
General Election 2024

This is how I feel. Let's get the Conservatives out then take stock. The red wall has to be restored and given what and who they voted for last time, they have to be treated with kid gloves imo.

I do feel beaten down by this thread and that it seems one can't celebrate the impending removal of the Tories without being told it's all pointless as Labour are identical. As you said, @Jubal let's see.

I have (by postal vote) voted Labour in my Tory seat in Sussex. Had the boundaries not been changed I would certainly have voted Liberal as I was lucky to live in a Lib/Con marginal previously and would have delighted in helping end Caufield's political career. Sadly I am now stuck in a fairly secure Con seat with a fairly even split of Lib/Lab. Alas, FPTP puts the ghastly Mims in in all probability. So this occasion I've gone Labour as I want to give them a chance as the incoming Government (I shall monitor this result carefully and modulate my vote next time as necessary).

The one thing I am certain of is that anyone protesting with their vote against an admittedly pink-tinged-with-blue Labour in a seat where they might win, and putting the Tory back, should be ashamed come Friday.
Agree with all of that post but I’ll add to the last paragraph.

I’ve been fed up for a long time with people voting to take a seat off Labour, or voting against Labour where they have a good chance of winning, then complaining about the tories.

It’s not done until it’s done. There is a danger not just from tory media propaganda but from the Labour left, Labour and tories are not the same despite attempts to convince people otherwise. There is also a danger from nationalists. I hope to see their seats greatly reduced this week and there is a danger from idealists. Priority #1 has to be removing the tories this week.
The long list of tory lies, grift and incompetence over the last 14 years very eloquently stated by Mr Pie is what Labour should be using to challenge the tories every day and on every political programme. Pin the liars back with the truth.

The tories lie about Labour and tax, they lie about Labour and the economy, they lie about Labour and immigration, they lie about everything. Labour MPs stand there and take it. They need to hold these tories to account on the facts of what they have done for the last 14 years. The list from Mr Pie should be put to them over and over.

Listen to The Pie. Labour is not the same as tory.
Good evening all,

Just watching the BBC News and its report on Grimsby. £20million over 5 yrs - doesn't strike me that you are going to change a great deal with that especially given, with all due respects to the residents of Grimsby, the low point that the town was at in the first place.

Given all the renewable energy activities off the UK east coast you would think they would have a part in it. Seems to be focused on the opposite bank of the river.


Speaks volumes today that the Times Kier article is another slow, steady, safe pair of hands piece. They aren’t even bothering with a Rishi rant!

Caught a programme on R4 yesterday about the increasing threat to MPs and their families. They featured Jo Steven’s a Welsh Labour MP, Tobias Elwood and …erm Suella Braverman who, despite no longer being a cabinet minister, receives 24/7 protection from the HO at a cost to the tax payer.

Statistically speaking, with the murder of David Ames and Jo Cox out of about a thousand people who sat in the last parliament, being an MP is the most dangerous occupation in the UK.
That's sad to hear. And it's unlikely to get any better with the far-right gaining popularity.
There was also a Labour MP from Yorkshire on there who had faced a lot of Islamophobia hatred and she made the point that is it actually worth doing the job anymore which means others may not chose to stand because of fear.
Obviously I have no hope *in* Starmer's Labour but I do think that they might be forced into doing the right thing here and there, which was completely impossible with the Tories. My hope is that they come to a rapid realisation regarding how fragile they are, and take the scale and speed of the Tories' defeat as a warning. Maybe they'll even draw the right lessons from MAcron's misadventures and from the failure of the Tories' immigration campaign. Dunno, possibly clutching at straws.

Main hope lies in people getting organised after the election and applying pressure.
I was 'lurking' and read your post. I just wanted to say I broady agree with your sentiment. I'm not sure it will happen, tho. My experience of elected members(from all parties) is long and memorable - not for the right reasons.
Just got my Conservatives leaflet, "A vote for Reform is a vote to make Sir Keir Starmer prime minister". The candidate's bullet point pledges are:
- "I know what a woman is"
- leave the ECHR and get on with deporting illegal migrants
- scrap the TV licence
- increased sentences for those who "desecrate our sacred war memorials"

Yesterday in the town there was a cut out of Farage standing on the street next to a gazebo covered with flags.

I just realised the constituency boundaries have changed so it's quite possible Labour won't win and the kind of crap above is what's appealing to a significant percentage of voters these days, at least the older ones who can be bothered to turn out. I'm in Jo Cox's old constituency, which has been now been split more or less along racial lines. Labour have lost a lot of support there too as a result of Starmer's position on Gaza.
Just got my Conservatives leaflet, "A vote for Reform is a vote to make Sir Keir Starmer prime minister". The candidate's bullet point pledges are:
- "I know what a woman is"
- leave the ECHR and get on with deporting illegal migrants
- scrap the TV licence
- increased sentences for those who "desecrate our sacred war memorials"

Yesterday in the town there was a cut out of Farage standing on the street next to a gazebo covered with flags.

I just realised the constituency boundaries have changed so it's quite possible Labour won't win and the kind of crap above is what's appealing to a significant percentage of voters these days, at least the older ones who can be bothered to turn out. I'm in Jo Cox's old constituency, which has been now been split more or less along racial lines. Labour have lost a lot of support there too as a result of Starmer's position on Gaza.
That Gaza is a non issue in this election is a warning
If you look at the what matters to voters lists, Gaza doesn't figure. The left have failed to make the case. Again.

In separate news, Miliband said Labour would put climate front and centre of its plans in government, promising to reverse the ban on on-shore wind in the immediate days after Parliament returns after the election. A good start.
If you look at the what matters to voters lists, Gaza doesn't figure. The left have failed to make the case. Again.

In separate news, Miliband said Labour would put climate front and centre of its plans in government, promising to reverse the ban on on-shore wind in the immediate days after Parliament returns after the election. A good start.
You don’t care about war crimes and genocide against brown people, but it’s the left’s fault that you don’t care.

We log in first thing and get ready to do
the utmost we can to enrage and upset.
We’re fresh in the morning, preparing to spew
our bile and our anger all over the net.

We ‘like’ what we like and we hate what we hate.
We trash what you write and defile what you say.
We don’t give a toss for politeness. Too late
to muffle our wrath – it engulfs us all day!

We don’t work in gangs; we are lonely and screwed.
We fire off our comments without thinking first.
Our outlook is vile and our language is lewd.
We’re shut in our mind-sets, we all do our worst.

We’re here in our millions, winning the game
of who can beat who in the old war of words.
Don’t tell us to go back to school. It’s our aim
to call out the ****ers, the twats and the turds.

We’re only online, so not much can be done
to follow our profiles and keep us in tow.
Who cares what we type when the moment has gone?
What’s past is soon past and there’s no-one to know.

We are trolls, we are bullies, we’re nasty and mean;
we hide behind masks, we spit all over you.
We’re loud but we’re hidden; we’re heard but not seen.
You can’t catch a bully who’s sad through and through.

If you look at the what matters to voters lists, Gaza doesn't figure. The left have failed to make the case. Again.

The case has been made. Labour ignored it. As such Labour will be losing some seats they could have won. FWIW I’m in one, and I will not be voting to save Labour here even though I detest the independent. I’m throwing my vote on Green. I’ll get nothing for it beyond being counted on the national total and knowing my hands are clean.

How the Tories pushed universities to the brink of disaster

[Let's remind ourselves that it was Labour who reneged on the universal principle of the "progressive introduction of free education" and the LDs who capitulated]

Over the past 14 years, the Conservative dream of a free market in higher education has collided with the harsh reality of austerity and the cultural resentment of the radical right – driving some institutions close to bankruptcy

A second Reform candidate jumps ship:-

“I am in no doubt that the party and its senior leadership are not racist. However, as the vast majority of candidates are indeed racist, misogynistic, and bigoted, I do not wish to be directly associated with people who hold such views that are so vastly opposing to my own and what I stand for.”

She joins a racist party and is surprised that the members are racist, perhaps not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

