
What was your Hi-Fi System in 1989?

Philips CD950, Musical Fidelity MVX and A370, Nakamichi 505E, Sony DAT portable, tuner (can't recall which), KEF 107. I had an LP12/ Ittok/ Karma too but it was sold that year.
A Walkman? I think I was too poor in 1989 to have anything else. Maybe also the old Phillips portable record player I had been using since I was a teenager. Then I got some hideous midi system that had a CD player. Was very excited about that but it was pretty terrible. Finally went to Richer and bought some sort of proper things in the mid 90s.
1989 would have been before I'd bought my first proper hi-fi system so I think at that time I was using a hand me down system from my Dad. It was an all-in-one system with a turntable, 8-track and tuner as well as the amps and was quadraphonic. Can't recall who the manufacturer was - might have been Sanyo or Sony. I did have some quadraphonic albums and 8-tracks including a few Pink Floyd ones.

The system might still be up the loft somewhere - but more likely it got chucked out in one of our moves.
I was 7. I vaguely recall having a portable cassette player with one speaker in it, but I'm not clear on exactly when that would have been. My dad had a stack system of some description like all-Technics or something, but probably not audiophile-approved. It would be probably another 5 years before I got my first Sony boombox with a CD player in it.
My 1989 system is exactly the same as my current system 2.
Though obviously minus the Wiim Pro, Caiman SEG50 and Technics SLPG-440A CDP [bought late 94].

Manticore Mantra/Moth/AT OC5.
Cambridge Audio C50/A50.
Sony TC-FX150.
Sansuii T500L.
Arcam Two Plus.
ICs from QED & Monster Cable.
Monster Cable XP speaker cable.
3 shelf full height Target Rack, & Speaker Stands.
Sansui SR222 with AT95E.
Musical Fidelity B1
Home made speakers on Linn Index stands, because they were a good fit and being made by Linn obviously could not be bettered😉
The following year I bought a Linn/Axis/Akito with K9.
It was more expensive than I really wanted to pay but I thought it would be an end game turntable for the foreseeable future, because of all the Linn hype at the time.
It didn’t really sound any better to me than a Planar 3 with RB300 when I auditioned it, but I bought it anyway because I had saved up the money.🙄
It actaully wasn’t much better than my Sansui SR222 when I got it home either but I do still have it and after a few mods I think it now sounds better than it ever did, so it finally came good. lol.
LP12/Grace/FR1, Ortofon MCA76
Crimson Pre (kit)
Crimson Power (kit)
Audax 2way (kit)
All purchased from, Bager Sound Services, St Annes.
LP12/SME 3009 S2 imp/ADC ZLM
Cambridge Audio P110
Cambridge Audio T55
Goodmans SCD-100 (rebadged Nakamichi 500 Dual Tracer)
Early Sony CD player, can't remember which.
If my fading memory serves me well!
Impulse H2’s purchased from Kevin at Definitive Audio.
Teac P700 transport/Audio Note DAC 3/Audio Note Meishu 300B, purchased from Rob Storey at Action Acoustics in Redcar.
Those were the days!
Linn LP12/Ittok/Ortofon MC30 Super
Musical Fidelity A-100 amp
Mission PCM-7000 cd player
Teac A-770 cassette recorder
Linn Nexus loudspeakers
LP12, Audiolab 8000A (integrated amp), 8000T (tuner), 8000DAX (DAC), and a Technics SL-PS620 CD player as a transport into the 8000DAX, TDL RTL3 transmission line speakers.

Revox B77, selection of Technics cassette decks, Panasonic HiFi VHS

I only have photos of HiFi from earlier, possibly around 1980
Roksan Xerxes turntable
Naim 32.5/Hicap/250 amp
Linn Kan 1 speakers
CD - forget which maybe Marantz.

Very happy with it, basic system still running today aside from the Kans now SBLs.
I'm impressed that so many of you had real hifi then ! Apart from the age difference which would account for this the best i had in 1989 was a Bush twin deck ghetto blaster, until i got some hand down cheap separates much later.
Similar story here @Simon s , I was 17 in '89 and living in a tiny room in London.
I had a 'ghetto blaster' and a Walkman, I don't remember the make or model no. , I didn't buy my first separates until I got my own place a couple of years later.

