
General Election 2024

The 2nd leaflet has arrived:

Lib Dem: Pretty decent paper-stock, colour, fold-out, 19g. Constructive focusing on local issues and what they want to do. Graphic design wise; generic, low-end corporate, dull.

An interesting contrast with the Labour leaflet received last week which was larger, but lighter at 16g, and was primarily an attack on Galloway and focused a lot on Gaza. Looking at it again it is interesting as I think it is the first time I have seen Labour state unambiguously in print that Israel is in breach of international law. It stops short of using terms like ’genocide’, ‘ethnic cleansing’, ‘apartheid’ etc, but still pretty forceful for Starmer’s wishy-washy Israel-lobby-driven party. I’ll actually quote it (iPad text-scan):

Paul shares the anger of many residents in Rochdale about israel's breaches of international law and the suffering it has inflicted on men, women and children in Gaza.

He wants an immediate ceasefire, an end to the Rafah offensive and humanitarian aid rapidly supplied. Paul has called for the suspension of arms sales to Israel.

George Galloway talks a lot but achieves little. As well as missing Parliament for key debates on Gaza, he's not been around much in Rochdale either.

A by-election is often about sending a protest message, and all parties should listen to the voters. But a general election is about choosing your government - and we need a Labour MP to boot out Rishi Sunak's Tories from power and to deliver the change Britain needs.

PS IIRC Faiza Shaheen was booted out of Labour for less than that, though she was an Asian woman, and Starmer seems to have a real BAME issue.
The majority of voters in this country have binned every leaflet received without a 2nd glance. This vote is about removing a corrupt, inept government who has decimated the livelihoods of millions of people in a 14 year period. It's quite an achievement & most will vote accordingly because it affects them on a daily basis. The Tories are finished.
I wish we had Joe Biden on the ballot slip.

More my thing than Starmer with his politics of envy and inability to answer questions.

When asked what he will do with the Bibby Stockholm, no decipherable answer.
The majority of voters in this country have binned every leaflet received without a 2nd glance. This vote is about removing a corrupt, inept government who has decimated the livelihoods of millions of people in a 14 year period. It's quite an achievement & most will vote accordingly because it affects them on a daily basis. The Tories are finished.

I’m not arguing against any of that. There are however many other interesting things to observe.
I love the idea that Rishi will spend the rest of his life appearing in a soaking suit, everywhere he goes there's like, puddles and dribbles; on the 'Good Morning' sofa soaked and leaving a huge wet patch. Even in California a year from now. It's such a good gag, he should do it... but then, the humourless c**t won't cos he's dead important and that.
I hope our Mr Robinson is as aggressive and antagonistic with all the others.
He should talk and interrupt a little less though IMHO....but now there's a precedent.
The BBC Wales political leaders debate. Just flicked it on for a minute to observe a pissing contest between Tory and Reform over who can crack down hardest on the disabled. Bloody hell, is this what it’s come to?

