
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

Israel bombs UNRWA school in Gaza, kills 32 displaced Palestinians

Israeli forces bombed a United Nations-linked school in central Gaza, killing at least 32 displaced Palestinians and injuring dozens more, according to officials and local media.
The attack on the school sheltering displaced people in the Nuseirat refugee camp comes amid an “insane escalation of violence” in central Gaza that has overwhelmed hospitals, aid group says.
Read the full report here.
BBC R4 reporting this as "a number of people killed", without mentioning most, if not all of them were displaced Palestinians. But it's okay, because Israel said Hamas might have been there (just like in those other schools, hospitals, libraries, places of worship etc).

Spain to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel

Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares says his country will join South Africa’s genocide case before the International Court of Justice against Israel’s actions in Gaza.
Spain is the first European nation to join the case, which has also been joined by Chile and Mexico.
In mid-May, judges at the top United Nations court ordered Israel to halt its offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah and withdraw from the enclave, citing “immense risk” to the Palestinian population.
Israel has since pressed on with its assault on Rafah and the rest of the Gaza Strip.

BBC R4 reporting this as "a number of people killed", without mentioning most, if not all of them were displaced Palestinians. But it's okay, because Israel said Hamas might have been there (just like in those other schools, hospitals, libraries, places of worship etc).

Israel has not yet provided evidence of Hamas presence in targeted UN school

Reporting from Amman, Jordan
Al Jazeera is reporting from outside Israel because it has been banned by the Israeli government.
The Israeli army say they are very clear who the target was. They say Hamas fighters were in the UN school in the middle of Nuseirat refugee camp. They provided no evidence for any of this.
The army used air strikes to hit that UN school. They knew it was a UN school. They admitted it was a UN school. They know it is a place where displaced Palestinians have been staying.
Israelis are briefing local Israeli media, saying they suspected some of the people behind the October 7 attack on Israel were staying there. That’s language that we’ve heard a lot before.
Right now, we’re in this kind of “he-said, she-said”. The Israeli army is very clear, saying, “We believe that Hamas was in that school and in that refugee camp,” but not providing any single shred of evidence.

Surely nobody, except committed zionists, believes anything from the Israeli government any more.
I imagine it's just like the GE guff here. People largely believe what the are predisposed to believe or what they want to believe...

Like all other Special Rapporteurs, I perform my duties without financial compensation to preserve my independence.

I have never got paid for anything I have done in this capacity. In the past months, I have even been subsisting on personal & family savings to dedicate all my energies to this role at a time of unprecedented urgency in the oPt. I have also waived contract fees & royalties for the book I published in 2023 & refuse payment for lectures I deliver all over the world.

My external research team is also volunteering their time to support my work. One university has fundraised for my special assistant's fellowship and so far, only received private donations to cover her travel expenses. This is known to the UN and verifiable.

UN Watch’s accusations are completely unsubstantiated and aim to distract from Israel’s ongoing genocidal campaign.

I refuse to allow my work to be diminished by any forms of intimidation. Today, like every day, I remain faithful to my mandate to find a path to dignity, justice and peace for all in Palestine.

Meanwhile: #Israel has just bombed a UN school in Gaza, reportedly killing over 40 Palestinians who were seeking shelter. And #Spain has announced that it will join South Africa's proceedings before the

UN Rapporteur Francesk Albanese retaliating to a disgusting libellous smear attack from Zionist propaganda entity ‘UN Watch’. Yet another example of the depths of Israel’s depravity. Mass murder is not enough for them, they need to attack and attempt to discredit decent people standing up for humanity.

PS Please consider following Francesk Albanese on Twitter. She is a consistent voice of sanity in this far-right hellscape.

Hollywood marketing guru tells staff not to work with Israel critics: Report

A high-profile Hollywood marketing and branding guru has told staff they should not work with anyone “posting against Israel”, entertainment magazine Variety has reported.
Ashlee Margolis, the founder of communications and marketing agency The A List, said in an email that her firm would “hit pause” on working with any celebrity or influencer attacking Israel, Variety reported on Thursday.
Margolis said that while there was a distinction between acceptable and unacceptable commentary about Israel, the ban would include anyone accusing the country of committing genocide in Gaza, “as that is simply not true”, according to the magazine.
“While Jews are devastated by the loss of innocent lives in Gaza, we are feeling immense fear over the rising Jew Hatred all over the world,” she told staff, according to Variety.
Variety said that Margolis declined a request to comment.


Palestine reaches final round of Asian World Cup qualification

The Palestinian national football team have advanced to the final round of the World Cup qualification for the first time ever, with a 0-0 draw against Lebanon, the AP news agency reports.
The Palestinian team, which played in Qatar on Thursday because of security issues amid Israel’s war on Gaza, is second in its group and five points clear of Lebanon with a single game remaining in the second round of Asian qualifying.
The top two teams in each of the nine groups progress to the final qualifying round for the 2026 World Cup.


[Ibraheem Al Omari/Reuters]


Hollywood marketing guru tells staff not to work with Israel critics: Report

A high-profile Hollywood marketing and branding guru has told staff they should not work with anyone “posting against Israel”, entertainment magazine Variety has reported.
Ashlee Margolis, the founder of communications and marketing agency The A List, said in an email that her firm would “hit pause” on working with any celebrity or influencer attacking Israel, Variety reported on Thursday.
Margolis said that while there was a distinction between acceptable and unacceptable commentary about Israel, the ban would include anyone accusing the country of committing genocide in Gaza, “as that is simply not true”, according to the magazine.
“While Jews are devastated by the loss of innocent lives in Gaza, we are feeling immense fear over the rising Jew Hatred all over the world,” she told staff, according to Variety.
Variety said that Margolis declined a request to comment.

It's almost like one big anti-semitic trope isn't it?

Hollywood marketing guru tells staff not to work with Israel critics: Report

Margolis said that while there was a distinction between acceptable and unacceptable commentary about Israel, the ban would include anyone accusing the country of committing genocide in Gaza, “as that is simply not true”, according to the magazine.
I guess that's the ICJ and the ICC off the Christmas/Holiday Card list then too.. :(
Its true that the really big Hollywood stars escaped the worst sanctions of the House UnAmerican Activities Committee in the 1940’s; although even those of the stature of Humphrey Bogart were leant on heavily enough to rein back their initial militancy. Orson Welles and Edward G. Robinson were blacklisted.

While the star power of truly big names afforded a degree of protection, lives lower down the food chain (screenwriters, script editors, technicians etc) were deprived of the ability to earn a livelihood and lost the means to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads. Charlie Chaplin, one of the greatest and most popular film makers Hollywood produced, whilst avoiding a subpoena to appear before HUAC, had his residency in the United States terminated on direct order of the rabidly anti-communist director of the F.B.I. J. Edgar Hoover, enraged by the humanitarian themes in his films.
Now we can see just how out of step the German Government is with its public:

Poll finds Germans in favour of recognising Palestinian state

A new YouGov survey finds that about 40 percent of Germans said the country should recognise Palestine, while 27 percent said they were against such a move. About 33 percent said they were not sure.
The survey also revealed that the majority of Germans disapprove of Israel’s military offensive in Gaza with as many as 51 percent saying they would support EU economic sanctions on Israel.
Only 26 percent of Germans opposed such a move.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s centre-left-liberal coalition government has repeatedly rejected calls to formally recognise Palestine, saying that it was not the right time.
Earlier this week, Slovenia recognised Palestinian statehood, following Spain, Norway and Ireland, who formally recognised a Palestinian state last month.

I occasionally dip into this thread and the information that you guys post... digging deeper than our main stream media is so enlightening and just what I love about PFM
I don't know if this has been posted down thread but just watched it on YouTube so no harm in sharing
Truly shameful stuff. Our political establishment must be tried as war criminals if they are complicit in this genocide. I‘ve lost all respect for the UK over the past year. It is a cowardly self-serving moral vacuum. A country owned and run by the very worst people imaginable. A global disgrace.
Truly shameful stuff. Our political establishment must be tried as war criminals if they are complicit in this genocide. I‘ve lost all respect for the UK over the past year. It is a cowardly self-serving moral vacuum. A country owned and run by the very worst people imaginable. A global disgrace.
You nailed it Tony in your comments.I was thinking just that after watching that video I posted
Yes its absolutely rotten to the core and I have no hope of it ever improving
They talk the talk but its just talk ...seeing that video and the amount of arms spending which is kept out of the media and our NHS has been in decline for a decade the guy presenting the video said there's always money for war but our social fabric is broken and in my opinion will just tare apart from lack of investment.

