
Dedicated Mains / Memera / Roy K Riches

hey guys, where can you get a memera consumer unit with rcd main (required by new regs)? i have inquired everywhere and have been told only for industrial, not domestic installations.

also, what is so special about memera that makes it suitable for our naim hifi? anyone know?


Edmundsons, Newey & Aire, City Electrical all stock them. I had to buy :

Memera AD6 Consumer Unit
6 x MBH 132 (32amps)
6 x Field Fit MR30 RCD Pods (they will offer an all-in-one alternative, but Roy reckons the separate items are worth the extra couple of quid)
Enough 10mm twin & earth for the spurs
Oval Junction Boxes

The whole lot came to just under £300

For those who don’t know, Roy is an absolute gent. He’s spent a lot of time researching this stuff & likes to pass his knowledge on for no financial gain. He has his knockers, but then they tend to be the type of people who try to sell rip-off “Mains Conditioners” or £400 blocks consisting of £20 worth of RS catalogue components.
Dave they never got that far -- as soon as I saw uncompressed and, frankly, obese Word files arriving I deleted them. That's the point at which I lose interest. Accepting Word documents from an unknown source is just too risky -- let alone a from a self-confessed complete nutcase fruit-loop like RKR.
contempt prior to investigation is silly at best.

I have had dedicated mains for my hi-fi installed three times now in different places - it makes all the difference.

An odd example but here goes.

In my old house I had a NAIM 82 with twin hi-cap, NAIM 180, CDi and briks on 4 separate 6mm spurs with the memera. There was a track that I was extremely familiar with - 30 secs into the track you could hear a telephone ringing which was a revelation at the time because I had never heard it before.

In my present house where I only have one 6mm ring main on with the same system - I could not hear the phone ringing!!

I have since upgraded to AVONDALE - GRAD 1 , MONO-BLOCKS M130s and I can hear the phone ringing again.

If my wife will let Roy rip up my floor boards and put in some additional spurs maybe I will hear the actual telephone conversation with the AVONDALE :D
I found the same - last year we had builders knocking the house about so that was a great opportunity to put in a dedicated consumer unit. When I was eventually able to set up the system again I did so first on the old consumer unit. Left the system running for a month or so. I then set the system up again but on the new consumer unit. A revelation - it was the equivalent of swapping my old 102 for the 82. It's a great value upgrade.
Only works for Naim - boll**ks! I've had Naim and now own an active AVONDALE system and the RKR Mains definitely works on both.

Alex S? I wonder if this the same Alex S I've heard about who was unable to notice when his speakers were wired reversed.
If that is the case then excuse me if I ignore his advice and observations.

A Musician

The very same.

Since the court case and his, frankly, unexpected aquittal, he's been living alone in an industrial unit in Rochester relying upon charity handouts from the local MOT station and spreading malicious rumours about many of the fine members of this forum.
I can print the files into a pdf if you'd like to see how 'nutty' the details are.

I have a full RKR system and it did improve the system quite a bit, I am not sure by how many % it improved it by though ;)
Mine is actually wired up with 16mm cable and not 10mm cable from each RCD to piece of kit. It was a bit of a squeeze into each plug ;) A first for an RKR system I was told by the man himself. I still need to do my dedicated earth spike outside

A lot of the file sizes are due to large pictures within the documents... a pdf would get round this and your security issues and maybe something Roy may want to consider to get his message to a wider audience who are spam aware and less trusting.
I can print the files into a pdf if you'd like to see how 'nutty' the details are.

I have a full RKR system and it did improve the system quite a bit, I am not sure by how many % it improved it by though ;)

A lot of the file sizes are due to large pictures within the documents...

Is Fox a good mate of your, jonno? I ask because I suspect you'd just be wasting your time ... he doesn't seem to be someone who takes a punt (and that's what you have to do, with mains upgrades IMO, because they sound so flakey! :) ).

I am a believer in "the Gospel according to Roy" and I'm very glad I took the punt! :D


I can print the files into a pdf if you'd like to see how 'nutty' the details are....Roy may want to consider to get his message to a wider audience who are spam aware and less trusting.

Thanks but its not really needed. I read and implemented some of Ben Duncan's mains article suggestions in the late Cretaceous.

I suggest a web site to be honest. There are plenty of Word>HTML converters out there.

he [fox] doesn't seem to be someone who takes a punt (and that's what you have to do, with mains upgrades IMO, because they sound so flakey!

See above: Job done. Forgot what it brought to the party and why I bothered... Moved on.
I'm about to get a new consumer unit, and am intent on getting a Memera and a dedicated spur for the hi-fi, which is about 6 metres from the CU. Sadly, though, I have solid floors (1960's house, parquet on concrete), so was going to settle for a single 6mm spur: I need 14 power cables so can't possibly have individual spurs for each bit of kit.

Any advice (and non-RKR fans can bog off at this point)?
I'm definitely no expert but just run one 10mm cable from the consumer unit to near your hifi. Terminate with a double unswitched good quality socket and then plug in using a hydra, good mains block eg Musicworks or a multi-plug like what you can get from Maplins. Job done!

Simon F
I'm about to get a new consumer unit, and am intent on getting a Memera and a dedicated spur for the hi-fi, which is about 6 metres from the CU. Sadly, though, I have solid floors (1960's house, parquet on concrete), so was going to settle for a single 6mm spur: I need 14 power cables so can't possibly have individual spurs for each bit of kit.

Any advice (and non-RKR fans can bog off at this point)?

Hi JB,

I too have a house with a concrete slab ... but my mains circuits run in the hollow walls, not the slab. Are you sure you can't run more than 1 dedicated spur from your CV to your system?

As Simon has said, if you can only have 1 spur, then make it 10mm^2, not just pissy little 6mm^2!! :D If you can run more circuits then, yes, 14 would probably be somewhat of a problem to install but, say, 3 might be feasible? One for your analogue sources, one for any digital sources - including a Lingo, if you have one - and the third for power amps.

BTW, to make your "and non-RKR fans can bog off ..." comment more understandable to us PFM posters in the non-UK parts of the world, I suggest "and non-RKR fans can piss off " would've been more apt!!?? :D


Hi JB,

I too have a house with a concrete slab ... but my mains circuits run in the hollow walls, not the slab. Are you sure you can't run more than 1 dedicated spur from your CV to your system?

As Simon has said, if you can only have 1 spur, then make it 10mm^2, not just pissy little 6mm^2!! :D If you can run more circuits then, yes, 14 would probably be somewhat of a problem to install but, say, 3 might be feasible? One for your analogue sources, one for any digital sources - including a Lingo, if you have one - and the third for power amps.

BTW, to make your "and non-RKR fans can bog off ..." comment more understandable to us PFM posters in the non-UK parts of the world, I suggest "and non-RKR fans can piss off " would've been more apt!!?? :D



Thanks, Andy. (I used 'bog' instead of 'piss', so Tony wouldn't delete my post! "One must have one's standards... ", as my ex-wife used to say.)
Jonny Blue,

Run 3 cables all the way from a henley block before the CU and put an new CU behind the HIFI go the whole hog. If the floor is coming up you may as well make it worth the effort...

If the CU had the maximum I am sure it could take 14 piece of kit. If each piece of kit has an RCD then you can remove the f...

I suggest you speak to Roy to find out what the best option is for your circumstance.

My HIFI consumer unit does not go through the main CU. No plugs, switches or sockets just an RCBO for each piece of equipment 10mm flex with an IEC on each end.

