
What are you going to do whilst in lockdown II?

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Quarterly Bloods tested
Drove 18 miles to the clinic at 8:40 I was the first patient and no other patients arrived so seen immediately
Bloods drawn, drove home
Follow up appointment on Tuesday by video link
Longest/Furthest I've been out since last bloods.
Car still most of the fuel in it. Last filled in May? April? Good to drive it I guess.
Lease hire low mileage bonus, I expect.

Ordered groceries from two different deliveries, they don't all have the stuff I like.
Typical day.

Walked into a doorframe (again) really hurt.

Cut myself trying to open a package.

Called a middle-aged woman an arzhole, loudly in a charity shop. She had pushed past me twice, third time I wasn't charming.

Spent 10 minutes trying to find red split lentils in Sainsbury's. Shop assistant then spent another 5 minutes trying to find them. (bottom shelf, on a different aisle to similar items...)

Then at the checkout, the shop assistant decides to engage the person before me in a long conversation, rather than fluffing get on with it.

The good news is it chippy tea tonight. Straight forward cod and chips, and I will heat a tin of mushy peas (not paying chip shop rates for mushy peas)

Might have another load of FiFitini's. It is coming up to the anniversary of my life-changing accident, plus I have recently had the anniversary of the previous life-changing event (the one before the last one... I sheet you not o_O )

As if I need an excuse to get loaded.

whatch those door frames !!!

Quarterly Bloods tested
Drove 18 miles to the clinic at 8:40 I was the first patient and no other patients arrived so seen immediately
Bloods drawn, drove home
Follow up appointment on Tuesday by video link
Longest/Furthest I've been out since last bloods.
Car still most of the fuel in it. Last filled in May? April? Good to drive it I guess.
Lease hire low mileage bonus, I expect.

Ordered groceries from two different deliveries, they don't all have the stuff I like.

flip me 18 mile drive to get bloods done !! thats a fair old trek
interviewing all day 4 vacancies to fill, been to pub in next town, greek dinner, now in local
Is it OK to run car on old fuel? Not sure, guess plenty here will know.

Cars have clever engine computers that can compensate for most things these days. Yes...Ideally best if the fuel tank is not 'empty'. But really little to worry about. If the fuel was 'wrong' the car would have warned / stopped.
Middle of nowhere, ideal place to be in a plague but yeah 18 there 18 back, rural living.

I didn’t even think of it like that. Does diesel age in 6 months?
Diesel lasts better than you do. Petrol no, the volatile part evaporates and the oily, tarry resinous residue gums up carbs and injectors. Diesel isn't volatile. Keeps for years. It's millions of years old, after all.
Diesel with any bio-diesel/ethanol fractions can be a real pain though; there are microbes that will grow in it, acquire your language, and then gum-up filters/injectors if you can't answer nicely in turn - or at least check-in frequently. I've done enough buildings with backup gensets this is always a minor operational concern. such things usu have a pump&filter set just to stir&strain tank contents periodically, quite separate from engine fuel supply side / monthly check run.

If you don't drive a vehicle often per quarter - petrol or diesel - chuck in another 15% + when you do; it will help quell the natives.
I miss the days when a young garage lad would pump my car for me. I don’t want to touch those pump handles.
I've seen a couple of plug-in hybrid car models that claim to have a fuel quality warning sensor, as stale fuel will be a much more frequent occurrence when people get into the habit of charging the car overnight and doing their 20 miles a day on battery power only (the average daily driving distance for commuters across Europe is just 32 km).
Over the last few days I have been collecting minor injuries, and having various extra pains on top of the regular/24 hour pains that I have.

Long annoying paper cut, on the side of the palm of my hand. Yesterday, and today in exactly the same place... it is on a bit that creases, so the cut keeps opening up.
The irony is (there is always irony with my life) both cuts were from new album mailers, whilst opening the flap, both cuts from doing more or less the same stupid thing.

Extra Irony :rolleyes: The first album that caused the blood was The Slits - ‘Cut’
I have only just realised...

Also yesterday I walked into the grill/oven door, right on the corner. It broke the skin on my knee, smack on top of a protruding screw/scarred bone in my kneecap.
(I fell over and cried - the pain was up there for a good hour) Even more limpey today.

Also started having a shooting pain down a nerve in my left arm that makes me scream. I have had this pain for years. I have had it investigated, but they found nowt.
It goes away for weeks/months, then starts again, for no apparent reason. It came back a couple of weeks ago, and visits without warning. Always at rest though, never when I am using it.

in other news, the fridge has beers, wifey is cooking something that smells nice, and I have new albums to listen to. Yeahhhhhh.
Tabs, sounds crap, sympathies. But Beer, food, music, wifey. Focus on the positive.

I am a positive person, otherwise I would be dead a few times over.

Moaning about pain is novel for me because it is chronic, and I tend to walk into doorframes or similar most days.
The Wifelet is very good, and gets the fact that if I say something hurts, that is on top of the regular pains.
An hour or so after the first paper cut, I was ouching about it (paper cuts are the worst:() and darling wife suggested I rub lemon juice into it, to ease the pain... to which I replied “with some salt as well pleaseee.”

Comedy Bronze.
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