
General Election 2024

Reform will cancel Britain's membership of the WEF.

Just a shame we're not a member. No country is.

Frankly.. whoever you actually support, and maybe unless you are a Scot.. Starmer walked last nights QT prog. He was rarely close to being tripped up
Seriously? I found Spain vs Italy a far more attractive pull, but I did tune in at HT to see Bruce push him further than usual re: his “Corbyn would have made a great PM” quote, when he seemed his characteristic, mendacious, oleaginous self. At least he was forced to admit the Corbyn would have made a better PM than Johnson.

Then- “Jeremy Corbyn would make a great PM.”
Now- “I didn’t think we were going to win.”

Then- “Jeremy is a colleague and a friend.”
Now- “I never said Jeremy Corbyn was a friend.”

Then. “I do think Israel has that right” (to cut off water and electricity to Gaza).
Now- “I never said Israel had the right to cut off water and electricity.”

Sorry, he’s a lying turd, no different from Johnson.
Sorry, he’s a lying turd, no different from Johnson.
He is a lying turd but very different from Johnson. Johnson lies to further his own personal ambitions and increase his wealth and that of his friends and family. Starmer lies because he knows that without power he can do nothing in service of the British people and I believe he wants to do what he can in that regard however limited that may be.
Not convinced your fossil fuel industry shilling is gaining much traction here. You need to find some less intelligent people.

The buggy whip industry probably campaigned about the damage switching to petrol cars would do to the economy. Mind you, maybe they were right! OTOH When my dad was a kid he did once work shovelling the 'exhaust' from the horses off london streets.
Heard it all now Johnston‘s a lying c@nt and so is starmer but he lies for the greater good, seriously?

A lying bastard is a lying bastard is a lying bastard.
He is a lying turd but very different from Johnson. Johnson lies to further his own personal ambitions and increase his wealth and that of his friends and family. Starmer lies because he knows that without power he can do nothing in service of the British people and I believe he wants to do what he can in that regard however limited that may be.
Sorry that just doesn’t make sense. How can lying your way to the leadership of the LP, lying your way to No. 10, lying about Gaza, lying about Jeremy Corbyn, lying about your economic plans, and just generally lying, suggest he is a person of integrity, or who can be trusted, or is in any way fit to occupy high office?

Are we seriously to suggest on the morning of July 4th he is suddenly going to declare “I was just having you on folks, I’m really going to tax the rich, nationalise the utilities, readmit Jeremy to the party, prohibit the export of weapons components to Israel, and lift the two child benefit cap to save a quarter of a million children from poverty”?
Seriously? I found Spain vs Italy a far more attractive pull, but I did tune in at HT to see Bruce push him further than usual re: his “Corbyn would have made a great PM” quote, when he seemed his characteristic, mendacious, oleaginous self. At least he was forced to admit the Corbyn would have made a better PM than Johnson.

Then- “Jeremy Corbyn would make a great PM.”
Now- “I didn’t think we were going to win.”

Then- “Jeremy is a colleague and a friend.”
Now- “I never said Jeremy Corbyn was a friend.”

Then. “I do think Israel has that right” (to cut off water and electricity to Gaza).
Now- “I never said Israel had the right to cut off water and electricity.”

Sorry, he’s a lying turd, no different from Johnson.
You completely missed my point.
I said, and I repeat, that in my opinion Starmer 'walked' last night, and for the reasons I gave.
Whether I believed him, or anyone else. or who I do or don't support is irrelevant.
I was making my personal judgement on the compararative effectiveness of the four 'candidates'.
You completely missed my point.
I said, and I repeat, that in my opinion Starmer 'walked' last night, and for the reasons I gave.
Whether I believed him, or anyone else. or who I do or don't support is irrelevant.
I was making my personal judgement on the compararative effectiveness of the four 'candidates'.
I didn’t miss your point. You said he gave the most effective performance, my point is that cannot be regarded as any sort of achievement given the paucity of the opposition. Moreover, he was indeed tripped up quite noticeably by Bruce refusing to let him off the hook re: his “Starmer would make a great PM” quote. He came across as a shifty liar.

He will romp the election, but solely by not being Sunak, Truss or Johnson.
Sorry that just doesn’t make sense. How can lying your way to the leadership of the LP, lying your way to No. 10, lying about Gaza, lying about Jeremy Corbyn, lying about your economic plans, and just generally lying, suggest he is a person of integrity, or who can be trusted, or is in any way fit to occupy high office?

Are we seriously to suggest on the morning of July 4th he is suddenly going to declare “I was just having you on folks, I’m really going to tax the rich, nationalise the utilities, readmit Jeremy to the party, prohibit the export of weapons components to Israel, and lift the two child benefit cap to save a quarter of a million children from poverty”?
I sympathise more with your politics than you seem to think. However, don't you in turn recognise the inbuilt pro Tory bias in practically all of the UK print and broadcast media? Don't you see the game that any left of centre party is obliged to play to avoid the hysterical 'reds under the bed' accusations from them?
Sorry that just doesn’t make sense. How can lying your way to the leadership of the LP, lying your way to No. 10, lying about Gaza, lying about Jeremy Corbyn, lying about your economic plans, and just generally lying, suggest he is a person of integrity, or who can be trusted, or is in any way fit to occupy high office?

Are we seriously to suggest on the morning of July 4th he is suddenly going to declare “I was just having you on folks, I’m really going to tax the rich, nationalise the utilities, readmit Jeremy to the party, prohibit the export of weapons components to Israel, and lift the two child benefit cap to save a quarter of a million children from poverty”?
It will not be done so crassly. It will be a joy, seeing the Conservative party decimated on the 4th of July but this election is not the important one, it is the next one. Hopefully there will be some 'departures' from manifesto pledges in order to provide the electorate with some clearer choices in 2029. But without power nothing can be done because the left has been very effectively boxed in.
The UK in 2029 will be a different place, a lot of older voters will be dead, perhaps a new cohort of younger voters will come in and the press will be much weaker.
I guess the lines are already being prepared for our apoplectic right wing press around 'being horrified' by the reality of the economic situation concealed from the British public by the outgoing Conservative government etc etc.
No idea why anyone would think Starmer was the standout at the QT 30 min sessions. He was evasive on some issues - more so than Ed Davey or John Swinney. We all know Rishi has to go - and he will - but whilst I agree that we don’t want personality politicians you do want someone who has gravitas on a world stage. Starmer would become the little boy in the corner with little influence (example - would he have any sway at all over Israel? No - and less than others)

Policy wise the Lib Dems and Greens have had more adventurous ideas than Labour. Ed Davey was fine in QT too

I’m in Wales in a safe Plaid seat so unlikely to be much change for my area
I didn’t miss your point. You said he gave the most effective performance, my point is that cannot be regarded as any sort of achievement given the paucity of the opposition. Moreover, he was indeed tripped up quite noticeably by Bruce refusing to let him off the hook re: his “Starmer would make a great PM” quote. He came across as a shifty liar.

He will romp the election, but solely by not being Sunak, Truss or Johnson.
That's not what you said.

And we all know Bruce is married to a prominent Tory.
Policy wise the Lib Dems and Greens have had more adventurous ideas than Labour. Ed Davey was fine in QT too
Did Ed Davey do one of his trademark hilarious stunts? I'm guessing his trousers fell down or he had a custard pie thrown in his face?

No idea what his policies are but it's nice to see him out and about enjoying himself so much.
You need to have a proper listen. Lib Dems have important policies on the NHS, social Care and mental health support in schools that the others don’t have. His tomfoolery is catching interest but try to read their manifesto

i‘m not a Lib Dem voter but given the tragic state of the country we owe it to all parties to at least listen properly.

