
Dedicated Mains / Memera / Roy K Riches

Jonny Blue,

Run 3 cables all the way from a henley block before the CU and put an new CU behind the HIFI go the whole hog. If the floor is coming up you may as well make it worth the effort...

If the CU had the maximum I am sure it could take 14 piece of kit. If each piece of kit has an RCD then you can remove the f...

I suggest you speak to Roy to find out what the best option is for your circumstance.

My HIFI consumer unit does not go through the main CU. No plugs, switches or sockets just an RCD for each piece of equipment 10mm flex with an IEC on each end.

Hmm, interesting idea. So you're suggesting a completely separate CU for the hi fi?

By the way, I'm not having the floor up: we need a new CU (to cover the effing great range cooker my missus has had installed, which needs 10mm cable, but the CU is in the kitchen, i.e., not far to go).

I want to get a separate spur(s) put in for the hi fi, but it's going to have to be up, over and down (i.e., running through the ceiling and walls). I don't think I can persuade my sparks to work with 10mm all the way to the front room...
...but not 14x 10mm all the way from it to the hifi from the kitchen...

I mean put the CU literally behind the HiFi ! ...and 14 lengths of flex from this to each piece of kit. Each flex needs to be the same length ~1.5metres...

I did have a picture but there is only three cables for your electrician to lay.

If you are interested in getting the best, speak to Roy, if you aren't then listen to others on here or do whatever the visual compromise is and always wonder.
...but not 14x 10mm all the way from it to the hifi from the kitchen...

I mean put the CU literally behind the HiFi ! ...and 14 lengths of flex from this to each piece of kit. Each flex needs to be the same length ~1.5metres.../QUOTE]

No you can't.


I can do what ever I want to ;) each piece of my equipment has it's own dedicated RCD/MCBO or whatever they are.. they are faster than the case fuses so if I was so inclined I could remove the case fuse, I haven't. There are also two points of isolation for each piece of kit so I don't see what the issue is. I do not have any plug 13 amp fuses in line with any of my equipment as there are no plugs.
You ought to know the difference between an RCD and an MCB if you're going to be advocating unsafe practices in public....

If your MCBs are 3 or 6 amp and your wiring is 'hard' all the way to the IEC then I suppose you can remove the case fuse. Otherwise you're tempting fate.

It all seems a bit fetishistic turd polishing to me.

Each one is a combined RCBO which I am told is as safe as you can get from a man that knows, if there is a30mA difference betweem live/neutral these things trip. Remember Europe do not have plug fuses. All my case fuses are still in place.

The shinnier the turds are the better ;) I have not put them in rubber though.
One thing I have discovered with insurance companies is they like things nice, and in line with the law.
if there is a 30mA difference betweem live/neutral these things trip.
That's not a fuse and will happily deposit thousands of kilowatts into your detonator without tripping.
Remember Europe do not have plug fuses.
But they have fuses on each spur. Which it appears you may not.
All my case fuses are still in place.
Not completely daft then...

jonnoshore said:
I mean put the CU literally behind the HiFi ! ...and 14 lengths of flex from this to each piece of kit. Each flex needs to be the same length ~1.5metres...

Hold on a sec. I thought established (according to TonyL anyway) HiFi practice was to not have the socket right near the HiFi but a fookin great consumer stuffed with MCBs and an RCD unit behind it is OK??!?!

You're taking the piss aren't you?
Unfortunately in my current abode I'm unable to do anything 'fancy' with the mains, but for the guys here that have installed this RKR set-up, if you're worried about safety there's a simple solution. When installing the RKR set-up, keep one double (or single) wall socket near the hi-fi system 'ordinary' -- by this I mean that it's just connected to the normal household mains supply.

Then buy the cheapest approved mains block you can find and plug it into the wall socket, retain the original mains leads that came with the equipment, and plug these into the mains block. After listening to your system powered RKR-style, if leaving the house, going to bed, or whatever, simply unplug Roy's 'beasts' from the equipment's IEC sockets and replace them with the original equipment leads connected to the household mains supply. This should take all of 60 seconds. When listening again, simply reverse the process.

You now have the best of both worlds: safety and performance -- and you choose when each is applicable. If something should happen when listening to music with the system powered RKR-style then at least you'll be in the room and hopefully in a position to do something about it!

What a simple solution, fellow Mike. Just one problem (in my eyes at least). Each time you change cable, you power down the equipment (and with Naim at least), in sequence with the on/off buttons, allowiing full capacitor discharge and replenishment. Bit more than 60 seconds, I'd say, and hardly good practice for the longevity and stability of the kit. I've 'lived dangerously', according to some, for many years, as have others I know, without incident. Lucky? Maybe, but what a world of difference in sonic quality! Long live RKR, an altruistically evangelical audiophile if ever there was one!
What a simple solution, fellow Mike. Just one problem (in my eyes at least). Each time you change cable, you power down the equipment (and with Naim at least), in sequence with the on/off buttons, allowiing full capacitor discharge and replenishment. Bit more than 60 seconds, I'd say, and hardly good practice for the longevity and stability of the kit.

I know where you're coming from, Mike, as Naim gear is a bit more 'precious' in that sense. With most other gear I think it would be less of an issue. Also, I'm sure some talented chap could make up a switch that flipped you from 'RKR mode' to the set-up I've mentioned above in a nanosecond. Surely someone must have thought of this already?

I cannot for the life of me see what difference the consumer unit makes.


Sure,,the idea it makes a difference to the SOUND unless you "see" sound"

Seriously...what you`re saying is "I don`t believe..." the tests......

Surely the correct solution is equipment that delivers full performance for a wide range of mains qualities - if Naim kit is so neurotic, this must be viewed as an engineering fault.
Naim owners may well be neurotic, Piglet's Dad, but Naim equioment, at least the olive series back, is predictable and reliable. A few weeks ago, I had to fish down an old Cyrus 1 amp from its 3 years in the loft and connect it to my large Proacs with my usual 4 sources connected. I can't believe a little old amp which hadn't been used for yonks could possibly sound so good. Naim the only kit to benefit from decent mains? I doubt that very much.
Naim the only kit to benefit from decent mains? I doubt that very much.

Decent mains the only thing to not be reinforced by placebo response and a desire to believe there is difference because you expect one? I doubt that very much.

