
General Election 2024

Woo Hoo! Time for a change.
He’s on it,
I wouldn't get to excited about this, basically it's Tory v Tory. It's a re run of Blair v Cameron.
Au contraire. The punishment at the hands of the electorate will be a spectacle through the night into the 5th. The destruction of the Tory Party has been a dream for millions of us. They’ll fracture while Reform cannibalises their vote but with no victories.
Au contraire. The punishment at the hands of the electorate will be a spectacle through the night into the 5th. The destruction of the Tory Party has been a dream for millions of us. They’ll fracture while Reform cannibalises their vote but with no victories.
OK fair enough but you are replacing one Tory party with another. For me that is good news as the winning party will be running on Tory policies. However from your point of view, what's going to be different once Starmer is in No 10. The answer is hardly now't.
Rishi will try to tell us how great the Tories are and what they have done for the country. Achievements like doubling the NHS waiting list between 2010 and 2020 and the almost doubling it again in the next 4 years.
Labour will try to tell us Kier is the leader we need and that they are the party for the future whilst trying to avoid losing an almost certain victory.
The Lib Dems will tell us they are on the way back and that we can trust them this time.
SNP will tell the Scots that they are the only choice.
Reform will tell us they are nice patriots who know what is best for the country, neglecting to mention that they are doing so in much in the same way as Hitler did for Germany in the 30s.
Plaid Cymru will tell us leeks and daffodils are safe with them.
The Greens will tell us that they are the party we need whilst weeping over the loss of Caroline Lucas.
The Monster Raving Loony Party will sit this one out, mainly because there are too many absurdly loony candidates from the other parties.

Meanwhile, lots of us will have already decided who we will vote for and or if we can be arsed to vote and try to ignore the whole bloody shambles as much as possible, possibly wandering to the local polling station on the 4th with our ID of course.

The wavering voters who are easily swayed by flimsy promises will vote for whoever fills the vacuum between their ears at the right time with where to put the cross.

And not forgetting the large contingent of cockwombles will be creaming themselves incessantly until the 5th of July and the result is known.
Au contraire. The punishment at the hands of the electorate will be a spectacle through the night into the 5th. The destruction of the Tory Party has been a dream for millions of us. They’ll fracture while Reform cannibalises their vote but with no victories.
The nightmare is that things will carry on much as they have been. And they will
Rishi will try to tell us how great the Tories are and what they have done for the country. Achievements like doubling the NHS waiting list between 2010 and 2020 and the almost doubling it again in the next 4 years.
Labour will try to tell us Kier is the leader we need and that they are the party for the future whilst trying to avoid losing an almost certain victory.
The Lib Dems will tell us they are on the way back and that we can trust them this time.
SNP will tell the Scots that they are the only choice.
Reform will tell us they are nice patriots who know what is best for the country, neglecting to mention that they are doing so in much in the same way as Hitler did for Germany in the 30s.
Plaid Cymru will tell us leeks and daffodils are safe with them.
The Greens will tell us that they are the party we need whilst weeping over the loss of Caroline Lucas.
The Monster Raving Loony Party will sit this one out, mainly because there are too many absurdly loony candidates from the other parties.

Meanwhile, lots of us will have already decided who we will vote for and or if we can be arsed to vote and try to ignore the whole bloody shambles as much as possible, possibly wandering to the local polling station on the 4th with our ID of course.

The wavering voters who are easily swayed by flimsy promises will vote for whoever fills the vacuum between their ears at the right time with where to put the cross.

And not forgetting the large contingent of cockwombles will be creaming themselves incessantly until the 5th of July and the result is known.
The SNP pitch will be- Starmer will win in England with his Tory-lite policies which are anathema to Scots, along with his Brexit, so vote SNP to hold him to account.

