
What was your Hi-Fi System in 1989?

Living in a fun shared house in Coventry aged 27.
My old student kit was hanging on then I think - Sony STR 232L Receiver in shining silver, Sony cassette deck, Wharfedale Linton 3XP's.
Gave a nice sound.
Probably also my first cd player - Yamaha, which was too bright and shrill. Later replaced by a lovely Marantz cd52ii which opened up the world of cd for me.
Then in a few years some Denon kit replaced the Sony's, which was the next step up.
Ah, nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
I was not yet a teenager back then.
A Sony Walkman, a dual deck boom box (can't remember the brand) and a 1970's National Panasonic all in one (including turntable) that had been my father's.

I absolutely loved the Walkman and thought that the National Panasonic's sound was great!
Closest I can get is 1991: Marantz CD52, Arcam Alpha integrated, Technics cassette deck (can't remember which one), Linn Index speakers. Bought the Linn and the Arcam when living in York, from Hamish at the Sound Organisation.
Mission PCM7000 CD Player

Mission Cyrus One MKII

Aiwa AD-F350 Cassette Deck

Arcam 2 Plus Speakers

Sony D88 personal CD (yes the silly one that was the size of a 3" CD. Half price at Dixons):-

s-l1200.jpg some funny looks on the Tube!

Audio Technica ATH911 headphones
In 1989 I had a Kenwood ghetto blaster (well, technically it was my sister's!) and I taped records using my uncle's Aiwa 'stacking' system.
LP12, Ittok, 42/110 and Kans, can't remember which cartridge I had then, would likely have had to downgrade by then from an MC to an MM as I was spending loads on a mortgage and doing up a house.
Wharfedale delta 30 speakers, a Hitachi 25wpc integrated amp. I don't remember the model number but I do remember that the source buttons lit up! I really wanted a NAD 3020 but couldn't scrape up the cash being a schoolboy, Pioneer ES2000 TT (similar to Pl12) with Ortofon FF15xe cartridge and then my first cd player which was some model.of Sony discman. A friend still has the Wharfedales.
Goldring Lenco GL75
Harmon Kardon HK501
Kef 104ab
Bell wire
Home made wooden stands
Blue light bulbs behind the speakers
Painted cardboard stars dangling on strings above the speakers.

Just discovered Led Zep, Camel, Jarre, Vangelis and related bands ....enjoying life....far more then, than I realised.

Used to buy used records from Beggars Banquet in Ealing sometimes with a short listen first but mostly on the cover art.

Aspiring to a full Linn Naim system...reading hifi mags and laughing at people who bought Warfedale E30 speakers.... magazine price lists and classifieds (exchange and mart too) were very interesting as I recall.
Linn Sondek LP12/Ittok/Troika
Naim 32.5/HiCap/ 2 x 135
Linn Isobarik DMS/PMS

All with standard cables. A Sound Organisation table for the LP12 and a Target rack for the Naim stufff - with no fancy mains.

All bought new from Grahams Hi-Fi in London
My ahem! 1989 HiFi was a Technics midi sized system in the official cabinet with glass lifting top for accessing the deck, and front glass door to access the amp, tuner and CDP. It has stand mounts included. After a while I added some rear surround speakers designed for the system. This was my first foray into surround type sound, but not Dolby or anything. When this was bought in c1988, I was severely tempted by a similar Marantz set up and had nagging doubts about my Technics choice thereafter.
Rega Planar 3
Trio ??? amp (with a lot of watts!)
Mission 70 mk ii speakers

My first wage from my first real job went on the TT and speakers

Happy youthful days

