
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the deadly Israeli airstrike on a camp for displaced people in Rafah a "tragic mistake."

Sure, believe that and I have some Florida Real Estate for sale for you.

Tragic mistake my a$$, it was a deliberate attack on a defined safe zone, on the pretext of hitting two Hamas operatives. Israel cares nothing about Palestinian lives, be they men women or children. How many other innocents have been killed by 'tragic mistakes'

If these are indeed tragic mistakes then it shows the IDF to be totally inept, otherwise they are deliberate and war crimes.
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The Channel 4 Dispatches program ‘Kill Zone: Inside Gaza’ was a superb, powerful and very hard to watch piece of journalism. Finally some truth on mainstream UK TV.

Please watch it. Tell everyone you know to watch it. Do not flinch. Do not look away for a second. This may be the most important documentary of our lifetime. It shows what is happening. By showing reality it exposes lies.

Watching it now. It's unbearable. Israel's actions, and the failure of its allies to stop it, are going to fuel an entire new generation of terrorism.
My view is Israel is currently where South Africa was under PW Botha. A dead and obsolete structure that has no place in modern reality without total reform. It is speed-running its own decline by embarking on the most cruel racist brutality on a captive population imaginable. I doubt it will be recognisable in 10 years time.
It's a difficult one to predict. Depends on how long the US need a strategic ally / 'proxy' in the Middle East really. Given the uncertainty there ad the growing isolationist stance, it really would be hard to make any reliable projections on the future for Israel and its place in the world.
My view is Israel is currently where South Africa was under PW Botha. A dead and obsolete structure that has no place in modern reality without total reform. It is speed-running its own decline by embarking on the most cruel racist brutality on a captive population imaginable. I doubt it will be recognisable in 10 years time.
USA and UK were the last countries to oppose apartheid in SA. They are the last again for Palestine. Shame on us.
Mossad director Yossi Cohen personally involved in secret plot to pressure Fatou Bensouda to drop Palestine investigation, sources say

The former head of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, allegedly threatened a chief prosecutor of the international criminal court in a series of secret meetings in which he tried to pressure her into abandoning a war crimes investigation, the Guardian can reveal.

I'm completely convinced, that Mossad will have plenty of Kompromat on loads of western politicians.

That is, afterall, their job, and goes someway to explaining this weird support for Netanyahu, or at least, silence from people you might have expected to be more vocal.

Another hospital hit as Israel continues to pound Rafah

More on Israel’s ongoing attacks on the Tal as-Sultan area in western Rafah.
Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic are reporting that the Indonesian Field Hospital in the area has been hit as Israel continues to pound western Rafah. The attack caused damage to the hospital’s upper floors.
AJA correspondents also say medical staff and patients are trapped inside the facility as well as in the Tal as-Sultan clinic because of the intense attacks. Many Palestinian families have also taken shelter there.
Ambulances are also facing difficulties reaching the wounded due to the bombings.
The Indonesian Field Hospital is the latest medical facility in Rafah to come under attack. Earlier, we reported that the Kuwait Speciality Hospital has been forced to shut down after an Israeli attack just outside the building’s gate killed two medical staff and wounded many more.
Tal as-Sultan is the same area in Rafah where a tent camp for displaced Palestinians was attacked by Israel, leaving 45 dead, many of them women and children.


EU ministers discuss sanctions on Israel: Report

The European Union has for the first time discussed placing sanctions on Israel over its war on Gaza, Ireland’s Foreign Minister Micheal Martin said.
Martin said the imposition of EU sanctions was discussed as a possible measure to be taken if Israel does not comply with the ICJ’s ruling to halt its attack on Rafah, according to a report by Irish public broadcaster RTE.
Ireland would support sanctions, Martin suggested, according to the RTE.
“Certainly, if compliance isn’t forthcoming, then we have to consider all options,” Martin said, adding that it was the first time he had witnessed EU ministers hold “a significant discussion on sanctions”.
“Mr Martin said a number of foreign ministers had also raised the prospect of sanctions against Israeli officials who were aiding and abetting violent West Bank settlers,” RTE also reported.


We strongly denounce the Israeli airstrikes that hit a camp sheltering people on 26 May in Rafah.

After the attack, 180 wounded & 28 dead were recorded at the Trauma Stabilisation Point we support in Tal al Sultan, Gaza. Patients we treated had traumatic injuries & burns 1/3

Women & children were among those who were brought to the stabilisation point. Once again, civilians are paying the price of this war.

This Israeli attack on a populated camp in a so-called safe zone in Rafah shows the complete disregard for the lives of civilians in Gaza...2/3

This bloody attack comes just a few days after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to halt all military operations in Rafah.

We reiterate our urgent call for an immediate and sustained ceasefire. 3/3”

MSF International

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the deadly Israeli airstrike on a camp for displaced people in Rafah a "tragic mistake."

Sure, believe that and I have some Florida Real Estate for sale for you.

Tragic mistake my a$$, it was a deliberate attack on a defined safe zone, on the pretext of hitting two Hamas operatives. Israel cares nothing about Palestinian lives, be they men women or children. How many other innocents have been killed by 'tragic mistakes'

If these are indeed tragic mistakes then it shows the IDF to be totally inept, otherwise they are deliberate and war crimes.
The only mistake was in misreading the tea leaves. They didn't even use guided munitions apparently. It's backfired spectacularly in the wake of the ICJ ruling

Owen Jones on the utterly deranged atrocities committed by Netanyahu and his radicalised IDF thugs.

Our politicians are a total disgrace. They shame us all with their cowardice in the face of a racist apartheid genocide.

PS When I say ’cowardice’ in some cases it is actually closer to ‘gleeful support for butchering civilians’. Both main parties have actively enabled and facilitated these crimes against humanity.
These days the BBC is far too close to being a Conservative Party mouthpiece with many Tory activists in high-profile management roles. The Conservative Party actively supports this genocide. As sadly do much of Labour.

