
General Election 2024

I remember thinking it couldn’t get any worse after the 2010 intake- a new breed of grifters and opportunists- Truss, Bridgen, Raab, Hancock FFS but the Tory Party are original thinkers when it comes to promoting grift, Braverman, Kruger later and the slew of knuckle draggers that arrived in the wake of Johnson in 2019- 30p Lee, Clarke-Smith, Gullis. Real barrel scraping.

They’re still publicly hand wringing over their defenestration of Johnson, the huxter who could distract the public while they got on with looting the British Museum, though it’s too late. Sunak pulled a flanker before they had time to organise a rebellion against him. Theyre finally screwed and they’re going to get stamped to death on 4th of July.

Who'll emerge from the rubble to lead them against Starmer and Farage at the following election? My moneys on Nightmare on Tufton St., Danny Kruger, anti-immigrant first generation offspring of immigrants. Arrogant, entitled and nice and white.
I thought Sunak was quite aggressive, tetchy and without humour or warmth. He came across as angry for having to answer all these ‘stupid questions’. My daughter who is rather sharp said he’d given up and just wished it was over with.
A man with a work ethic and good business values demonstrated by the fact that he continues largely alone and unsupported. But I don’t think leadership or people is his bag. “I'll even kiss a Sunset pig, California I'm coming home”
CCHQ yesterday told candidates it is redirecting campaign resources away from many Tory-held seats toward ultra-safe seats. This will be seen as a tacit admission the Tories are conceding the election and are now trying to avoid wipeout (Guardian).

Last night: Davey - lightweight; Starmer - solid; Sunak - grumpy sovereigntist; Swinney - bland. Thankfully Reform weren't there. A special time in British politics.
It will be a pleasure to see the Tories destroyed and I’m hoping for maximum carnage, a real wipeout, even though it will empower the second (ok possibly third) worst people in the country. Hopefully the new guard will be smart enough to register the scale of their victory as a warning to themselves, and hopefully the public will get a sense of their own power.

However the British right is modular: the Conservative and Reform parties are basically on the same side in a way the more progressive parties aren’t (Labour isn’t even on the same side as itself). Sometimes they work together and sometimes against each other but ultimately they’ll always recombine in some worse and more deadly form. They’re the political wing of the British establishment and they’ll never die.
I think by "best" Dec meant vaguely could. The haddock I had for dinner had more personality than Starmer.
I was really thinking about ability to communicate in the abstract, rather than who they were or what they were selling, more the technique and style to they used. I don’t actually go along with personality politics ( we like Boris, Boris makes us laugh).

Sunak is selling toxic divisive slurry to the public, his party still on the run from Farage, Tommy Robinson and an ethnic nationalist mob that wants Britain to go back to imaginary halcyon days.
You’ve got to get people into work. A couple on minimum wage jobs are earning circa £45K, approx half tax free. Please don’t say it’s not possible to live a reasonable life on that.
£1000 month childcare, that eats into a £45k wage.
I thought she gently kept him on the ropes. The audience gave the message loud and clear. Lovely. Rishi must be deluding himself if he is anything other than dejected in private.

So the revealed sanctions are restricting “driving licences, or the access to finance, all sorts of other things..”

Our PM clearly not just making shit up on the spur of the moment and calling it policy.
The British media is completely insane.

‘"I can't recall exactly which words I used" Labour's Louise Haigh is challenged over whether she thought Jeremy Corbyn would make a "great PM" in 2019 #newsnight’

And that’s the BBC, not the Express. Panto bullshit all the way down: there isn’t a single part of the media that isn’t obliged to pretend that Corbyn was Putin or Hitler. Because what if he was just a decent, mild mannered social democrat and pacifist, who wasn’t quite up to taking on the British government? What would that make them, all of them? Lackey ****s that’s what.

Led By Donkeys on the current state of the disgustingly racist Tory Windrush debacle and how the vile scum in our government have been stalling compensation in the hope claimants just die of old age. Just Tories being Tories.
It will be a pleasure to see the Tories destroyed and I’m hoping for maximum carnage… but ultimately they’ll always recombine in some worse and more deadly form.
This is the huge danger. According to current edition of Private Eye, Braverman is set to jet over to the US to hook up with yer actual bona fide fascist Steve Bannon. The disintegration of the Tories is going to allow these absolute unhinged maniacs to slip the leash and it is very, very dangerous. We desperately need a real left wing alternative to this shitshow- and it ain’t sir Keir‘s Diet Tories.
Now, you would think that campaigning, was it to be successful on any level, was a visible and high profile affair. Which makes this rather funny, the best best being "she hid behind a hedge when she was caught":
Other Labour members are expected to follow McGarry and quit so they can freely campaign for Corbyn, the Guardian understands.

Good. Corbyn is a great local MP well liked by his constituency. I hope they reelect him.
This is the huge danger. According to current edition of Private Eye, Braverman is set to jet over to the US to hook up with yer actual bona fide fascist Steve Bannon. The disintegration of the Tories is going to allow these absolute unhinged maniacs to slip the leash and it is very, very dangerous. We desperately need a real left wing alternative to this shitshow- and it ain’t sir Keir‘s Diet Tories.

I suspect the deck is being shuffled. Starmer’s Labour are now the centre right party. They are the new establishment. The old Tories and Reform now occupy the far-right National Front/BNP demographic and could well be headed for oblivion. They are now openly fascist, racist, homophobic etc, and I don’t think that will ever be a mainstream UK political position. The power of their ancient press is being eroded too. Hardly anyone under 60 gives a shit about newspapers anymore. This leaves a huge void on the centre-left. Something really needs to emerge around the Greens, LD, PC, SNP area. We desperately need a coherent movement in this space. Things are hopelessly unbalanced right now.

PS Obviously what happens in America is hugely significant as we just follow what happens there politically. If it falls to fascism in November we may well be there in five years. The key difference is few give a shit about religion here, and that may save us. America is a fundamentalist religious state in many ways.

