
Dedicated Mains / Memera / Roy K Riches

Its like any other tedious hi-fi sect. Just like Mana of old; all you need is a Cambridge Azur on a dedicated spur/Memera CU and you'll measure 9.652 on the Roy K Richter scale and be really happy and hear everyting.
No adgenda. In 2001 I rewired my HiFi with a 32A 2 x 15meter runs of Pirelli 10mm/2. A Siemens split-load CU for small industrial complexes and house-into-flat conversions, plus the 100A house fuse upgrade before the meter.

...and its fine... seriously... The ATC100s are juiced from their own dedicated unswitched socket and they sound exactly as ATCs should...


...but they sound identical in the socket on the right: a standard 16A 6mm/2 Wickes cable ring main feeding 4 double sockets.

So logically its:

1. Those brutes have deafened me/I don't have golden ears
2. I've buggered up the 32A install (but the house passed its wiring certification?!?!)
3. My equipment doesn't react to mains alterations.
4. Its bunkum.
5. Any (or all) of the above.

PS I still use the 32A feed 'cause I worked hard cramming 10mm/2 into a wall socket. It has a life of its own!
PPS Jo, I never demmed my mail order Orbe. Not demmed a thing since 2002.
PPPS I need to put up skirtings!
PPPPS Love to hear a RKR vs non-RKR.
PPPPS Love to hear a RKR vs non-RKR.

Fox, I think from memory you are in the middle of nowhere way up there somewhere... If in the SE the offer is open, even if you find it the same as the plug socket to the left ;) my standard socket is on the left... Does it make a difference which side the socket is on?
So logically its:

1. Those brutes have deafened me/I don't have golden ears
2. I've buggered up the 32A install (but the house passed its wiring certification?!?!)
3. My equipment doesn't react to mains alterations.
4. Its bunkum.
5. Any (or all) of the above.

can anyone detect my suspicion?
Fox's post is interesting (and BTW, I was not directly meaning an ATC active system in my earlier post. I was actually thinking about a multiple NAP system like RKR would appear to have) because I once tried plugging my preamp into a distant part of the ring main using a long extension, the rest of the sytem being plugged in as normal. The resulting sound was dire. IIRC I also measured a significant dc voltage between the two earth potentials.

Of course it's always possible that the extension lead was the wrong colour or the lawn mower had run it in badly :)
Seeing sound, as in a frequency response curve? Good idea.

So of those whom have done this. Lets see before and after room sweeps, plots anything beyond personal apocrypha to show how a HiFi has been transformed. If its as jaw-dropping as everyone says it is, then there will be clear changes in the frequency response of a room plot. What can be measured can be represented.

Or is it, like the vast majority of the nutbar tweaks here all unsubstantiated guff -- based on people's experiences after long periods of silence while you wait for your Spur to be installed, then for the gear to warm up, then for the cable to burn in (several weeks I am told, right?).

So you purchase your hifi by examining the room sweeps?
What other activities to you need to consult expert opinion on?

Your argument is the typical one ,which says that if something cannot be measured then it cannot exist, thus excluding the possibility that there is no further progress possible in our measurement technology

what crass arrogance

I am sure that you really are not as stupid as your posting makes you appear

I see you tried comparing spurs to the ring main the kit was originally plugged into. I have had chance to do that, due to the layout etc of my room. I could hear a diff in my room, and thats all that matters to me.

Also, its simply down to which sound you prefer, isn't it? If I wanted measurements etc I could have done that, but I prefer the music thru spurs, simple as that.

Because you could not hear/ there was no diff in your room is one thing, but don't have a go at others because they were happy they could...
Laurie. I don't buy anything except on how it tickles my sense of lust... important things like looks etc.

I'm merely asking for evidence that I can examine and see where and why such phenomena exists otherwise its magic. And Magic is just another word for an unexplained phenomena.

>what crass arrogance
>I am sure that you really are not as stupid as your posting makes you appear

These appear to be mutually exclusive -- its either one or the other ;)
I think it is fair to say that ATC's do not give a flying shit about your mains, unless there is something unusually wrong with your supply. It would be more interesting to see whether your CD player changes sound?
RKR sent me an Easter card this year, which was very nice of him. If you are reading, Roy, thank-you very much for the card.
I think it is fair to say that ATC's do not give a flying shit about your mains, unless there is something unusually wrong with your supply. It would be more interesting to see whether your CD player changes sound?

What a bizarre comment! :confused: One might just as well say that ATCs (no apostrophe here, sport ... it's just plural ... whereas "it's" has an apostrophe because it's short for "it is") don't give FF about the size of the room either ... except I'm sure they would sound better in my room (which is 27' x 17') than a 12' x 12' room.

Why should a CDP be more affected by mains than ATCs (I'm assuming here you mean active ATCs, since passive ATCs certainly are not directly affected by mains)? If it's a cheap mainland-China import jobbie then it's gonna sound like shit whatever mains you plug into ... OTOH, if its a US$20K player then it may even have it's own generator!! :D


What a bizarre comment! :confused: One might just as well say that ATCs (no apostrophe here, sport ... it's just plural ... whereas "it's" has an apostrophe because it's short for "it is") don't give FF about the size of the room either

Thank you for that Most Illuminating explanation.

I feel sure it is very welcome.
That's my experience with these speakers.

Any change in the electrical output from the CD player, whether due to mains, interconnect or other, is far greater than any noticeable improvement offered by plugging ATC's into a dedicated mains circuit. I assume this is because the MOSFET amp is a simple design and more tolerant of mains.

In the end, ATC build on a good design principle.

If you system lives or dies by the quality of mains, i.e. the difference between a 6mm ring circuit and 10mm spur, I would take it back and ask for a refund.
back to the naim benefits from mains arguement then....

any ide what leben amps think about mains quality?

A problem with the RKR solution is it can only deal with electrons once they enter your building. Its like Jean de Florette fitting a Power Shower.
any ide what leben amps think about mains quality?

I should think they're deeply concerned by it, but perhaps not as much as other world issues such as global warming.

Quite refreshing to see an illustration of the apostrophe principle from Andyr (sport). Thought it had been consigned to history! Good on yer, mate A dedicated apostophe is vital to the musical flow of the English language

