
General Election 2024

Speaking of TE, their latest (and final) poll:

465 seats for Labour
76 seats for the Tories (remember though the Tories are Labour are the Tories. Maybe someone can explain the math)
52 seats for the Lib Dems
3 seats for the Greens
3 seats for Reform

Definitely one of the more optimistic polls.
Speaking of TE, their latest (and final) poll:

465 seats for Labour
76 seats for the Tories (remember though the Tories are Labour are the Tories. Maybe someone can explain the math)
52 seats for the Lib Dems
3 seats for the Greens
3 seats for Reform

Definitely one of the more optimistic polls.
Three Green seats would be great.

Not too worried about three Reform seats. It's not like they'll bother showing up most of the time.
Speaking of TE, their latest (and final) poll:

465 seats for Labour
76 seats for the Tories (remember though the Tories are Labour are the Tories. Maybe someone can explain the math)
52 seats for the Lib Dems
3 seats for the Greens
3 seats for Reform

Definitely one of the more optimistic polls.
That would be amazing, potentially create a gap for a new lefter wing party? I’d like to see a super majority so closer ties with Europe could be pushed through.

The site of all the Tories crying into their cocoa would be hilarious.
That would be amazing, potentially create a gap for a new lefter wing party? I’d like to see a super majority so closer ties with Europe could be pushed through.

The site of all the Tories crying into their cocoa would be hilarious.
There is no mandate as it's not in their manifesto.
That would be amazing, potentially create a gap for a new lefter wing party? I’d like to see a super majority so closer ties with Europe could be pushed through.

The site of all the Tories crying into their cocoa would be hilarious.
I can't tell if you're joking about the super majority, so I'll assume you are.
Channel Four undercover report on Farage’s Clacton campaign. Really, really vile NF level views expressed here. This is the real Reform when the mask slips.

Watched it, They’d be a fair amount of reconstructive dentistry needed if I heard that sort of shit within earshot
Channel Four undercover report on Farage’s Clacton campaign. Really, really vile NF level views expressed here. This is the real Reform when the mask slips.

I saw that and was shocked by the blatant racism. I'm waiting for Our Nige to come out and say " They are only saying what I am thinking"
Is ordinary folk a euphemism for racists and fascists?
In my limited experience I suspect there may well be an element of truth in this.........

If you want to provoke reactions in a gathering of people start discussing immigration or anything renewable energy related - it will usually be one of those 'light the blue touch paper or pull the pin from the grenade' and retire to safe distance moments. It usually solicits 'strong' reactions in some.


Johnson was a buffoon, Truss was insane, and Sunak is hopelessly incompetent. Starmer (more or less) knows what he’s doing, and he’s going to have a whopping majority to do exactly what the f*ck he likes. He has successfully courted the bosses. He has telegraphed far in advance that he’s going to be no friend of the unions. And he is dangerously authoritarian. I dread to think just how bloody awful his administration is going to be.
I'm hardly ecstatic myself but...
In your estimation is his administration going to be more bloody awful than the last 14 years?

