilarious the way the population has been conned into voting for the biggest lucky-dip in history. the only thing that is known is that any of the available goody-bags will leave us worse off than we currently are. marvellous.

the scottish government has produced documentation on how it plans to proceed in the event of independence. that includes likely impacts. there is no attemp to fool anyone. the documentation is there for all to see.

I don't feel conned. I knew that there was no way of knowing where exactly we'd end up, but I wasn't pleased with the scaremongering that took place.

I am actually enjoying the upheaval and the fact there's been such a monumental change, possibly two with indyref2, in my lifetime.

Pivotal moments in the history of the country.
You keep putting this up but I think that it erroneously conflates two issues.

Did all the people who voted SNP in the GE do so on the explicit understanding that their vote was also a vote for independence ?

You keep implying that that is indeed the case.

I doubt that it is.

How would it have been possible to vote SNP without realising you were indirectly voting for independence? They made it bloody clear enough, even to this non Scot!
I don't feel conned. I knew that there was no way of knowing where exactly we'd end up, but I wasn't pleased with the scaremongering that took place.

I am actually enjoying the upheaval and the fact there's been such a monumental change, possibly two with indyref2, in my lifetime.

Pivotal moments in the history of the country.

i admire your insouciance
indeed we do. that seems to be the order of the day. the mot du jour

