
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

Israeli seizure of Philadelphi Corridor a “red line” for Egypt

Tamer Qarmout, assistant professor in public policy at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, spoke to Al Jazeera about the Israeli military’s recent announcement that they had taken control of the Philadelphi Corridor.
He said this move signals a “red line” for the Egyptian government, adding that they are concerned about how it will impact their Camp David peace agreement with Israel.
Israel has crossed many red lines laid out by the international community, he said, and the failure of the United States to stop them has given Israel the “upper hand” in the war.
He said the latest seizure of the Philadelphi Corridor “signals a new stage” which will likely lead to “a long presence of Israeli troops in Gaza” and “reoccupation of the Gaza Strip”.


Israeli air force conducted 50 strikes on Gaza over the past day

The Israeli military says it is currently conducting operations in northern, central and southern Gaza.
This includes Rafah, the area where the ICJ has ordered Israel to halt military operations.
It also stated that over the past day, the Israeli air force has struck more than 50 targets in the Gaza Strip.

Does everybody actually realise this is bombing of civilians in a small area with nowhere to flee more than 50 times in 24 hours ?
There are no 'targets'. They are just men, women and children randomly murdered.
And they have destroyed all the hospitals and murdered or arrested hundreds of doctors and medics. So people should die slowly of their injuries.
All zionists are terrorists and war criminals. And anyone who supports them is complicit.
It is reported that Xi Jinping is calling for a peace conference to end 'the tremendous suffering' in Gaza. That the war should not 'continue indefinitely' and that 'justice should not be absent forever'.
Meanwhile the IDF are using quadcopter drones to shoot civilians as they attempt to return to Jabayla, perfectly normal behaviour.
Nikki Haley going full genocidal on this one, WTF is possibly the nicest expression I can muster at the moment, I’d prefer to see one of these go off in her face though.
This should be of similar effect to Jane Fonda manning an NVA anti-aircraft gun. But it won't be....

Egypt denies agreement with Israel to reopen Rafah border crossing: Report

An Egyptian official has denied that an agreement was reached with Israel to reopen the Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip, Egyptian TV has reported.
Quoting a high-level source, Egypt’s state-affiliated al-Qahera News TV said on Friday that “there is no truth” in media reports about an Egyptian-Israeli agreement to reopen the vital crossing to Gaza – the Palestinian side of which was taken over by the Israeli military earlier this month.
“Egypt insists on a full Israeli withdrawal from the crossing as a condition to resume its work,” the source told the channel, according to Germany’s DPA news agency.
Since the capture of the Rafah border crossing by Israeli tanks, Egypt had indicated it would not coordinate aid transports through Rafah until Israeli forces withdrew and returned control of the frontier to Palestinian authorities.

Egypt was the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel in 1979.
But, Israel’s war on Gaza has fuelled anti-Israeli sentiment in Egypt and ties are strained amid fears in Cairo that Israel wants to trigger a mass exodus of desperate Palestinians from Gaza into Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.


Israel ‘demolishing’ homes, public facilities in eastern Rafah neighbourhoods

Reporting from Deir el-Balah, central Gaza
The Israeli military has continued to bomb Rafah and push deeper into the western part of the city.
Eyewitnesses described seeing tanks and armoured vehicles, with artillery shells reaching as far as the tent camp for displaced people in the western part of the city, which is an evacuation zone.
As it stated, the Israeli military has full control over the Philadelphi Corridor and is now systematically demolishing homes in the eastern part of Rafah city.
The entire eastern part of Rafah, including the as-Salam and al-Jenina neighbourhoods, has been cleared of residential buildings and public facilities.


‘Absurd’ to say that Israeli operation in Rafah is limited: Doctor

Dr [James] Smith [from the UK working in Gaza] tells Al Jazeera that comments by the US State Department that the Israeli army is not conducting a major military operation in Rafah are “absurd”.
“We’ve had soldiers and tanks now reportedly pushing right over towards the coastline. For the last several weeks, I have watched air strikes, artillery strikes firing onto the shoreline from the Israeli naval warships that are positioned just off the coast,” he said. “There is nothing limited about the Israeli military incursion into Rafah.”
“We’ve watched over several weeks now a mass exodus of people, the forced displacements of more than 900,000 people out of Rafah fleeing some of the most grotesque and barbaric Israeli violence that we have seen since October of last year,” he added.

Scottish Labour's position on Gaza:


Dear Wulbert,

Thank you for your email regarding the situation in Gaza.

The people of both Israel and Palestine deserve peace, security and freedom. The scenes of death and destruction we witnessed on the 7th of October and the attacks on Gaza every day since have left us heartbroken.

We need the violence to end right now. The Labour Party is united demanding an immediate ceasefire, the immediate release of hostages, immediate aid for Gaza, and a road map to an enduring peace based on a two-state solution.

This must include the recognition of a safe and secure Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure state of Israel - the Palestinian claim to statehood is not in the gift of a neighbour. It is an inalienable right of the Palestinian people and the clear logic of any call for a two-state solution.

Hamas must be unequivocally condemned for the October 7th attacks and the targeting of innocent civilians. We must also be clear that Hamas is not representative of the Palestinian people and as such, the collective punishment of the Palestinian people cannot continue.

It is also important to separate the people of Israel from Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right government. The people of Palestine and the people of Israel are desperate for peace but they are being failed on both sides.

Ultimately there has to be accountability for how this war is being conducted, which is why we have called for the implementation of the ICJ’s provisional measures and supported the role of the ICC.

I hope this is helpful in outlining Scottish Labour’s position.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,
Neil Bibby MSP
Israel places a immovable obstacle in front of the latest ceasefire proposal. Let's suppose Hamas were to insist on Israel's destruction and dismantling of the apartheid structures as a precondition for talks. Reasonable?

Netanyahu insists on ‘Hamas destruction’ as part of Israeli plan to end war on Gaza

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists on Hamas’s destruction as part of an Israeli plan presented by US President Joe Biden to end the war on Gaza.
“Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: the destruction of Hamas’s military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” the Israeli leader said in a statement.


‘Major contradiction’ from the US and Israel on latest truce proposal

While Biden talked about Israel withdrawing from more populated areas of Gaza, Abdullah al-Arian, professor of history at Georgetown University, Qatar, says it isn’t known if there is an acknowledgement from the US that Israel will remain occupying parts of Gaza even after the ceasefire is reached.
“I think this is a major sticking point and one that Palestinians have continuously rejected that any part of Gaza should remain occupied,” he told Al Jazeera.
“There’s a major contradiction here and the fact that both the US and the Israeli side have said on the one hand, that they don’t want a future in Gaza in which Hamas has any kind of political role left.
“At the same time, this is an agreement that would have to be reached through negotiations with Hamas, so, how do you do that? How do you eliminate them as a political force and at the same time reach a negotiated solution that is agreed upon by all parties?”

It is reported that Xi Jinping is calling for a peace conference to end 'the tremendous suffering' in Gaza. That the war should not 'continue indefinitely' and that 'justice should not be absent forever'.
Comes to something when the leader of one of the worlds most repressive and near top of list of human rights abuses nations is calling for a halt to the killing.
Comes to something when the leader of one of the worlds most repressive and near top of list of human rights abuses nations is calling for a halt to the killing.
Whatever the faults of China's political system it is not bombing and starving civilians, nor supplying the weapons for that. But I agree it has 'come to something'.
Israel is the world's most repressive regime.
Whatever the faults of China's political system it is not bombing and starving civilians, nor supplying the weapons for that. But I agree it has 'come to something'.
Israel is the world's most repressive regime.
Not quite aure about that. Big supplier of military stuff to Russia, aren't they?
I never really gave them enough credit before - but apparently the IDF do care .. especially about dog-parents, surfers, and children flying kites:

Who knew.

