
UK Election 2015 (part III)

Do you mean like thinking that Cameron is a c^^^ for wanting to axe The Human Rights Act?

You know, the international act that insists on the right to Free Speech.


Yes - as they say, it takes one to know one... :D

However, I disagree with axing the Human Rights Act and replacing it with a British Bill of Rights because the latter would be a home - grown worthless piece of paper subject to change by any government of the day who was irked by any restrictions it might impose on their authoritarian agenda.

We would also be one of two pariah states in Europe, the other being Belarus, Europe's only dictatorship.
You didn't appear to like it when I mentioned that you did seem to comply with the normal stereotype of taxi-driver politics.

That is stereotyping me as an individual. Defining mindsets without naming people doesn't do that.

I could choose to be one of those Internet trolls who give very little of themselves away and hide behind usernames like Zorg123.

There are plenty of those here.

I'm pigeon-holing again but I'm not naming names as, without checking, I don't think there is anyone who actually calls themselves Zorg123.

By identifying me with my chosen means of earning a living you are committing the logical fallacy of argumentum ad hominem.

That, I'm afraid, is your problem not mine.
any government of the day who was irked by any restrictions it might impose on their authoritarian agenda.

Looks like the current incumbents are going to dabble with the FoI Act to make it easier for ministers to veto publication of documents - was that in the manifesto, or is it an example of an authoritarian agenda?
Looks like the current incumbents are going to dabble with the FoI Act to make it easier for ministers to veto publication of documents - was that in the manifesto, or is it an example of an authoritarian agenda?

The last thing the Tories want is free speech and for the public to learn about what goes on behind the closed government and civil service doors.

They're doing this for good the workers of course. They don't want them confused and unable to toil maximum hours for the lowest amount of money.


Yes, I think that is exactly what Cameron would like. The problem is he is surrounded by backstabbers, who want to be the next leader of the Tories and potential PM.

Theresa May and Boris Bumhole Johnson are two of them.

Cameron has already snidely made it law for a government to be elected for 5 years. This could well backfire on him and the Tories, given that they have a small majority and are split over Europe and other issues.

Pride of place though must go to Gove, the new Justice Minister who wants to bring back hanging. What a nasty f***wit he is. Maybe he dreams of getting Cameron's neck in a noose.

By identifying me with my chosen means of earning a living you are committing the logical fallacy of argumentum ad hominem.

To quote your own words back at you "People object to being pigeon-holed in particular when they appear fit so snugly.".
Yes, I think that is exactly what Cameron would like. The problem is he is surrounded by backstabbers, who want to be the next leader of the Tories and potential PM.

Theresa May and Boris Bumhole Johnson are two of them.

Cameron has already snidely made it law for a government to be elected for 5 years. This could well backfire on him and the Tories, given that they have a small majority and are split over Europe and other issues.

Pride of place though must go to Gove, the new Justice Minister who wants to bring back hanging. What a nasty f***wit he is. Maybe he dreams of getting Cameron's neck in a noose.


I'm not keen on Gove (or hanging).

In fact, I dislike IDS and Gove more than I dislike anyone on Labour's former front benches with the exception perhaps of Mary Creagh.
Do you mean like thinking that Cameron is a c^^^ for wanting to axe The Human Rights Act?

You know, the international act that insists on the right to Free Speech.

That's not The Human Rights Act. And it doesn't insist on the right to 'Free Speech' anything like firmly enough. IMO.

The Human Rights Act puts the European Convention On Human Rights into UK law. I'm not sure what the point of it was other than to put public money into Cherie Blair's business. Perhaps you can enlighten us?

And, FWIW,

ECHR said:
Article 10 – Freedom of expression
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.

Knowledge is power.

To quote your own words back at you "People object to being pigeon-holed in particular when they appear fit so snugly.".

Except I don't. You are imposing this upon me and giving me no choice in the matter whereas I leave people to fall into a given category of their own choosing.

Taking the moral high ground is also what ultimately drives Labour governments to overspend. The moral argument always triumphs over the making of tough (spending) decisions.

Left-Wing politics is riddled with it although this is not to say that all left-leaning thinkers are so afflicted.
What is a loaf of old bollocks is the moral outrage expressed in place of reaasoned argument in order to justify it.

Which is exactly how the PFM Junta would look like to you if you were more left leaning than right leaning. You think you are being reasonable and objective but you are not and this effect is caused by your own beliefs.
Except I don't.

Drives a taxi: Tick
Tory or UKIP voter: Tick
Ultra far-right. Tick
Zero grasp of real economics: Tick
Appears to believe everything they read in the Sun/Telegraph/Mirror: Tick
Uses name calling/labels instead of proper argument (e.g. Politburo for anyone with even slight socialist leanings): Tick
Foaming at the mouth whenever traffic laws or cyclists are mentioned. Tick
Fun to poke a little bit then stand back and laugh at the senseless ranting: Tick

Needs a bit more overt racism to really round it out but the anti-Scottish stuff is a decent start.
The Politburo is whoever wants to be in it.

So who wants to be a member?

Say nobody admits to being in it where do we go? Does that mean it does not really exist? That would be blow as I might join when I see who else is a member as long as that Joe P isn't in it, he would join just to make silly jokes and not take it seriously.
Drives a taxi: Tick
Tory or UKIP voter: not a UKIP voter.
Ultra far-right. Nope, centre-right
Zero grasp of real economics: brave keyboard warrior, well 'ard! Anyway, left-wing economics is an oxymoron.
Appears to believe everything they read in the Sun/Telegraph/Mirror: The Mirror is a left-leaning paper. I also read the Guardian as well as the Telegraph.
Uses name calling/labels instead of proper argument (e.g. Politburo for anyone with even slight socialist leanings): Only those who take the moral high ground or wave race cards and polarise argument.
Foaming at the mouth whenever traffic laws or cyclists are mentioned. Hardly.
Fun to poke a little bit then stand back and laugh at the senseless ranting: not really reasoned argument is it, standing back making fog horn noises.

Needs a bit more overt racism to really round it out but the anti-Scottish stuff is a decent start.


Waving the race card is typical of a politburo member, as is the arrogance.

Regarding Scotland and Scots, I have nothing against the people or the country. The SNP are turning them into parasites though with their plans for devo-max and Barnett-max, such is the inflated sense of entitlement.

