
General Election 2024

Yes, the Tory Reform party, well, I’d like to think they’d struggle for votes. We’ll probably end up with a Lib/Lab coalition as the default.
Would the Libs really agree to a coalition because it almost wiped them out when they got into bed with the Tories.
They only regretted the consequences. Different thing.
They would certainly be having a long internal debate if such an occasional situation ever arose again. They had 5 years of being chauffeured in ministerial limos just to be followed by near destruction. They were seen as betraying their principles for 5 years of power.
They would certainly be having a long internal debate if such an occasional situation ever arose again. They had 5 years of being chauffeured in ministerial limos just to be followed by near destruction. They were seen as betraying their principals for 5 years of power.
Do politicians have principles? The evidence is scant when it comes to the prospect of power.
Do politicians have principles? The evidence is scant when it comes to the prospect of power.
To be frank, every politician in every party wants power, because having no power is a total waste of time. However the Libs must still remember the reality of 2015 when they almost ceased to exist.
To be frank, every politician in every party wants power, because having no power is a total waste of time. However the Libs must still remember the reality of 2015 when they almost ceased to exist.
The Tories may not need a long memory after July 4th.

They’ve basically destroyed the country in their lust for power. How many of them suddenly changed their minds on Brexit?
To be frank, every politician in every party wants power, because having no power is a total waste of time. However the Libs must still remember the reality of 2015 when they almost ceased to exist.
Surely a bit of money to be made acting as wipeout consultants to the tories?
The Tories may not need a long memory after July 4th.

They’ve basically destroyed the country in their lust for power. How many of them suddenly changed their minds on Brexit?
Nearly every country is broken at the moment. Ukraine and covid have done a lot of damage.
To be frank, every politician in every party wants power, because having no power is a total waste of time. However the Libs must still remember the reality of 2015 when they almost ceased to exist.

Thankfully it is the turn of the Tories to almost cease to exist. A party so psychopathic they will happily align with progressives such as the LDs or far-right religious zealots such as the DUP. As long as they can get their hand in the till they are happy. I fully expect a deal with Farage and Reform. Braverman, like Truss is fresh off the plane from campaigning with fascist conspiracy theorist and convicted felon Steve Bannon. A far-right extremist who has proven a huge influence and role model for the party since Johnson installed his ideology at the heart of UK government.

Nothing is ever beneath a Tory. No matter how low they stoop further is always possible.

A bit of a pile on developing

As much as I am in 108° opposition to the neoliberal philosophy represented by one or two of our self proclaimed right wingers, the uncomfortable truth is, that things are moving in their direction.

And have been for some time.

The subjects of the pile on will be raising a glass to the furtherment of thier objectives on July 5th. The bigger the mandate, the more glasses they will raise
Thankfully it is the turn of the Tories to almost cease to exist. A party so psychopathic they will happily align with progressives such as the LDs or far-right religious zealots such as the DUP. As long as they can get their hand in the till they are happy. I fully expect a deal with Farage and Reform. Braverman, like Truss is fresh off the plane from campaigning with fascist conspiracy theorist and convicted felon Steve Bannon. A far-right extremist who has proven a huge influence and role model for the party since Johnson installed his ideology at the heart of UK government.

Nothing is ever beneath a Tory. No matter how low they stoop further is always possible.

Basically the Tories are stuffed for at least five years and most likely the next ten. So you can cheer up a bit and stop being so pessimistic.

However they are still a strong force at local authority level because this is where the Tories have an inbuilt advantage because they are seen as being better managers. They still have a respectable presence even after losing the benefit of the "Boris bounce" of four years ago. This is why many towns have a Labour MP and a Tory council.
Basically the Tories are stuffed for at least five years and most likely the next ten. So you can cheer up a bit and stop being so pessimistic.

However they are still a strong force at local authority level because this is where the Tories have an inbuilt advantage because they are seen as being better managers. They still have a respectable presence even after losing the benefit of the "Boris bounce" of four years ago. This is why many towns have a Labour MP and a Tory council.
Ah, like Ben Houchen...
However they are still a strong force at local authority level because this is where the Tories have an inbuilt advantage because they are seen as being better managers.

Really? Just a bunch of shameless grifters and till-dippers from what I can see. As ever want to know what a Tory thinks look in their pockets. Councils are a way to grift off the tax-payer and sadly far too many of them seize that opportunity.
Really? Just a bunch of shameless grifters and till-dippers from what I can see. As ever want to know what a Tory thinks look in their pockets. Councils are a way to grift off the tax-payer and sadly far too many of them seize that opportunity.
OK give a few examples of till dippers at local authority.
Tory election candidate under investigation for betting on the date of the election along with her campaign director husband at Tory HQ, is now threatening to sue the BBC and other news outlets for ‘invading her privacy’.
Sunak is desperately running damage control to make the story go away and the brazen trough feeder is threatening the BBC. Something tells me she and her husband‘s futures in the Tory Party are over.

OK give a few examples of till dippers at local authority.

IIRC Swindon WiFi fell somewhat short of being a responsible use of money from the public purse. Try googling ‘freeports’ if you are feeling bored too. There’s always a hand reaching towards the till somewhere.

PS I’m not daft, no way am I going to risk a SLAPP suit from some millionaire shit who weaponises the law, so I’ll sit on my hands on a lot of stuff. The law in the UK often serves the wealthy rather than truth.
No - We are talking local authority level.

If you want to talk national level, the LibDems had the worst record percentage wise in the 2009 expenses scandal.

