
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

Should Owen Jones not be reporting on the on-going atrocities? I'm not sure how anyone could consider that to be self interest, especially while he's working at the Guardian and they're biding their time to lose him when the opportunity presents itself!!! I feel that he's used his extensive list of contacts very effectively
Sorry I wasn't clear. I like Owen Jones. The bit about self interest related to the west's continued support for Isreal.
I don’t think he should go, he should have his views challenged and he should challenge ours, if no one changes their mind so be it at least we have tried.

Yes, I agree with this.

I've had some serious arguments with the more rabid nut-job zionist element here at home in Ireland (of all places would you believe - somewhere I thought the naked colonial brutality would be abhorred and condemned outright by everybody, but apparently not).

I don't agree with PaulMB on just about everything relating to Gaza, but I'd rather hear the counter arguments, as long as they're put respectfully, which to my mind in this case at least they have been. Without any other voices, the place just becomes an echo chamber.

Gulf Cooperation Council condemns ‘henious’ Nuseirat massacre

Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi, the GCC’s secretary general, has denounced the Israeli attack as “a heinous and terrorist crime that targeted innocent, defenceless people with unprecedented brutality”.
In a statement by the GCC, he said that the attack “reveals the true face of the Israeli occupation forces and demonstrates their complete disregard for all international conventions and humanitarian values”.
The organisation’s secretary general called on the international community to take action to stop what he called repeated crimes against the Palestinian people.
“He further reiterated the firm positions of the countries of the Cooperation Council regarding the Palestinian cause, and their support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with its capital in East Jerusalem, in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative and international legitimacy resolutions,” the statement said.

The armed wing of Hamas, Qassam Brigades, has said that three Israeli captives, including a US citizen, had been killed as Israeli soldiers launched an attack on Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp.

As these events unfolded since October the words of condemnation got stronger and those saying them more influential. Then quite a while ago they became meaningless. Poor old Owen Jones, credit to his stamina, but now he just sounds like a madman in a padded cell. We are well past the stage that needs words. In reality it just illustrates that at best, self interest trumps morality.
As I've noted before, if words would do it Trump and the far right everywhere would be dust. Action is needed.

Concern at Security Council of US taking ‘complete control’ of conflict resolution process

Shihab Rattansi
Reporting from Washington, DC
Various versions of the US draft resolution have been circulating for days.
This version does differ in some significant ways. First of all, it explicitly states that Israel has accepted the ceasefire deal – a previous version only said that a ceasefire deal was acceptable to Israel.
It removes any mention of the creation of buffer zones being unacceptable. There are thoughts that Israel does plan to create a buffer zone in Gaza, and it explicitly states that any ceasefire will continue after six weeks and be renewed as long as negotiations continue.
It welcomes the readiness of the US, Egypt and Qatar to work to ensure negotiations keep going until all the agreements are reached and phase two is able to begin,
But it’s still not a categorical, permanent ceasefire. That’s what some members of the Security Council want. They’ve been calling in the past for an immediate, permanent, unconditional ceasefire. They don’t want this now to supersede those calls, nor are they particularly keen on the US taking complete control over any sort of conflict resolution process that will be enshrined in this resolution.

Says it all the Gantz is considered a 'moderate' even a more moderate fascist is still a dangerous far right bigot...

Moderate politician Benny Gantz resigns from Israeli war cabinet

Move does not immediately pose a threat to Benjamin Netanyahu, but PM will now be more reliant on far-right allies


Calls for probe into Israel’s alleged use of depleted uranium in Gaza

Saleh Abdel Shafi, Palestine’s permanent representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has called on the agency to investigate whether Israel has used depleted uranium in ammunition they have fired in Gaza.
“The amount of ammunition used [in Gaza] has already exceeded the amount of ammunition used in the second world war,” Abdel Shafi told Al Jazeera. “This fact alone should trigger curiosity by the IAEA and other specialised agencies to go into Gaza and do a thorough investigation.”
“So far we haven’t seen any action”.
While depleted uranium ammunition is not considered a nuclear weapon, its emission of low levels of radiation has led the IAEA to warn of possible dangers of exposure.

But while Gantz might not hold some of those maximalist positions, the description of him as a “centrist” needs to be understood within the Israeli context, which has shifted firmly to the right – if not the far-right – this century.

“Gantz is a centrist figure in a political [scene] that went so right wing it is even hard to recognise it any more,” Laurie-Paredes said.

“The Likud party, which has historically been a classic centre-right party, has gone so right-wing that the centre in Israel has changed.”


Hamas wants US guarantees about permanent ceasefire: Report

Hamas is seeking guarantees from the US that Israel will live up to its commitments under the UN-backed ceasefire proposal, including withdrawing from Gaza and negotiating a permanent ceasefire, according to sources quoted by Reuters.
Earlier, Hamas issued a formal response to the three-stage ceasefire plan, asking for several amendments, including a ceasefire timeline.
The plan, as outlined by Biden on May 31, starts with a six-week ceasefire in phase one, transitioning to negotiations for a full ceasefire in phase two. The ceasefire is to remain in place as long as negotiations are ongoing.
However, Israeli leaders, including the prime minister, have insisted Israel is still dedicated to destroying Hamas, raising questions about their commitment to a lasting ceasefire.

War crimes in action:

Footage shows destruction caused by Israeli bulldozers in Jenin camp

Israeli military bulldozers are destroying buildings and infrastructure in the city of Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, local media is reporting.
Footage from Jenin shows Israeli bulldozers pushing rubble and debris along destroyed roads.
Earlier we reported that Israeli forces shot a Palestinian man as they stormed Jenin. Israeli forces assaulted paramedics as they attempted to reach the wounded man and his condition is unknown.
مشاهد تظهر الدمار في حارة الحواشين بمخيم جنين بعد اقتحامها من قبل الاحتلاال
— المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام (@PalinfoAr) June 13, 2024

Translation: Scenes showing the destruction in Al-Hawashin neighborhood in Jenin camp after it was stormed by the occupation
#شاهد | جرافات الاحتلاال تواصل عمليات التدمير داخل مخيم جنين
— المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام (@PalinfoAr) June 13, 2024

Translation: Occupation bulldozers continue their destruction operations inside Jenin camp



Excellent interview with a guy fron UNICEF on R4 this morning, pulled no punches and was completely credible about atrocities, mental damage and extreme stress suffered by Gazans and israel withholding aid.

Pro-Palestine rallies held across Morocco

Mass rallies have taken place on the streets of Jdeideh, Casablanca and Marrakesh in support of Palestinians in Gaza.
Demonstrators in Casablanca cheered and called on Muslims participating in the religious Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia to pray for Gaza.
In Jdeideh, protesters chanted various slogans including “The people want to overthrow normalisation”.
Residents of Marrakesh rallied in the centre of the capital with Palestinian flags and banners condemning normalisation with Israel and chanted slogans like “Boycott the killers of children and rapists of women” and “What a shame, Gaza is destroyed”.
Morocco’s recognition of Israel and normalisation of relations came at the end of 2020 when it signed the Abraham Accords. Mediated by the United States, the accords saw the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan also normalise relations with Israel in return for various concessions.


