
General Election 2024

Just got this from Greenpeace - fishies who wish to gauge green commitment of parties and adjust their vote accordingly might find it of interest.


In just five days, you have the opportunity to cast your vote in ........

To help you cut through the political spin, we’ve teamed up with Friends of the Earth Wales to comb through the parties' manifestos and reveal who's really standing up for the future of our planet.

Everyone has to make their own choice about how to vote. But if climate and nature is a priority for you, we hope you find it helpful.

Key points to know:
  • Across the main UK-wide parties, the Green Party of England and Wales topped the ranking for their climate and nature plans, followed by the Liberal Democrats, then Labour, with the Conservatives coming last.
  • Many of our scoring criteria were UK-wide policies so we didn't think it was fair to compare nation-specific parties against this. However, we did separate analyses of strengths and weaknesses of Plaid Cymru. [1]
  • The Green Party of England and Wales has an ambitious plan to invest in renewables, green homes, better public transport, nature restoration and fair support for green farming. There is also support for developing countries to deal with growing climate impacts.
  • The Liberal Democrats also scored very highly and have a strong plan to tackle sewage in our rivers and seas. Sadly, they have not committed to an end to oil and gas licences or to ratify the Global Oceans Treaty.
  • Promising climate commitments from the Labour Party include the creation of Great British Energy to boost clean energy projects across the country, lower bills and increase energy independence – as well as investment in green homes, and an end to new oil and gas licences. Our view is that Labour's investment in the green transition and their policies on tackling industrial fishing and plastic pollution don’t go far enough – if they form the next government, we will need to push them further on these issues. While the Labour party came third in our ranking, it’s worth noting that they scored four times more highly than the Conservatives.
  • The Conservative Party’s manifesto is worrying reading. They’re doubling down on oil and gas when increased dependence on gas will result in higher bills, more energy price shocks and an obvious increase in our climate-wrecking emissions.
  • Overall, Plaid has some good policies for both people and the planet, including a commitment to a Green New Deal for Wales. But their manifesto is missing the key information of how they would deliver, and pay for, the planet-saving policies they’ve identified.
  • Finally, we have gone through Reform’s 'contract' and it's a disaster for people and the planet. Ripping up protections for our countryside, bringing back fracking and rolling back on renewables – their policies would leave us dangerously dependent on fossil fuels. Reform’s migration policies are also cruel, lacking any compassion or empathy. [2]
  • Polling day is Thursday 4 July - please use your vote and remember you need ID. If you’ve already submitted your postal vote, share this information with friends and family.
Want to get the full picture on where parties stand?
Read and share this guide on voting for climate and nature at this election​
Made the mistake of listening to LK and two political hacks on R4 this morning. Politics reduced to showbiz gossip and of course she managed to make it all about herself by the end. “MPs will be working very hard and so of course will we”.

Postal votes have been delayed in distribution in Scotland she announced without of course mentioning Sunak called the election in the school holiday here and people will be scrabbling to register for postal votes because they already booked holidays.
Made the mistake of listening to LK and two political hacks on R4 this morning. Politics reduced to showbiz gossip and of course she managed to make it all about herself by the end. “MPs will be working very hard and so of course will we”.

Postal votes have been delayed in distribution in Scotland she announced without of course mentioning Sunak called the election in the school holiday here and people will be scrabbling to register for postal votes because they already booked holidays.
She's good if you enjoy shouting at the radio. Not so good for the blood pressure. Best avoided. A little talent goes a long way for some.
Leaflet #4 has landed: Labour. Lightest so far at just 7g, a generic but vaguely localised “letter” from Starmer with colour banner and picture of Max Headroom, addressed to me and delivered by the postie. The sort of thing one could set up as a mail-merge for the whole country but with the name of the constituency and constituency candidate as variables. Very lazy stuff.

Running total: Lab 2, LD 1, Galloway 1.
We had a Tory one today, a rather tacky attack ad on Starmer’s tax plans. The candidate looks about 18 & he talks proudly of raising money & working in soup kitchens. Literally no self awareness whatsoever.

Straight in the bin.
Green leaflet arrived today! Well more of a flyer - I guess they're using less paper to save the planet.

NHS, housing, rivers, environment. No mention as such of climate change. Hey ho.
Just had a tory letter delivered from the candidate standing here in East Renfrewshire basically the letter say's the tories have thrown the towel in nationwide and that the election is a fait accompli ie Labour have won the election but, there's always one, apparently the election in this constituency is too close to call and the guy's saying that a vote for Labour here is a vote for the SNP so vote Tory if you want the SNP out.

The SNP are the current holders of the seat.

Quite an interesting take to be honest.
We’ve had mini newspapers from Labour and the Conservatives, an A5 sized piece of card from the Lib Dems and nothing from Reform or the Greens

The latter is surprising as one of our neighbours campaigns for them. Maybe she feels there’s no point given she’d have to walk past a V8 petrol engined 4x4 to get to our postbox…
I received 3 paper flyers from Plaid Cymru within which were a number of claims of ‘achievements’ since the last election. Those achievements weren’t my experience so I sent a list of questions over a week ago to the party. No reply. Had a knock on the door from Plaid 3-4 days ago and said I was disappointed not to get any reply. He promised to follow up as it ‘clearly wasn’t good enough’. Still nothing

Yet they all spout ‘every voter is important’. My *rse!
Well, well!

Just back from a night in London to flyers from the Conservatives. Labour, some old bloke standing as an independent and TWO from the Lib Dems - one addressed personally to me. I feel honoured…
Had several all in the same delivery yesterday, two from labour- a part 1 and part 2, part 1 had a picture of small boats in the channel. Straight in thr bin with the Tory and Reform garbage.

Next door has his Reform poster in his bay window and there is a massive Reform banner strapped to the gable end of someone's house up the road. Pretty grim locally.

