
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

Fifty-five people killed in Israeli attack

Al-Aqsa Hospital spokesman Khalil al-Degran, says 55 people have been killed and “tens of wounded people” have arrived at the hospital following the Israeli attack on Nuseirat.

“I received a message from one of my colleagues in the emergency department saying, Dr Tanya, it’s a full-blown, comprehensive genocide site,” she said. “He kept repeating the word massacre, massacre, massacre over and over again.”

The Israeli military says it rescued four captives this morning during an operation in Nuseirat.

A joint statement on Telegram by the army, police and the securities agency, said that Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40), were found in “two separate locations in the heart of Nuseirat”.

[Is that 7 now?]


Hamas chief says group will not accept deal without security for Palestinians

Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh says Israel cannot force its choices on the Palestinian group, adding that it will not accept a deal without security for Palestinians.
Haniyeh said that Israeli forces continue their “massacres against our people”, adding that following Israel’s addition to the UN’s “blacklist” for harming children, the world is still “unable to put an end to the war of extermination to which our people are subjected”.


Palestinian death toll in Nuseirat refugee camp rises to 210

According to the Gaza government media office, “the Israeli massacre that took place in Nuseirat refugee camp has led to the killing of 210 Palestinians and the injury of more than 400”.
In a statement on its official Telegram channel, the media office said the injured were taken to Al Awda Hospital in the camp and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir el-Balah.

“Scores of civilians and many children were killed today in the Israeli operation and they may not be mentioned or will be a footnote in today’s news at best,” he [Palestinian Deputy Ambassador to the UN Majed Bamya] said in a post on X.

“As you smile seeing a father finally embracing his daughter in Tel Aviv, shed a tear for the father having to bury his daughter in Gaza,” he added.

He said that there is a way for Palestinian and Israeli families to be “reunited in life not in death”.

“That is the success we should all be striving for. After eight months of massacres, Israel will use today’s images to try and justify the killing of 36,000 Palestinians and the destruction of the lives of 2.3 million Palestinians. Don’t let it.”


Al-Aqsa Hospital ‘looks like a slaughterhouse’

Dr Tanya Haj-Hassan, a paediatric intensive care doctor with Doctors Without Borders, known by its French initials MSF, says the emergency department at Al-Aqsa Hospital “is a complete bloodbath … it looks like a slaughterhouse”.
“The images and videos that I’ve received show patients lying everywhere in pools of blood … their limbs have been blown off,” she told Al Jazeera.
“That is what a massacre looks like. It means parents running around caring for their children who have blood running from their head trying to find a medic to treat them. But it’s so chaotic and there’s so many patients that is vastly outnumbering the healthcare ability to care for them.”

Yes and in so doing killed 210 Palestinians and wounded more than 400.
This is what Hamas says. Which means either that Hamas was keeping 4 hostages surrounded by a crowd of 600 civilians, or that these 600 people were Hamas soldiers that were killed/wounded to get to the hostages. Or maybe Hamas are furious that the hostages were freed and decided to make it up? Who knows?
You say that "The vast majority will be women and children." But how do you know? What would 600 women and children have been doing around an underground cell where the hostages were being kept?
One IDF officer was killed in the operation to free the hostages. Who killed him? The women and children?
It has probably escaped your attention that most of Gaza has been destroyed in the Genocide. There are a few remaining enclaves where people can try to exist.

Had Israel's real intention been the return of hostages it would have been far better to negotiate months ago. Of course, most of us know, probably yourself included, the true aim is the destruction of Gaza as a place fit for human habitation.
175 000 reported to be in London today


The front of the Palestine march in London (Picture; Guy Smallman)

This is what Hamas says. Which means either that Hamas was keeping 4 hostages surrounded by a crowd of 600 civilians, or that these 600 people were Hamas soldiers that were killed/wounded to get to the hostages. Or maybe Hamas are furious that the hostages were freed and decided to make it up? Who knows?
You say that "The vast majority will be women and children." But how do you know? What would 600 women and children have been doing around an underground cell where the hostages were being kept?
One IDF officer was killed in the operation to free the hostages. Who killed him? The women and children?
If we are using lives lost as a measure of justification for the ongoing genocide, how does one sides number stack up against the others?
Videos on social media, that appeared to be from the same location but could not be immediately verified, showed victims including women and children, covered in blood or limp in rescuers’ arms.
The eye witness from MSF was quoted above
@PaulMB, I think it's time for you to go. I supported the idea we needed someone to speak for the other side, so we don't become an echo chamber. But you have crossed a line, you are now part of that huge Israeli disinformation and propaganda initiative. It's almost impossible to challenge elsewhere but here we can. This is a music forum, we don't tend to have a lot of pro-genocide musicians or music fans so I suggest you leave, you will feel better for it.
Hamas military spokesman says Israeli army killed captives in Nuseirat operation

The masked spokesperson for the Qassam Brigades, who goes by nom de guerre Abu Obeida, says that the attacks carried out today by the Israeli military in central Gaza represent a “complex war crime”.

He also said that ” the first to be harmed by [the Israeli army] are its prisoners”, in a reference to the around 120 captives still held in the Gaza Strip.

Here are a few other key things:

The enemy was able, by committing horrific massacres, to free some of his captives, but at the same time, it killed some of them during the operation.
The operation will pose a great danger to the enemy prisoners and will have a devastating impact on their conditions and lives.


PA’s Abbas seeks emergency UNSC session following Nuseirat massacre​

The Palestinian president instructed Palestine’s envoy to the UN to call for an emergency session of the Security Council following what he called a “bloody massacre” by Israeli forces in Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza, Palestine’s official news agency Wafa reports.
According to a statement, “President Abbas is engaged in intensive diplomatic efforts with Arab and international stakeholders to convene an emergency session of the UN Security Council.”
“The aim is to address the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and compel the Israeli occupation to comply with international legitimacy resolutions, including those calling for an immediate ceasefire,” the statement said.


