
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

There is just zero doubt left at this point. The political and military authorities in Israel made no secret about their genocidal intent. They said it in public and on the record. Since then they have carried that intent out daily and to the letter with their radicalised thug IDF “army”. These are almost certainly the most thoroughly documented war crimes in human history. Live coverage 24/7.

Latest UN report on Gaza could be used by ICJ, ICC

Reporting from New York, US
The International Court of Justice has a genocide case pending in front of it with South Africa and others.
This commission of inquiry report could be used to further that case. You have the International Criminal Court, where the prosecutors already recommend potential arrest warrants [for Israel and Hamas leaders].
This could be used as evidentiary material moving forward in both of those international justice systems or courts.
Beyond that, I’m sure it will be used by civil society, but also potentially by governments that support Israel. This report could add political pressure to some of Israel’s allies that have backed Israel through this war so far.

Interesting this morning to hear a 75 year old released hostage say that she was held captive in a hospital in Gaza.
Ooooh, thats just like Layla Moran's family was!

Actually I think it was a church. Pretty well the same thing, though, I'm sure you'll agree?

Palestinian journalist describes torture, abuse at Israeli detention camp

Mohammed Saber Arab, a detained Palestinian journalist from Gaza, described multiple instances of torture, abuse and rape that he and other detainees endured at the Israeli Sde Teiman detention camp.
The 42-year-old detailed his harrowing experiences to his lawyer during a recent visit to the detention centre.
Arab, who worked as a correspondent for Al Araby TV, was arrested at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza amid a large-scale Israeli assault in March.
Arab said that detainees are kept blindfolded and handcuffed. He noted that for 50 days, he had not changed his clothes and was only allowed to change his trousers before the visit. Detainees are subjected to continuous torture, physical and sexual abuse and humiliation, leading to deaths.
He noted that conversations between detainees are prohibited, with severe beatings as punishment for violations, forcing detainees to talk to themselves and silently pray as they are deprived of religious practices.
The journalist pointed out that some detainees had their limbs amputated and bullets removed without anaesthesia.
The detainees are constantly surrounded by police dogs, and only four detainees are allowed one minute in the toilet at a time. They sleep on the ground, using their shoes as pillows, he added.

The Israeli military has quietly handed over significant legal powers in the occupied West Bank to pro-settler civil servants working for the far-right minister Bezalel Smotrich.

An order posted by the Israel Defense Forces on its website on 29 May transfers responsibility for dozens of by-laws at the Civil Administration – the Israeli body governing in the West Bank – from the military to officials led by Smotrich at the defence ministry.

Wasn’t sure where to post this, but this thread seems the most apposite. Seems like we stiffed our former Afghan allies and left them to the non-existent mercy of the Taliban rather than risk them testifying re: British war crimes. Utterly, utterly shameful.

Interesting this morning to hear a 75 year old released hostage say that she was held captive in a hospital in Gaza.
Yes 'interesting' isn't it. Snide little sentence.
Does it therefore justify destroying every medical facility in Gaza in your twisted mind ? Does it justify murder of hundreds of medical staff ?
Seems to me that in very difficult conditions the hostages were treated better generally than the thousands of Palestinians illegally held in zionist jails. More likely to be killed by IDF thugs than by Hamas.
And I don't believe anything said by a zionist. Anything at all.

Is Israel’s Smotrich fulfilling his dream of annexing the West Bank?

A quiet takeover of occupied West Bank has been cooking for 18 months. Are the far right going to get their way?
Now Smotrich and his Settlements Administration control more things, like building regulations and the management of farmland, parks and forests.

Since he entered government, Smotrich has pushed openly for more Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank – illegal under international law – as steps towards annexation.

Ending war in Gaza key to settlement with Hezbollah: Retired Israeli general

Israel Ziv says ending the war in Gaza is key to reaching a settlement with Hezbollah, Israeli Channel 12 reports.

Here are some other points the retired Israeli general made:

The pressure on reserve forces has become unbearable and the political situation is dangerous and deteriorating.
There’s a growing confidence crisis among the public and difficulty in dealing with the problem of those who fled their homes nine months ago.
Israel does not have the ability to withstand more months in light of the bad situation, economic deterioration and political collapse.
Great pressure must be exerted on Hamas, the captives must return, the war in Gaza must end and a settlement in the north must be made.

In Jenin, videos have shown an Israeli armoured vehicle driving past ambulances with an injured Palestinian man strapped to the hood, in what appears to be a case of using him as a human shield.


An injured man is seen strapped to the hood of an Israeli armoured vehicle as it drives down the road in Jenin, occupied West Bank [Screengrab/Al Jazeera]


