
General Election 2024

I see Sky’s Trevor Philips show is giving Farage top billing. Warm-up act; Tory shitweasel Oliver Dowden, middle act; Labour’s dull Pat McFadden, and they’ve gone with Oswald Mosley tribute-act Farage as headliner.

PS I noticed the phrase ‘Making Klans for Nigel’ in Twitter yesterday. Rather good!
I've got covid at the moment. Wasn't offered a jab this year, and I think this bout is longer and more severe because of it.
It can still pack a serious punch alright. You can pay for boosters but they're around £100 (Boots). Expect a big surge after Glasto. It's hard to tell what's happening now until after the event there's so little information!
I see Sky’s Trevor Philips show is giving Farage top billing. Warm-up act; Tory shitweasel Oliver Dowden, middle act; Labour’s dull Pat McFadden, and they’ve gone with Oswald Mosley tribute-act Farage as headliner.

PS I noticed the phrase ‘Making Klans for Nigel’ in Twitter yesterday. Rather good!

Projected to get 5 seats by YouGov.
Watching my FiL reading the Daily Mail, some of the shit he believes. Last night night he mentioned Gordon Brown’s raid on the pensions meaning more were paying tax. “Err, did you ever have a pension pot of over £1m?”, “No” was the answer. The reason he is paying tax is the freezing of the tax thresholds & the rises from the triple lock, both Tory policies. The latter is welcome but we still have among the lowest pensions in Europe.

But hooray the Tories have stopped taxing the large pension pots.
A lot of people really like racism & ethnic nationalism. It is right up there with religion as a radicalisation and mobilisation tool. It works.
The Tory Party unleashed the dogs and they’ve come back to bite them. The Prime Minister being called a ****ing P**i by one of Farage’s party activists in the seat he’s seeking election in. A Home Secretary raising the white mob without understanding one day they’ll eventually come for her too. The naivety of thinking the rage could be directed selectively at British Muslims and non-white immigrants for political gain.

The rhetoric which describes Sunak as “not of us”, “they don’t understand our culture”. I’m afraid they’ve lit a fire and they’re incapable of putting out.
Love it - the racist white panto of Nigel on stage. I thought the still pic was an edited spoof until I actually watched the thing. You could imagine the wave of urinary incontinence as they all chanted and got their blood pressure soaring.
The mask slipped immediately, vindictive, humourless - "sack the bastard, and I mean sack", to braying incontinence.
Anyone voting for Reform has enough evidence to acknowledge them as a racist party. I am now starting to doubt they will get any seats at all.
Some will no doubt be turned off by last weeks events. But just like Trump however, more will be emboldened by his dragging of the nauseous, visceral racism of the far-right to the centre of the debate.
The Tory Party unleashed the dogs and they’ve come back to bite them. The Prime Minister being called a ****ing P**i by one of Farage’s party activists in the seat he’s seeking election in. A Home Secretary raising the white mob without understanding one day they’ll eventually come for her too. The naivety of thinking the rage could be directed selectively at British Muslims and non-white immigrants for political gain.

The rhetoric which describes Sunak as “not of us”, “they don’t understand our culture”. I’m afraid they’ve lit a fire and they’re incapable of putting out.
This- 100%. Class only trumps race so far in the Tory/ Reform scene of things. They cannot be unaware that the currents they are courting utterly despise them. Sunak the ‘f*cking p***’ was elected by the only slightly more woke parliamentary Tory party. They changed the rules because they were perfectly aware the party at large could never stomach an ‘ethnic’ as party leader.

I was genuinely disgusted that Sunak’s daughters had to hear their dad being spoken about in that language. But he cannot be unaware that that is also how a huge cohort of Tories refer to him in private. If Reform were ever to take power, Patel would be on the first plane out to Kenya and Braverman to Mauritius; yet still they fan the flames.
Sorry to bang on, but to the advocates of a Green vote, substitute ‘radical Green administration’ for ‘organised working class.’

“This is what the British state does to just stop oil, who are a harmless, inoffensive group protesting over a crucially important issue - imagine what they’ll do when the organised working class actually threatens the status quo?”

So does Rupert Murdoch.
Maybe Keith will get an invitation this year. He’ll need to get himself a Mr.Kippling blazer and suitably patriotic footwear

This- 100%. Class only trumps race so far in the Tory/ Reform scene of things. They cannot be unaware that the currents they are courting utterly despise them. Sunak the ‘f*cking p***’ was elected by the only slightly more woke parliamentary Tory party. They changed the rules because they were perfectly aware the party at large could never stomach an ‘ethnic’ as party leader.

I was genuinely disgusted that Sunak’s daughters had to hear their dad being spoken about in that language. But he cannot be unaware that that is also how a huge cohort of Tories refer to him in private. If Reform were ever to take power, Patel would be on the first plane out to Kenya and Braverman to Mauritius; yet still they fan the flames.
Sunak was effin at it with that ‘I’m offended pish, who’ll think of my daughters?’ the other day.

This is a guy who was happy to take free helicopter rides and £15m from a racist scumbag, I don’t remember him calling out that creep for what he said about Dianne Abbot and others including his own employees.

Sunak was looking for votes from the Asian community and anyone else on the offended bus, yes what was said about him was disgraceful but FFS he’s hardly an innocent abroad.
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