
What was your Hi-Fi System in 1989?

Dunlop Systemdek II, Sony CDP-101, Sony TA-F55 amp, Sony TC-K81 cassette deck, Sony ST-J55 Tuner into Mission 700 speakers
Systemdek II/LVX/Goldring 1040 (sometimes Arcam P77Mg), Marantz ST-320L tuner, Rotel 820BX2, KEF Coda 3s, Sennheiser 424 headphones. First CD player was a decade away.
I’d had a few semi decent systems by then but work, diy house restoration and mortgage meant it had to be lean: Rega Planar 3, Ion obelisk amp, Rega Elas, all from Worcester Audio.
Dad’s was a Creek 4040 amp, pair of Linn Index speakers, a Rega Planar 3 with a Linn orange cartridge. And a Nakamichi BX125e
JVC CD player, Harmon Kardon cassette deck, Yamaha A-500 Natural Sound integrated amp, and Cerwin Vega style speakers
No turntable for me back then apart from a Sanyo midi-system. I’d jumped on the cd bandwagon with a Pioneer PD6100 into a Pioneer A656 integrated and Mordaunt Short MS 3.30 ‘speakers. Far too much system for my tiny bedroom, but it was real hifi and I loved it.
I bought my first decent system in 1989: a Rotel RA-810A with a pair of Wharfedale Diamond IIIs, which I used with my dad's old cassette player.
The following year I added a Marantz CD-50.

It really needed a low mass shelf to sound its best.
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Rega Planar 3, Audiolab 8000a, Aiwa 9500 tuner, Denon DRM-20 cassette deck and either homemade or Castle Warwick speakers. CD didn't arrive until 1990.
Well, my system is just the same then and now...
The same Alphason Sonata Gold and Alphason HR100S MCS, (I have changed the Cartridge), same Naim 62, HICAP and 140, same Rogers BBC Studio Monitor speakers.

Some additional bits have come and gone in a "desktop system" in another room, but the main system has been unchanged for 25 or so years, in fact I purchased the Rogers speakers second hand in 1974.

How boring...

This was about 1986-7; Xerxes, RB300, Stilton Nagaoka MP11 Boron, Naim 62/140, Gale 301s, plus a QED tuner and a Marantz CP230 cassette deck. By 1989 I’d swapped the 301s out for black Kan IIs (just worked in the small flat’s living room better) and added a HiCap.
I think I put together my first hi-fi in 1989.

Used 1970s Rotel DD turntable, not quartz locked, can’t recall the model offhand.

New Yamaha KX-300 cassette deck, cost a fortune for the time but I wanted a good one. I still have it!

Used silver Technics SU-V3 amplifier, a few years old. A beautiful thing that sounded great, with a nice phono stage.

New Energy ESM-4 speakers.

There may have been a new Sony CDP, although I have a feeling I didn’t get it until the following year. CDs have never been my preferred medium but from the 90s sometimes needs must.

