
General Election 2024

There is no energy transition. Renewables are just adding an incremental supply to an increasing fossil-fuel base. Nothing the UK government can do will make the slightest difference to global climate. All they can do is implement policies that will make us all poorer.

The Fraser Institute is a right-wing Libertarian think tank engaged in climate change denial.

It is funded by oil companies and climate change deniers including the Koch brothers and Peter Munk.

Of course it does. Having kids costs an awful lot of money. That’s why many don’t have offspring they can’t afford to raise.
Might be worth thinking about the next time you're minded to complain about VAT and private schools.
Go ahead and try living without the products.
Our petrol use since last October is 2/5 of a tank in my wife's car, we use no gas, our electricity use is mostly at night in lower carbon intensity times or from our solar panels and we don't buy plastic tat from Amazon.
Sir Keith spoke of inclusiveness, the desire to bring people together during his allotted time on QT last night. Today he announced he would not permit the people of Scotland even to be asked to indicate their position on independence in a ballot, rather in the same way he will not permit voters in any part of the UK to express their view in a referendum on rejoining the EU.

He will also exercise his power as PM to strike down legislation in the Scottish Parliament. The gender recognition act which his own party voted in favour of in Scotland, killed off on his say so, placing his Scottish party leader in an embarrassing position. He will show himself to be an authoritarian in a manner that would have Tice and Farage moistening their lips with pleasure.
Exclusive: Health service scrambling to set up helpline after Qilin gang put stolen data into public domain overnight

Russian hackers have stolen records covering 300m patient interactions with the NHS, including the results of blood tests for HIV and cancer, the Guardian can reveal.

The amount and sensitive nature of the data obtained by the Qilin hacking gang has caused alarm among NHS bosses, who are scrambling to set up a helpline to deal with inquiries from what could be a large number of worried patients and also health service staff.

In a development that will cause anxiety among patients who have received private healthcare in recent years, Qilin’s haul is understood to include records of tests that people have had at multiple private healthcare providers. It is not clear which private healthcare firms Synnovis – a joint venture between the pathology firm Synlab and two major London acute hospital trusts – works for.

[anyone think further private involvement is a good thing?]

Our petrol use since last October is 2/5 of a tank in my wife's car, we use no gas, our electricity use is mostly at night in lower carbon intensity times or from our solar panels and we don't buy plastic tat from Amazon.
Thats great, we also try to minimise consumption but nowhere near what you do. Would you support a political party that mandated significantly reduced consumption, for example a one child policy, annual vehicle milage limit of 1000 miles, a ban on all imported food etc? Do you think such a party would win the popular vote?
I sympathise more with your politics than you seem to think. However, don't you in turn recognise the inbuilt pro Tory bias in practically all of the UK print and broadcast media? Don't you see the game that any left of centre party is obliged to play to avoid the hysterical 'reds under the bed' accusations from them?
Yes of course I recognise the bias, especially from the BBC who, unlike Fleet Street, purport to be impartial. But Starmer is not a leftist who is playing a game of considered moderation in order to avoid scaring the horses, he really is an unprincipled Tory-lite chancer (I didn’t know Bruce was married to a prominent Tory btw, but it makes a further mockery of supposed impartiality).

Anyway, I’ll be watching the Euros for most of the rest of the day, so will get back o this thread later.
Would you support a political party that mandated significantly reduced consumption, for example a one child policy, annual vehicle milage limit of 1000 miles, a ban on all imported food etc?
I do wonder how much we need orange paint-wielding green activists when consumers like gingermrkettle are doing a good job at cutting their emissions.

Looking around where I live my neighbours both sides have two electric cars per household.
My car is ULEZ compliant and pays only £20 in emissions tax. Most buses, single and double decker are now electric.

Next stage is reduce gas consumption.

Things look very different to 5 years ago.
I do wonder how much we need orange paint-wielding green activists when consumers like gingermrkettle are doing a good job at cutting their emissions.
While you still have new drilling and pillocks like Farage denying science, we probably do to still make the point.

It is like poverty, individuals can help and can nudge demand but policy is what makes the biggest change.
Good afternoon all,

Postal vote form arrived today. Filled in already and will be posted tomorrow. As posted above somewhere only the one viable choice for me locally.

Did send an online query to the Scottish Greens as to why they weren't fielding a candidate in our constituency and am still waiting on a reply.


The focus on consumers to resolve the climate crisis is a distraction from the causers of the crisis.

Oil companies are investing in green initiatives in order to carry on exploiting, for example, the manufacture of new plastics.

We need to look at the causes of climate change, not just try to mitigate the consequences
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Good afternoon all,

Postal vote form arrived today. Filled in already and will be posted tomorrow. As posted above somewhere only the one viable choice for me locally.

Did send an online query to the Scottish Greens as to why they weren't fielding a candidate in our constituency and am still waiting on a reply.


I'm afraid it's Starmer here - galling as it is. I used to work with the sitting Tory and they've rigged the boundaries further in his favour! I've never even been to one of the places in the new constituency's name!
The 2nd leaflet has arrived:

Lib Dem: Pretty decent paper-stock, colour, fold-out, 19g. Constructive focusing on local issues and what they want to do. Graphic design wise; generic, low-end corporate, dull.

An interesting contrast with the Labour leaflet received last week which was larger, but lighter at 16g, and was primarily an attack on Galloway and focused a lot on Gaza. Looking at it again it is interesting as I think it is the first time I have seen Labour state unambiguously in print that Israel is in breach of international law. It stops short of using terms like ’genocide’, ‘ethnic cleansing’, ‘apartheid’ etc, but still pretty forceful for Starmer’s wishy-washy Israel-lobby-driven party. I’ll actually quote it (iPad text-scan):

Paul shares the anger of many residents in Rochdale about israel's breaches of international law and the suffering it has inflicted on men, women and children in Gaza.

He wants an immediate ceasefire, an end to the Rafah offensive and humanitarian aid rapidly supplied. Paul has called for the suspension of arms sales to Israel.

George Galloway talks a lot but achieves little. As well as missing Parliament for key debates on Gaza, he's not been around much in Rochdale either.

A by-election is often about sending a protest message, and all parties should listen to the voters. But a general election is about choosing your government - and we need a Labour MP to boot out Rishi Sunak's Tories from power and to deliver the change Britain needs.

PS IIRC Faiza Shaheen was booted out of Labour for less than that, though she was an Asian woman, and Starmer seems to have a real BAME issue.

