
UK Election 2015 (part III)

You seem to have it in for the Politburo, but who is in the Politburo: Jack, Robert, Arkless (sometimes) and er Dec? One or 2 others. Must be bigger fish to fry.

The Politburo is whoever wants to be in it. It isn't for just anyone with left-of-centre views, it's for those who believe that not having left-of-centre views is downright immoral, evil, greedy and selfish.

It is about indignantly taking the moral high ground.

Evil Tory Scum!
The Politburo is whoever wants to be in it. It isn't for just anyone with left-of-centre views, it's for those who believe that not having left-of-centre views is downright immoral, evil, greedy and selfish.

It is about indignantly taking the moral high ground.

Evil Tory Scum!

Where would you be without your strawmen and invisible demons, Steven?

You could also make the case that pfm and social media are in general littered with right-wing twat-faced twats, but that wouldn't be helpful or advance any argument I'm trying to make.


You could also make the case that pfm and social media are in general littered with right-wing twat-faced twats, but that wouldn't be helpful or advance any argument I'm trying to make.


By making them out to be twat-faced twats you are kinda making my point for me. Insulting and abusing either side does not advance the debate but it seems to be a more common mode of attack from the Left who believe that they occupy the moral high ground and this justifies their bile.

I reserve my abuse for the knuckle-dragging UKIPpers as they rarely have any kind of coherent argument anyway.

Edited for Joe P. I could blame auto-correct for putting a space either side of the hyphen that I then have to correct.

I got "knuckle-draggers" right, though :D

You completely missed my point, as well as the hyphen between twat and faced. It's required grammatically because those words collectively modify twat.

Pfm and social media in general are littered with moral outrage posts.

The Politburo is a subset of those from the Left/Centre-Left. I don't think you are in it.

Why do you feel the constant need to label/pigeonhole everyone? Does it make life more simple for you?
Why do you feel the constant need to label/pigeonhole everyone? Does it make life more simple for you?

People object to being pigeon-holed in particular when they appear fit so snugly.

I define the mindset, I do not state whom it concerns. People choose to identify with it of their own free will.

If the cap fits....

I think you'll find that what people object to is lack of critical thought passing as critical thought.

Pfm and social media in general are littered with moral outrage posts.

The Politburo is a subset of those from the Left/Centre-Left. I don't think you are in it.

Seeing as you've decided to go into sneering patronising mode you might want to read this:

You seem to be confusing people with views you do not agree with with people who are rude or obnoxious and suggesting they are somehow correlated. I would suggest this effect is a result of your own views and biases rather than any actual reality regarding the population of PFM.

Which is why you misunderstood Joe's post and someone will probably be along shortly to talk about the PFM Junta and how they are all Tory scum.
Would you say that the author of this article was displaying an objectionable lack of critical thought passing as critical thought?

Well he said:

The threat of a Labour-SNP axis looming over the United Kingdom, placing the economic recovery in turmoil and risking disuniting our nation was enough of an impetus for me to encourage everyone I know to back the Conservatives. How could I not with 2 million more people in work, the deficit halved as a percentage of GDP, the economy growing, and real term wage increases again for workers?

which I would argue very much indicates a lack of critical thought.

I do agree the Left has it's fair share of idiots who talk what we might reasonably call a load of old bollocks, but then so does the Right. You can usually spot them as they go on (and on) about Socialism.
You seem to be confusing people with views you do not agree with with people who are rude or obnoxious and suggesting they are somehow correlated. I would suggest this effect is a result of your own views and biases rather than any actual reality regarding the population of PFM.

Which is why you misunderstood Joe's post and someone will probably be along shortly to talk about the PFM Junta and how they are all Tory scum.

I said one is a subset of the other.

A subset = not everybody.

The Politburo would be the authoritarian left who wave race cards, use expressions like 'Tory Scum' in earnest and try to stifle free speech. Membership is optional.
Well he said:

which I would argue very much indicates a lack of critical thought.

I do agree the Left has it's fair share of idiots who talk what we might reasonably call a load of old bollocks, but then so does the Right. You can usually spot them as they go on (and on) about Socialism.

He also said:

So, why is there such hesitancy among Conservative voters to support this record? The simple answer is that for many, particularly students like myself, it is still seen as taboo to support the Conservative Party. F**k Tories signs dotted across university, student unions dominated by the far left - who worry more about solidarity with Peruvian revolutionaries than they do about issues for students on campus - and being called a murderer for expressing  right wing opinions – all combine to make it feel as if the Left has a monopoly on university life.
I do agree the Left has it's fair share of idiots who talk what we might reasonably call a load of old bollocks, but then so does the Right. You can usually spot them as they go on (and on) about Socialism.

So do you think Socialism is a load of old bollocks?

So do you think Socialism is a load of old bollocks?


If I could answer that question, my answer is no, Socialism is not a load of old bollocks.

What is a loaf of old bollocks is the moral outrage expressed in place of reaasoned argument in order to justify it.

