
PFM Advertising

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I emailed my solicitor on my iPad then went to pfm. The advert at the top was on the very same legal issue I’d written about ten minutes previously. Too much of a coincidence.
Luckily I'm blind to adverts, whether here, in my newspaper, on the radio, internet sites or even on TV (unless they're clever). I simply don't notice them, except when they're flickering; then I notice that they're annoying. I must have an acute mental filter but I wonder if I'm missing out. I think I still mentally live in the nineties before everything became dominated by quick-fire digital.

I must admit that the connectivity of data nowadays seems to have strayed well beyond the bounds of normally functioning life.
I don't how the advertising bots thought I may be interested in forklift trucks and whitening facial cream?????

(Oops, 2 year old thread revival)
I was looking at knife sharpeners and now PFM is serving up adverts for some nasty looking hunting knives....
I keep getting this one, if I needed a PA, I would definitely go with these folk..........

I have never had car adverts on my screen whilst making my often insightful and humorous contributions to PF. Pile treatments and penis enlargements yes but cars no.

Then today whilst doing some product training on my works laptop which used the example of building/running a motor vehicle, I started to get adverts for cars on my mobile which I had left on the PF page whilst following the latest developments regarding seanm’s dishwasher decision.

HAL has arrived.
I get pretty disgusting adverts for Snus. If you don't know what this is, it's a kind of tobacco you stick under your top lip.

Popular in Sweden. Can we stop it Tony?

it cause mouth cancer and rots teeth. The murdering tobacco companies are desperately trying to make it popular in places where they can't kill enough people from smoking anymore.

Annoyingly there are scenarios where the algorithm kind of fails in that it is fielding perfectly acceptable things, e.g. eBay, Wish etc, but has no knowledge of what it is being fielded. I obviously can’t afford to block major advertisers, and nor is there a mechanism to select what is fielded beyond that. Whenever I’ve looked into this previously it has always been stuff that is actually a breach of the third-party terms that Google is then fielding getting through, i.e. someone advertising something dodgy on eBay, or in an inappropriate category, and then that getting randomly fielded via adverts eBay fields via Adsense. As such I’m pretty much powerless as pfm obviously isn’t even remotely viable without the ads.

PS I think I’ve got the snus stuff blocked now.
I was getting ads for Jigsaw (not puzzles; dresses for very thin women). Now I'm getting ads for a smartphone with 'superhuman-level security'.
Whatever I do, Firefox and my add-ons seem to block ads on PFM, so I've started using Edge, just for PFM so as to let the ads through. It's eBay at the moment.
You guys are missing out - I get sexy Russian girls who would all like to meet me. Bored with this hifi shit anyway.
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