
General Election 2024

Quite a few folk on here who consider themselves to be good socialists must be horrified that they share the same “the West provoked Russia into invading Ukraine” view as erm…..Nigel Farage. Maybe there is something to the auld horse shoe theory after all.

Some confusions about cart/horse ordering I guess. The reality is that Putin has *always* wanted the old USSR back. Anything else is window dressing for the marks. His POV is the old Tzarist empire, etc.
Who on here has said that “the west provoked Russia into invading Ukraine”?

I did. Well, to be more precise, I said that the EU repeatedly poked a tyrannical bully in the eye by stirring the pot in the interests of its corporate sponsors who were keen to get their stickies onto some of Ukraine's juicy primary resources... whilst simultaneously prostituting itself to the same tyrannical bully on behalf of its er... corporate sponsors.
I don't think it is at all boring @Mick P. I think it is the perfect storm and watching the end of the conservative party will be wonderful fun.
And the part of the perfect storm that is funniest is outlined by Farage thus:
"It just says everything doesn't it, he doesn't really care about our history, he doesn't really care about our culture. This man is not patriotic; doesn't believe in the country, It's people, it's history and frankly, it's culture; if you are patriotic don't vote for Rishi Sunak"

I understand you are abstaining this year, you are obviously a patriot so here you go:
Here's an old article from 2022 in The Conversation: Two cheeks of the same @rse in my view

Ukraine war follows decades of warnings that NATO expansion into Eastern Europe could provoke Russia


Labour tried to gag Black lawyer who wrote party’s own racism report

Exclusive: Martin Forde KC says people will see letter from party responding to his criticisms as a ‘collateral attack on a Black professional’

I don't think it is at all boring @Mick P. I think it is the perfect storm and watching the end of the conservative party will be wonderful fun.

Indeed, and watching all the denial and desperate post-rationalisation of loser Tory activists is all part of that fun. It is pure comedy gold.
Just because Ed Davey is not some loud mouth grifter does not mean he doesn't have a brain. Pathetic comment.

Wiki: Davey was born in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. After both his parents died before he was 16, Davey was raised by his grandparents, and subsequently attended Nottingham High School. He then went on to study at Jesus College, Oxford, and Birkbeck, University of London. He was an economics researcher and financial analyst before being elected to the House of Commons.

Ed Davey was appointed as the Postal Minister 2010 - 2012 by Cameron under the coalition. He was not well regarded as a Minister by the PO and was nicknamed by the business as the minister without a brain. He lacked strategic skills and was hopeless on deployment. Having a degree does not make anyone a good minister.

Ed Davey was appointed as the Postal Minister 2010 - 2012 by Cameron under the coalition. He was not well regarded as a Minister by the PO and was nicknamed by the business as the minister without a brain. He lacked strategic skills and was hopeless on deployment. Having a degree does not make anyone a good minister.
The Post Office? That paragon of business acumen and ethics? Their opinion can do one. ☝️
Some confusions about cart/horse ordering I guess. The reality is that Putin has *always* wanted the old USSR back. Anything else is window dressing for the marks. His POV is the old Tzarist empire, etc.
I think the point is that Putin has always wanted the Russian Empire back.

His hero is Peter the Great. An ruthless autocratic leader who transformed a rural backwater into the third largest empire in history by waging war and conquering neighbouring countries.
My guess is that the Tories will disintegrate with many choosing to leave to spend more time with their money. The Tory Party will be a rump of Reform adjacent nutters led by Mordaunt who will battle it put with Reform to see which becomes the official opposition.

Labour will then be pulled even further to the right in response.

Not a new era, the same ship heading full steam ahead to the same iceberg but with re-upholstered deckchairs
To be honest I don't really know. The current crop of MPs have screwed up big time and they will never be forgiven for that. There are lots of astute newbies waiting in the wings and it's all down to how they present themselves and how Starmer performs.

We will just have to wait and see.
I did. Well, to be more precise, I said that the EU repeatedly poked a tyrannical bully in the eye by stirring the pot in the interests of its corporate sponsors who were keen to get their stickies onto some of Ukraine's juicy primary resources... whilst simultaneously prostituting itself to the same tyrannical bully on behalf of its er... corporate sponsors.

The EU loans to Ukraine were always wrapped up in neoliberal conditionalities (privatisation, deregulation, spending cuts and austerity) which is why Yanukovych was looking at the Russian options when the popular movement was to join the EU.

Even now the much vaunted G7 loan to Ukraine is only going to be paid from the interest on frozen Russian assets.
To be honest I don't really know. The current crop of MPs have screwed up big time and they will never be forgiven for that. There are lots of astute newbies waiting in the wings and it's all down to how they present themselves and how Starmer performs.

We will just have to wait and see.

Wait and see? Nah, I’m starting my moaning now!

