
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

WATCH: Manchester police suppress Gaza war protest

British police were filmed violently breaking up a pro-Palestine rally in Manchester yesterday, the latest in a wave of protests in the city during Israel’s war on Gaza.
Watch the footage here: [09.10 GMT]


WATCH: Manchester police suppress Gaza war protest

British police were filmed violently breaking up a pro-Palestine rally in Manchester yesterday, the latest in a wave of protests in the city during Israel’s war on Gaza.
Watch the footage here: [09.10 GMT]

The police protect Barclays Bank against genocide protestors. Brutal, but all it means is simply an admission they have lost the moral and political argument.
The current Israeli coalition government may be on the ropes but don’t be under the illusion that a left wing government will make a difference to the plight of Palestinians, the left wingers are just as brutal.
Don’t worry, I’m under no illusions. I’ve long argued that there is no Israeli left as such, or any agency among Israelis powerful enough to take on the apartheid state. But it’s incumbent upon us to take advantage of any disunity and force the wedge even deeper. There was already a huge crisis brewing under Netanyahu’s premiership and the last eight months have exacerbated those tensions massively.

It’s still early days, but there will be no going back to any sort of normalisation of Israel after this. The ICJ has ruled against them. The ICC has issued arrest warrants. And Israel is now officially a murderous, pariah, rogue, apartheid state in the eyes of huge swathes of the globe. From now on, every time an Israeli team takes part in a sporting competition, or any other cultural activity, they are going to be met with anti-apartheid protests.

French court rules against exclusion of Israeli firms from arms expo

A French court has ordered organisers of a defence trade show to suspend a ban on Israeli firms, the lawyer for the Franco-Israeli Chamber of Commerce told the AFP news agency.
The Paris Commerce Tribunal said the decision by Coges Events to ban 74 Israeli exhibitors from Eurosatory was “discriminatory”, the lawyer, Patrick Klugman, said.
Organisers of the Eurosatory trade show just outside Paris said last month that French authorities had banned Israeli firms with the French Defence Ministry attributing the decision to Israel’s military operations in Rafah.

There’s shedloads of crap on X these days but not this:

This is what Twitter is good for, I’ve expanded an intro to it below as it deserves to be read.

This is an excellent report on the war in Gaza by Lee Mordechai Associate professor of History at Hebrew University , he lays out in his report, all 86 pages explaining why Israel is committing a genocide in the Gaza Strip, it’s a long read but very detailed and informative as to exactly what is happening, not just in Gaza but also regarding protests and media complicity. If you don’t wish to read all 86 pages then he roughly summarised it down to 28 tweets in the link.

UN human rights offics says Israel may have violated laws of war in Gaza campaign

Israeli forces may have repeatedly violated fundamental principles of the laws of war and failed to distinguish between civilians and fighters in their Gaza Strip military campaign, the United Nations human rights office (OHCHR) said on Wednesday.

Reuters reports that in a report assessing six Israeli attacks that caused a high number of casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure, the OHCHR said Israeli forces “may have systematically violated the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack.”

“The requirement to select means and methods of warfare that avoid or at the very least minimise to every extent civilian harm appears to have been consistently violated in Israel’s bombing campaign,” said UN high commissioner for human rights Volker Türk.


