
General Election 2024

I didn’t see it, just not prepared to give the BBC viewing stats for platforming that crooked far-right prick, but I see from Twitter Putin still owns him and he’s blaming “the west” for the Ukraine war.
It's worth watching, he gets a hammering.
Just hope the others do too.
It's worth watching, he gets a hammering.
Just hope the others do too.
I just watched it and disagree that he gets hammered. To test Robinson’s technique in these interviews I just watched Starmer and if he was hammered it was with a soft toy. I can’t bring myself to watch Sunak any more so I don’t know if he was “hammered” but it seems that any hammering going on is very subtle indeed.
Quite a few folk on here who consider themselves to be good socialists must be horrified that they share the same “the West provoked Russia into invading Ukraine” view as erm…..Nigel Farage. Maybe there is something to the auld horse shoe theory after all.
It’s gaslighting. They’d given up nukes and are sovereign territory. Farage is a puppet, or an appeaser at best. I’m not sure many share his view.
People must be thick. Well, half are below average intelligence so there’s my argument. Any decent majority is a majority and a mandate to govern. I just don’t get this supermajority concern.

I’m not sure many share his view.
Au contraire. You obviously didn’t spend much time on the War in Ukraine thread. Some of the most vocal critics of Starmer on here from the Left were full of NATO expansionism, James Baker said not an inch eastwards, more Western imperialism etc - are now in bed with The Frog.
Au contraire. You obviously didn’t spend much time on the War in Ukraine thread. Some of the most vocal critics of Starmer on here from the Left were full of NATO expansionism, James Baker said not an inch eastwards, more Western imperialism etc - are now in bed with The Frog.
Disappointing. So, some here believe that the punishment for not wanting to be invaded by Russia is err, to be invaded by Russia? 🤪
Quite a few folk on here who consider themselves to be good socialists must be horrified that they share the same “the West provoked Russia into invading Ukraine” view as erm…..Nigel Farage. Maybe there is something to the auld horse shoe theory after all.
Who on here has said that “the west provoked Russia into invading Ukraine”?
Au contraire. You obviously didn’t spend much time on the War in Ukraine thread. Some of the most vocal critics of Starmer on here from the Left were full of NATO expansionism, James Baker said not an inch eastwards, more Western imperialism etc - are now in bed with The Frog.
Baker did say not an inch eastward and ‘The West’ was all over the economic shock therapy that caused the poverty and social division from which Putin arose. None of which is equivalent to saying ‘The West’ caused Putin to invade Ukraine” as you claim.
FWIW most of us have been shouting about Farage being a paid Putin stooge since long before Brexit (an event with clear Russian propaganda connections). Farage is a traitor IMHO; a man who received a considerable amount of money from a foreign state (shovelled through RT etc) to act against the interests of the UK. He’s still doing it too, though his dark funding channels may be a little different now.
FWIW most of us have been shouting about Farage being a paid Putin stooge since long before Brexit (an event with clear Russian propaganda connections). Farage is a traitor IMHO; a man who received a considerable amount of money from a foreign state (shovelled through RT etc) to act against the interests of the UK. He’s still doing it too, though his dark funding channels may be a little different now.
Yes. As always, follow the money. These dark funding channels don’t care about moral objectives about right or wrong, peace or war, only exploiting resources, opportunities, counties and individuals for their own end
FWIW most of us have been shouting about Farage being a paid Putin stooge since long before Brexit (an event with clear Russian propaganda connections). Farage is a traitor IMHO; a man who received a considerable amount of money from a foreign state (shovelled through RT etc) to act against the interests of the UK. He’s still doing it too, though his dark funding channels may be a little different now.
I don't doubt the money is a thing but I think far-right creeps like Farage genuinely idolise Putin for being the sort of strongman leader who can rig elections, persecute minorities and murder his political opponents. He's who they aspire to be.
No one apart from farage and this prick.
SD is trying to revive some nonsense from a different thread from a long time ago where I highlighted the one inch eastward quote and the advice from Sachs to Yegor Gaidar on implementing the Shock Therapy that created the chaos which helped the cause of the oligarchs
I don't doubt the money is a thing but I think far-right creeps like Farage genuinely idolise Putin for being the sort of strongman leader who can rig elections, persecute minorities and murder his political opponents. He's who they aspire to be.
I think the money is central. Putin has managed to control the oligarch money, by going after individuals who get too cocky so that money has moved closer to Putin in order to best manage their interests by keeping their head down and working with him rather than against him. Trump and Farage have been managed (have been bought) to the same ends.
I am comfortable being "in bed with Farage" (ooh-err!) if I agree with him.

For example, I support Reform's policy of scrapping the two-child benefit cap.

Similarly, I support Reform's policy of writing off student debt for workers in the NHS.

In both instances, Reform is to the left of Labour, so they get my vote (metaphorically speaking).

I'm interested in policies, not personalities, or mindlessly cheering on my "team", no matter how shit they've become.

Those two policies are also a neat illustration of how, when both main parties abandon social democracy, an opportunist far-right party can exploit the lack of representation many ordinary people feel. Fish hook theory in action.

I don't doubt the money is a thing but I think far-right creeps like Farage genuinely idolise Putin for being the sort of strongman leader who can rig elections, persecute minorities and murder his political opponents. He's who they aspire to be.

I realise I have my Twitter feed very tightly curated (it only shows people/entities I follow and what they share), but I get the impression Farage may actually have damaged himself in the Nick Robinson interview. The Russian connection is right back in the spotlight and good folk like Prof Alice Roberts, Waldemar Januszczak etc digging up old Carole Cadwaldr and others posts and articles exposing Farage’s links to Russian figures and misinformation pathways. A lot of old stuff that is damaging to Farage is doing the rounds again today.

I can’t imagine Farage’s legions of gammon nationalist pensioners being impressed with the obvious connections and support of Putin with Ukraine still in the spotlight. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been percieved as a very clear and unambiguous wrong by an overwhelming percentage of people and Farage spouting conspiracy theory and tyrant appeasement here will hopefully damage him. A lot.

Nick Robinson is interesting too as he’s an old public school/Oxbridge Tory activist (leader of the Young Conservatives IIRC) before representing the Tories at the BBC, so I guess he’ll be seething at the damage Farage is doing to his party. I’ve not seen the interview (I guess I have to watch it), but it wouldn’t surprise me if he tried to lay every trap he could think of.
I am comfortable being "in bed with Farage" (ooh-err!) if I agree with him.

For example, I support Reform's policy of scrapping the two-child benefit cap.

Similarly, I support Reform's policy of writing off student debt for workers in the NHS.

In both instances, Reform is to the left of Labour, so they get my vote (metaphorically speaking).

I'm interested in policies, not personalities, or mindlessly cheering on my "team", no matter how shit they've become.

Those two policies are also a neat illustration of how, when both main parties abandon social democracy, an opportunist far-right party can exploit the lack of representation many ordinary people feel. Fish hook theory in action.

Also raising the personal allowance/tax thresholds

