
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

So in this heroic operation one IDF officer was killed. How many of the 210 killed and 400 wounded were armed? 'Heroes' fighting unarmed civilians, sorry they were not fighting unarmed civilians they were massacring them. Even unarmed civilians fighting would have killed far more than one of the attacking IDF.
Who knows indeed, it is kept as secret as it can be and hundreds of journalists and medics have been murdered by the IDF to keep it like that. However the murdering bastards have a long track record of committing war crimes. This is just one more of many.
@PaulMB go, just go, your comments soil this forum like dog shit.

I don’t think he should go, he should have his views challenged and he should challenge ours, if no one changes their mind so be it at least we have tried.
It has probably escaped your attention that most of Gaza has been destroyed in the Genocide. There are a few remaining enclaves where people can try to exist.

Had Israel's real intention been the return of hostages it would have been far better to negotiate months ago. Of course, most of us know, probably yourself included, the true aim is the destruction of Gaza as a place fit for human habitation.

At least it is now clear to a lot more people what type of nation Israel is and how little it regards human life and if anyone thinks it’s an ally then they are a good candidate to buy a bridge, bought or compromised. If Israel can kill so many civilians and have so many fanatical followers cheer it on then what wouldn’t it do? false flag operations cannot be ruled out nor can the suspicion that Epstein was working for Israel, in fact it would be surprising if he wasn’t, not that we are ever likely to find out one way or another.
I've been a member of this forum since 2006, and you-know-who is the first, and probably last person, I have/will put on ignore. MVV wrote:
The vast majority of the 210 dead and 400 wounded will be women and children. It is a massacre. There is no other description and it feels so bad to be totally impotent and have no agency; to be able to do nothing.
I, along with so many, have been feeling this way for a long time, but whenever you-know-who writes anything on this thread, his toxic words just ratchets up those feelings, as highlighted above. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but the remorseless and ceaseless gaslighting and propaganda continues unabated, and is plain sickening.

With regard to my earlier post, now deleted a mod', maybe I should have used the ignore button in the first instance.

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I don’t think he should go, he should have his views challenged and he should challenge ours, if no one changes their mind so be it at least we have tried.

My view is there is just so much misinformation and propaganda clouding this issue I don’t want pfm adding any more to it. I will continue to promote the voices of established humanitarian, aid, medical agencies, international human rights, international military law etc; MSF, Red Cross, Amnesty International, UN, UNRWA, Save The Children, ICHR, ICJ etc etc. This is where the truth lies. These are the entities that are accurately recording and desperately trying to respond to the most grave crimes against humanity. We must amplify their findings, especially when their incontrovertible evidence is in conflict with the misinformation, propaganda and gaslighting of our politicians and their press. It is our collective responsibility to speak truth to power.
I don’t think he should go, he should have his views challenged and he should challenge ours, if no one changes their mind so be it at least we have tried.
I hope he and his zionist friends choke on their cappuccinos in a swanky cafe on the beach; just a few miles from the blood soaked land of Gaza.
"As we prepare for another national UK demonstration in the wake of a deadly Israeli strike on Palestinians sheltering in an UNRWA school in Gaza, pro-Palestinian Jews from 16 countries around the world are gathering for their first ever international congress in London on June 8/9.

In a press release, which we publish below, the International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine says its 21 member organisations “stand in strong opposition to Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and are active participants in global organising demanding a cease-fire now and full justice and dignity for the Palestinian people.”"

The Guardian have finally amended their front page to reflect the massacre albeit in limited terms. I was starting to think there was some kind of news blackout because of the huge difference between the Aljazeera and Guardian coverage.
Sure. But we have a measure of agency, we’re not obliged to provide support for genocide ourselves. Anyone who does is well beyond the pale. It’s not like a different point of view or a disagreement. It’s monstrous.
The great Irish playwright Samuel Beckett once wrote that there will come a time when words fail. I admit I have become rather numb over the last couple of weeks. I find myself scrolling past report after report on social media detailing the most recent account of Israeli mass murder, simply unable to process the barbarity. Then I feel like a guilty, white, overfed, western male. What f*cking right do I have to be numbed by their suffering?

Nonetheless, the images on tv last night, and the face of the English doctor just returned from Gaza were beyond words. The trauma was written all over his face and will stay with him for the rest of his life. Let’s be entirely unequivocal. Israel and the IDF are murdering bastards, as are anyone and everyone who try to justify this f*cking obscenity. I don’t belive in a hell, but I wish I did, because it’s the only place you murderous scum belong.

And let us be clear those 4 hostages could have been killed at any time. Hamas chose not to do so.
Quite remarkable humanity in the face of such savagery from zionist IDF.
And let us be clear those 4 hostages could have been killed at any time. Hamas chose not to do so.
Quite remarkable humanity in the face of such savagery from zionist IDF.
That the Israelis do horrendous wrong does not make Hamas good. The hostages are hostages; kidnapped and held under constant threat under horrible conditions. Hostages are of course assets to their captors; refraining from destroying them does not mean they are kind and humane.
The great Irish playwright Samuel Beckett once wrote that there will come a time when words fail. I admit I have become rather numb over the last couple of weeks.
As these events unfolded since October the words of condemnation got stronger and those saying them more influential. Then quite a while ago they became meaningless. Poor old Owen Jones, credit to his stamina, but now he just sounds like a madman in a padded cell. We are well past the stage that needs words. In reality it just illustrates that at best, self interest trumps morality.
Should Owen Jones not be reporting on the on-going atrocities? I'm not sure how anyone could consider that to be self interest, especially while he's working at the Guardian and they're biding their time to lose him when the opportunity presents itself!!! I feel that he's used his extensive list of contacts very effectively
As these events unfolded since October the words of condemnation got stronger and those saying them more influential. Then quite a while ago they became meaningless. Poor old Owen Jones, credit to his stamina, but now he just sounds like a madman in a padded cell. We are well past the stage that needs words. In reality it just illustrates that at best, self interest trumps morality.
That’s a bit of a pessimistic take on things. Millions around the world have taken to the streets; some risking brutal assault by the police, arrest and imprisonment. Aaron Bushnell gave his life- that’s not self interest trumping morality.

First album aside, I find The Doors one of the most bloated, overrated, second-rate, cringeworthy pub bands ever. But ol’ Jim wasn’t wrong when he sang “they got the guns, but we got the numbers.”

