
General Election 2024

The Tory Party unleashed the dogs and they’ve come back to bite them. The Prime Minister being called a ****ing P**i by one of Farage’s party activists in the seat he’s seeking election in. A Home Secretary raising the white mob without understanding one day they’ll eventually come for her too. The naivety of thinking the rage could be directed selectively at British Muslims and non-white immigrants for political gain.

Farage went straight to the Alex Jones Sandy Hook playbook claiming the well documented racists, bigots and homophobes that riddle Reform were actors/covert operators. Exactly what I’d expect from him. If he is speaking he is lying. The UK political right is now just a third-rate Bannon, Trump, QAnon cover-act. I still think Johnson was the final nail in the coffin. That is the point any real hope of recovering the UK was lost. The country is now just part of the same movement that will likely take America into a fascist dictatorship in November. Labour will likely stall on the precipice for five years, but the darkness looks to be coming as they refuse to identify any of the real issues of past decades and address it.
The food bank situation (that the tories seem so pround of multipling hugely in their tenure) - here's a thing.
Taylor Swift has reportedly donated more to them on the stops in her tour than the flippin government.
They still probably assume they are not really needed.
No matter what one thinks of her / her music, thats a gesture to behold.
My understanding is that far from assuming food banks are not needed, according to the philosophy of the Cameron/Osborn era, they are a great success.

Not one that’d they’d describe in those terms (don’t say the quiet part out loud!), but the contraction of the state by simple withdrawal and soft-forcing non-government bodies and the public to provide what should have been the state’s responsibility.

All part of the Big Society. It even allows them if they want to do so to join in hailing Taylor Swift as a saint - entirely consistently with their callous psychopathy.
The food bank situation (that the tories seem so pround of multipling hugely in their tenure) - here's a thing.
Taylor Swift has reportedly donated more to them on the stops in her tour than the flippin government.
They still probably assume they are not really needed.
No matter what one thinks of her / her music, thats a gesture to behold.

Her music isn’t necessarily for me, but she is such a force for good. She has used her platform and power so constructively so many times. I’ve huge respect for her. I’m really hoping she can do some damage to Trump over the next months. Horrific to think that one of the most effective tools standing between America and fascism is a pop star, but there she is, and she’s encouraging millions of good people to register to vote. Count me as a Taylor Swift fan!
We’ve had mini newspapers from Labour and the Conservatives, an A5 sized piece of card from the Lib Dems and nothing from Reform or the Greens

The latter is surprising as one of our neighbours campaigns for them. Maybe she feels there’s no point given she’d have to walk past a V8 petrol engined 4x4 to get to our postbox…

I'd have assumed you needed their leaflet more than the average voter would! :)
Sunak was effin at it with that ‘I’m offended pish, who’ll think of my daughters?’ the other day.

This is a guy who was happy to take free helicopter rides and £15m from a racists scumbag, I don’t remember him calling out that creep for what he said about Dianne Abbot and others including his own employees.

Sunak was looking for votes from the Asian community and anyone else on the offended bus, yes what was said about him was disgraceful but FFS he’s hardly an innocent abroad.
Yeah, I wasn’t suggesting he was, but that still doesn’t lessen the sickening racism of the whole episode. We can be absolutely certain that was not the first time in his life he’s been abused with that term. Together with Braverman, Patel, Cleverly, Zahawi et el, they think they’ve successfully pulled up the ladder, and that the racist filth of the Tories/ Reform will give them a pass based on their “my parents arrived here legally” schtick. But last week’s events surely must make them fully aware that to the rabidly racist right, they’re just another bunch of ‘f*cking P****’ to “be sent back where they came from.”
I don't think he really understands what fascism is but this is still worth a watch. Will his Isolationism prevent him joing forces with the European hard right? The most concerning aspect for us will be Starmer's kowtow-ing

The mask slipped immediately, vindictive, humourless - "sack the bastard, and I mean sack", to braying incontinence.
That struck me as well. Instead of just taking it on the chin as the wizard wheeze it was, the little man’s eggshell thin ego was shattered and he immediately lashed out and will now try to have someone deprived of their livliehood.

A really disgusting, slimy little maggot who has no doubt read Hitler’s garbled garbage about how “the little worm becomes a great man”
Will his Isolationism prevent him joing forces with the European hard right?
What his (now almost assured) second term will do will be to bolster far right/ fascism worldwide. Just as much as a Corbyn victory will bouy the U.K. left, having their man again in the White House, together with the RN in France, AFD in Germany, Wilders in the NL, Meloni in Italy, the FPO in Austria, and others, will take us closer to fascism than at any other time since the 1920’s.
What his (now almost assured) second term will do will be to bolster far right/ fascism worldwide. Just as much as a Corbyn victory will bouy the U.K. left, having their man again in the White House, together with the RN in France, AFD in Germany, Wilders in the NL, Meloni in Italy, the FPO in Austria, and others, will take us closer to fascism than at any other time since the 1920’s.
They'll be major disruption in France before they give in to fascism that's for sure
The Reform Party UK Limited activist who called Sunak a p*** on C4 News defended himself by explaining that he was quite old and was therefore bound to use racist language.

Old, and attracted to racist/fascist politics. Farage has been blowing his Mosley/Powell dogwhistle for decades now, he shouldn’t be surprised when it works.
Yeah the huge recent anti-Le Pen demos were encouraging. But to the Starmerites, take a look across the channel if you want to see the consequences of a sell out, centre left reformist who betrayed all his promises.
Well, as much as I admire your righteous anger, I just don’t have the energy for it myself, I don’t think this is a relevant point.

France has had a strong rightwards & racist element for some time, it’s pretty much dynastic within the Le Penns.

We’ve had right wingers in Govt for quite a while now & thankfully no one from NF/Reform/BNP has managed to get a seat in Parliament.

Perhaps the current state of France is due to the revolution which some seem to be calling for here.
Perhaps the current state of France is due to the revolution which some seem to be calling for here.

There is little if any difference between Front National and the modern post-Johnson Tory Party or Reform, and I’d peg Starmer around Macron on the map. We can’t look down on anyone. The rise of far-right populism/fascism is a near-global movement and our elites are all backing it with £billions.

PS My theory, for what little it is worth, is that the wealthy establishment elites know exactly what is coming with climate change and want to get the demonisation of immigrants/mass-emigration in early so we are all suitably gaslit and conditioned for the atrocities that lie ahead. Vast areas of this planet will shortly be under water. Money, power and privilege will always be protected.
There is little if any difference between Front National and the modern post-Johnson Tory Party or Reform, and I’d peg Starmer around Macron on the map
We might disagree where about on the map Starmer is, but he’s on the f*cking map. Macron has laid the table for Le Pen. Are we about to do the same for Reform?
Well, as much as I admire your righteous anger, I just don’t have the energy for it myself, I don’t think this is a relevant point.

France has had a strong rightwards & racist element for some time, it’s pretty much dynastic within the Le Penns.

We’ve had right wingers in Govt for quite a while now & thankfully no one from NF/Reform/BNP has managed to get a seat in Parliament.

Perhaps the current state of France is due to the revolution which some seem to be calling for here.
Well, as much as I admire your righteous anger, I just don’t have the energy for it myself, I don’t think this is a relevant point.

France has had a strong rightwards & racist element for some time, it’s pretty much dynastic within the Le Penns.

We’ve had right wingers in Govt for quite a while now & thankfully no one from NF/Reform/BNP has managed to get a seat in Parliament.

Perhaps the current state of France is due to the revolution which some seem to be calling for here.
As much as you protest otherwise, you do come across as condescending with your “righteous anger” line.

And you’re on to something with France and the revolution, but maybe not quite in the way you think. The Republic’s strict demarcation of church and state completely wrong footed the French left. Large sections of the French left went along with the hijab ban, falling for the ‘liberating Muslim women’ line, instead of seeing it for what it was: a racist attack on French Muslims. I’ve yet to hear of a Catholic nun being stopped in the street and made to change out of her habit.

They consistently and disastrously failed to call out Le Pen snr. as a fascist, instead SOS Racisme went down the ‘both as bad as each other’ Hope Not Hate line. The reason nobody from the far right has been elected to the U.K. Parliament is due to them being beaten back time after time: the battle of Cable Street. The battle of Lewisham. The anti-Nazi league, Rock Against Racism, Unite Against Fascism and Stand Up To Racism have all made a vital contribution that has been largely absent in France and has allowed the normalisation of fascism to the extent that it is now a permanent and growing fixture of French politics. All the while clueless liberals like Macron and Starmer have ‘denounced both sides.”

The Blairite French Socialist Party abandoned their core vote and went down the Blair/ Starmer line of courting the bosses. Macron broke with the SP and went into the sort of disastrous centrism Starmer has embarked upon. Le Pen snr. once remarked, in relation to the SP being dragged to the right in fear of losing ground to the NF, that people always prefer the original, and with his daughter looking odds on to assume the presidency, he had a point. So perhaps not quite as irrelevant as you assume.

