
General Election 2024

I suspect the deck is being shuffled. Starmer’s Labour are now the centre right party. They are the new establishment. The old Tories and Reform now occupy the far-right National Front/BNP demographic and could well be headed for oblivion. They are now openly fascist, racist, homophobic etc, and I don’t think that will ever be a mainstream UK political position. The power of their ancient press is being eroded too. Hardly anyone under 60 gives a shit about newspapers anymore. This leaves a huge void on the centre-left. Something really needs to emerge around the Greens, LD, PC, SNP area. We desperately need a coherent movement in this space. Things are hopelessly unbalanced right now.

PS Obviously what happens in America is hugely significant as we just follow what happens there politically. If it falls to fascism in November we may well be there in five years. The key difference is few give a shit about religion here, and that may save us. America is a fundamentalist religious state in many ways.
Short NLR article on the current wave of right wing populism sweeping Europe, coalescing in the EU. Interesting inasmuch as the isolationism of Le Pen, Meloni, Wilders, Farage et al historically railed against Brussels.

I think he’s a terrible communicator. Awful voice and spiv body language. He would struggle to sell me a car.
Actually, for me, I think you've hit the nail on the head. Sunk has all the charm of snake, along with the forked tongue; a third-rate backstreet car salesman who's satisfaction is derived from successfully duping punters into buying dangerous wrecks.

With zero meaningful cost benefit analysis.
Are you questioning the value of £400 B energy producer tax contribution over the last 50 years? I suggest you compare the standard of living in the UK to countries without energy wealth (eg Greece). Do you have a UK pension fund? It would have benefited enormously from long term investments in UK listed energy companies.
Sure. Now factor in the jobs and wealth created with renewables expansion, the UK is as well placed as anyone for wind and waves. Then add the cost of environmental damage from coal, oil and gas.

Even if the cost benefits side with fossil fuels economically, I’m happy to take the hit. Are you a climate change denier or just think the UK can make no difference?

And no, I don’t have a UK pension fund. If I did, I’d hope I could unselfishly suffer a small loss for the greater good.

Finally, I would rather live in Greece with less money than in the UK with more.
I suspect the deck is being shuffled. Starmer’s Labour are now the centre right party. They are the new establishment. The old Tories and Reform now occupy the far-right National Front/BNP demographic and could well be headed for oblivion. They are now openly fascist, racist, homophobic etc, and I don’t think that will ever be a mainstream UK political position. The power of their ancient press is being eroded too. Hardly anyone under 60 gives a shit about newspapers anymore. This leaves a huge void on the centre-left. Something really needs to emerge around the Greens, LD, PC, SNP area. We desperately need a coherent movement in this space. Things are hopelessly unbalanced right now.

PS Obviously what happens in America is hugely significant as we just follow what happens there politically. If it falls to fascism in November we may well be there in five years. The key difference is few give a shit about religion here, and that may save us. America is a fundamentalist religious state in many ways.

That sounds like wishful thinking, I'm afraid. With a combined vote share of almost 40%, the far-right (Conservatives + Reform) aren't going anywhere. And that's before the right-wing press really start putting the boot into a Labour government.
The rise in popularity of Reform since Farage took up the reins would suggest otherwise for a significant percentage of the Electorate.

Just received my first Reform Leaflet. It survived for about 20 seconds.
It was delivered by a neighbour. Lives just around the corner. His kids and mine were all friends as youngsters.

Can't say I'm surprised.. Last time I went to vote.. he was there and we walked back up from the polling station together. Little did I know I was walking into a tirade of unsubstantiated and illogical ranting about immigrants, Islam, the EU, etc..etc.. Roughly, I'd say his politics are somewhere between Hitler, Attilla the Hun and Suella Braverman... though less rational.

It's really hard to get through to people, that Farage and Co are unashamedly racist and fascist.

Farage is also on record as saying that he 'Admires Putin..As an operator'. In other words, he condones Putin's methods.
It follows that he approves of dictatorship, repression, stifling of dissent, extra-judicial murder, assassination and illegal invasion of sovereign states.

...and people defend Farage with drivel such as he's 'Straight Talking'.

Well I'm straight talking too.., but some language doesn't belong here.. so I'll content myself with..

Farage is c***.. a Fascist c***, Racist wannabe Dictator who is a serious danger to our Democracy and should be gaoled for his utterances.
Watched some old Tory Fantasist on Politics Live or somesuch yesterday. Proudly declared himself a Capitalist and claimed Tories just need to demonstrate to young people that the acquisition of Private Property, mostly in th form of housing.. is the way forward for our country and our young people... So blissfully out of touch with current reality as to be laughable if it wasn't so serious.
Just had another Tory leaflet Starmer is Kitchener in the famous war poster saying Starmer needs you ... to vote Reform - desperate stuff! Looks to be a national leaflet I would guess.
Frankly.. whoever you actually support, and maybe unless you are a Scot.. Starmer walked last nights QT prog. He was rarely close to being tripped up, he certainly didn't get the pitying laughter, or howls of derision aimed at Sunak for e.g. over ICHR membership, and his economic plans as declared were not as easily labelled 'fantasy' as were Ed Davies'.

Fiona Bruce was 'out of order' several times in her judgemental comments, for instance in describing Ed Davies spending plans as 'whopping'. Not her job to judge policy that way.. but did seem to mostly avoid obvious massive bias.
Just received my first Reform Leaflet. It survived for about 20 seconds.

I've not had mine yet but I hope I do get one, I'm running out of litter tray liners.

...and people defend Farage with drivel such as he's 'Straight Talking'.

The problem is that when people are being told that the World is a dangerous and scary place and your quality of life seems on the slide (+ rose-tinted 'nostalgia') then someone offering solutions that don't require any effort or short-term sacrifices is listened to.
Are you questioning the value of £400 B energy producer tax contribution over the last 50 years? I suggest you compare the standard of living in the UK to countries without energy wealth (eg Greece). Do you have a UK pension fund? It would have benefited enormously from long term investments in UK listed energy companies.
Not convinced your fossil fuel industry shilling is gaining much traction here. You need to find some less intelligent people.

