
General Election 2024

Did Ed Davey do one of his trademark hilarious stunts? I'm guessing his trousers fell down or he had a custard pie thrown in his face?

No idea what his policies are but it's nice to see him out and about enjoying himself so much.

I suspect he knows his demographic. Yes, he’s doing some daft light-hearted attention-seeking stunts, but his personal backstory as carer to a disabled son and genuine belief in social care and the environment will hit home in a lot of nice leafy upper middle-class suburbs where folk are horrified by the current venal far-right Conservative Party, but still wouldn’t vote for any Labour Party. Davy took some real damage on QT last night over Horizon and the LD’s part in the Cameron government, and deservedly so, but I suspect they’ll do well on July 4th and take quite a few Tory seats. I think they’ll have a good night.
Only the well off should be allowed to procreate?

Again, it’s down to choices. If you live in a one bed flat and can’t afford somewhere suitable, probably best not to have 6 kids. If you do, don’t be surprised that you don’t have a lot of space.
You don't see any need to reduce our use of fossil fuels?
Of course but it is completely unrealistic without a drastic reduction in standard of living. It is a global problem. Developed nations de-industrialisng and shifting their emissions to China and India is fiddling at the edges.
Of course but it is completely unrealistic without a drastic reduction in standard of living. It is a global problem. Developed nations de-industrialisng and shifting their emissions to China and India is fiddling at the edges.
Per capita emissions in India are less than half the UK. The US and Canada have the largest emissions per capita.

Catastrophic environmental collapse will have drastic impact on standard of living.

You need to have a proper listen. Lib Dems have important policies on the NHS, social Care and mental health support in schools that the others don’t have. His tomfoolery is catching interest but try to read their manifesto

i‘m not a Lib Dem voter but given the tragic state of the country we owe it to all parties to at least listen properly.
They can promise the world as they know they won't be in government. When they were in government they did quite a lot of backtracking.

